My Soul Cries. Lisa Masoni

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My Soul Cries - Lisa Masoni

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had become tomato-like in the meantime.

      "Then look at it again, so I kiss," she replied in embarrassment.

      Simone did not believe what he heard, he had gone up in time on that train and he had what he wanted: the girl wanted that kiss, which of course did not hesitate to arrive.

      Simone and Emily kept walking until she got to the bench. There the two were now loose and, besides kissing and being embraced, Simone remembers when Emily received a message. It was Matteo who wondered what she was doing while she simply replied that she was with Simone. "Blow the metal boy" was Matteo's obviously irritated response. Simone had won.

      Back at home they continued to speak, at school they did the same but without any sign that they understood that they were actually a couple. But Emily asked, "Simo. We kissed, we were together that day and we just do what you say beautiful words. Only I did not understand if we are together or not !! "

      "Of course we are together!" Simone replied firmly.

      "But then are we together since 27 or today March 2?" She wanted to take off her last pebble from her shoe.

      "Of course, from 27," Simone confirmed, satisfied and finally happy.

      Simone and Emily finally joined their souls. And still today, fate keeps my mind, my days, and finally my memories, dropping in that number and phrase laughing in my face. Naturally.

      It took days to get full confidence that this was a great couple. Emily took care of Simone right away and vice versa Simone made for her.

      One day, while walking around the park, Simone revealed to his girlfriend a promise made to himself. "I've always been a disaster, I can never keep a serious relationship. But now, today, here in front of you I can say something that I am certain now. I want to stay with you and if I fall with you then I have failed with myself. "

      That promise Simone had well printed in his heart and mostly remained imprinted in Emily's mind.

      In the first period, as both attended the same school, they were always together. Simone then decided that it was right to introduce her his trusty friend Gonzalo and Emily chose to present in turn Giovanna and Alessandra, better known as the "Hollywood diva" to Gonzalo.

      Gonzalo, like a script, was fascinated by the beauty of Alessandra who in turn swore by holding any thought or emotion.

      After the classic handshakes, they decided to go out to make a chat before the end of the recreation.

      When the bell sounded Gonzalo spoke privately with Simone.

      "But did you see how beautiful that girl is there?" Gonzalo began the speech.

      "Eh, sure she is pretty." But now Simone had who to think about and he was completely lost for Emily.

      "She is in love, I intend to conquer her. You will see, I will, I will use the Gonzalo method. "

      In fact, Simone was lost and did nothing but think of his girlfriend but, in spite of everything, he did not escape the phrase "I'll use the Gonzalo method." That method consisted of adding the lucky on Facebook, waiting for her to accept friendship and then giving free vent to the romantic vein that Gonzalo had; He was only a few days old and he was happy to go to school, with the number of the girl who had somehow managed to have it after having been baptised.

      This time, Gonzalo had the fact that Alessandra was a girlfriend of Simone's girlfriend and so it was really a kid's play.

      One morning he came to school all singing and Simone understood, by now he knew his friend perfectly. There was only one element missing to be certain that he had been able to have what he wanted: if he had said to the class that that morning he would bring the churros - a typical sweet of his parts - to everyone, he was certainly gone smooth as oil. That morning he offered the whole class the "churros". Gonzalo went hungry, risking almost diabetes.

      After these two classic episodes of the "conquistadores" version of Gonzalo's mood, Simone wanted to know how this time she had made her fall at her feet.

      "Then, tell me! Do you have her number? "Simone asked curiously.

      "Of course, did you have any doubt? It was all too easy! "Agreed Gonzalo with a wink. The boy knew how to make us with the women who really interested him but he exulted too early this time, that diva was quite difficult to conquer.

      In the days that followed Gonzalo tried everything: go out with four with Simone and Emily, movie invitations and the more you put it. However, the diva did not seem so interested in Gonzalo.

      Obviously this for Simone's eyes was a scoop from the front page, no one had given the Argentine how little she was doing. Emily, to help her, decided to talk to her friend asking her if she felt something for Gonzalo.

      "What should I tell you? Yes, I'm nice, it's very nice but it does not tell me anything. He is not really my ideal boy! "Alessandra said, little enthusiastic.

      After having had the precious information, Emily passed the hot potato to Simone, which in turn told everything to her friend. Gonzalo did not give up and tried it all for a whole week.

      On 30 May 2010 it was Simone's birthday, he was 16 years old and he had not planned a party. This was what Emily thought of having prepared a surprise, calling all of her closest friends, including Alessandra and Gonzalo.

      Simone was exalted by the fact that someone had organized a surprise party, he had always wanted one. Emily, who had discovered this desire of Simone, did not hesitate to make him happy, but in that party there was to make another person happy, in fact two: Gonzalo and Alessandra.

      As they all danced, sang and ate, they completely lost the traces of Gonzalo and Alessandra who had finished out on the balcony to speak.

      The air was tight between the two but Gonzalo threw himself and asked the diva if she wanted to follow him out to talk.

      Simone worried, along with his girlfriend, went searching, saw them speaking in a dark corner on the balcony and he decided to listen to the speech without being seen.

      "By now I think you understand why I brought you out here and I think you have understood what my intentions are," Gonzalo began.

      "Yes, but look, I tell you right away: I do not want to have a relationship with you! I swear to you you are nice, sweet, affectionate but I prefer to have you as a friend, " Alessandra, said not a little embarrassed by the situation.

      "But why? Try at least, I can give you so much love! Try it, you will not regret it! "

      "No, let's stay friends! Please come back inside? " And these were the definitive words of the girl, there was no tripe for cats.

      For Gonzalo it was hard to accept that rejection. He who had never been rejected by anybody now had to live with that choice.

      In the following days there was a bit of detachment but time also solved that problem. The two remained great friends until they did not talk about it when she fell in love with a boy: the diva finally got engaged. One thought of someone coming to his beauty but everyone was disappointed to see that he was just the opposite of it. He was a very asocial and jealous guy, as high as a basketball player, with short hair and a face that was just like a lumpy fish.

      What a defeats hard to send down to Gonzalo! But destiny also took care of him, he did not leave him alone. Love would come to him too soon.


      I lost too many times in the sky. I remember the first time I came: I was thrilled to run on clouds like Heidi and I felt so young, wild and free. No one was telling me what to do, no one hindered me. I was only at first, but then the light came.

      Simone often looked at the sky, He liked to lose as he watched the clouds pass. It looked like sheep lost in search of her shepherd, and among them she could see her grandfather.

      It was March 2009 when the disease attacked him with presumption, like a spoiled child when he did not get his play. Humans, however, are not games and they are not even feelings.

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