Notes and Queries, Number 52, October 26, 1850. Various

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Notes and Queries, Number 52, October 26, 1850 - Various

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Mystery.—It may, perhaps, interest Mr. Sansom to be informed that the appearance described to him is mentioned as a known fact in one of the works of the celebrated mystic, Jacob Behmen, The Three Principles, chap. 19. "Of the going forth of the Soul." I extract from J. Sparrow's translations., London, 1648.

      "Seeing then that Man is so very earthly, therefore he hath none but earthly knowledge, except he be regenerated in the Gate of Deep. He always supposeth that the Soul (at the deceasing of the Body) goeth only out at the Mouth, and he understandeth nothing concerning its deep Essences above the Elements. When he seeth a blue Vapor go forth out of the Mouth of a dying Man (which maketh a strong smell all over the chamber), then he supposeth that is the Soul."

A. Roffe.

      Bradshaw Family.—There is a popular belief in this immediate part of the country, which was formerly a stronghold of the Jacobites, that no Bradshaw has ever flourished since the days of the regicide. They point to old halls formerly in possession of Bradshaws, now passed into other hands, and shake their heads and say, "It is a bad name,—no Bradshaw will come to good." I heard this speech only yesterday in connexion with Halton Hall (on the Lune); but the feeling is common, and not confined to the uneducated classes.

      Haigh Hall remains in the possession of the descendants of the family from which Judge Bradshaw was descended, because, so said my informant, the heiress married a "loyal Lindsay" (the Earl of Balcarras).

E. C. G.



      My signature Σ. having been adopted by another correspondent, I have been obliged to discontinue it.

      My other signature Φ., which I have used since your commencement, is in your last number applied to the contribution of another gentleman, although the same number contains two articles of mine with that signature.

      As this is palpably inconvenient, pray accept the following


      A contributor sending a Note or a Query,

      Considers what signature's better;

      And lest his full name too oft should prove weary,

      He sometimes subscribes with a letter.

      This letter in English or Greek thus selected,

      As his personal mark he engages;

      From piracy, therefore, it should be protected,

      Throughout all the rest of your pages.

      By a contrary practice confusion is sown,

      And annoyance to writers of spirit,

      Who wish not to claim any Notes but their own,

      Or of less or superior merit.

      I submit in such cases no writer would grumble,

      But give you his hearty permission,

      When two correspondents on one mark should stumble,

      To make to the last an addition.

      You are bound to avoid ev'ry point that distresses,

      And prevent all collision that vexes,

      Preserving the right of each collar of SS,

      And warding the blows of cross XX.


      Rollin's Ancient History and History of the Arts and Sciences.—It may be useful to note, for the benefit of some of your student readers, that the most procurable editions of Rollin's Ancient History are deficient, inasmuch as they do not contain his History of the Arts and Sciences, which is an integral part of the work. After having possessed several editions of the work of Rollin, I now have got Blackie's edition of 1837, in 3 vols. 8vo., edited by Bell; and I learn from its preface that this is the only edition published since 1740 containing the History of the Arts and Sciences.

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