Raging Hearts. Amy Blankenship

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Raging Hearts - Amy Blankenship

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those magical lips across hers in a kiss that took her breath away. As soon as she started to respond to the kiss, he released her and she looked up to see his eyes darkening to a deep gold.

      "Why are you doing this, Kyou?" She asked in a shaky voice. "You don’t even know me really, much less like me. You even tried to kill me when I first came here with the guardian heart crystal. You said I was nothing but a human and unworthy. So why are you doing this now?"

      In an instant, Kyou had her, lifting her up to eye level. "If I wanted you dead… then you would be dead."

      Kyoko could feel her heart thudding against her chest. She looked into his normally emotionless eyes and thought she saw a flicker of emotion but he quickly hid it.

      Pulling her further into his arms Kyou chastised, "Don’t presume to know how I feel." He skimmed his lips across her cheek as he pulled her deeper within his thrall. He would fan the flames that were buried with her until she couldn’t take it anymore. "Soon you will see just how much a guardian can love."

      With that, he took her lips in another kiss that set her soul on fire with want… or was it pure need? He released her lips and with one hand stroked her cheek with feather light touches.

      Kyoko was stunned that such a powerful guardian lord, capable of killing so many could be so gentle. When had she started looking at Kyou in a different light? She glanced up at him questionably, wondering what had changed him.

      "What is it you want from me, Kyou?" She asked in a whisper.

      Threading his fingers through her hair, Kyou gripped a handful and placed his cheek next to hers, whispering in the shell of her ear. "Everything that is you I will have."

      His breath was so hot against her skin and it felt so good. Kyoko closed her eyes and sighed.

      A hint of a smile appeared to grace Kyou’s lips as he watched her close her eyes but his smile faded when he caught the scent that was coming closer. He sat her down on the edge of one of the surrounding stones. Without another word, Kyou left her sitting there in bewilderment knowing Toya would fine her while she craved him.

      Kyoko was still in a daze when Toya stepped into the clearing. He gave a low growl as he watched a show of golden feathers rain down around her. Setting his sights only on her, he slowly approached. She looked like she was half asleep. Toya narrowed his eyes at the sky above him in warning. Kyou was playing a dangerous game here and he didn’t like it.

      He knew Kyou was only taunting him by coming and going as he pleased. He understood why Kyou wasn’t threatened of him being around Kyoko. Tadamichi had tried to get Hyakuhei to share the priestess so long ago and Toya knew that was also Kyou’s reasoning, but he didn’t want to share Kyoko with him or anyone else. And he didn’t think that Kyoko would go for it either.

      â€œI loved her first,” Toya confessed softly, knowing she was past hearing him at the moment. “Kyou and his damn enchantments.” He reached out to touch her cheek but before reaching its goal, his hand fisted and lowered.

      Instead, he reached out for Kyoko's pack then helped her down from the rock. Taking her by the hand, he led her toward the camp without a word being spoken between them. Soon, Toya thought, very soon they would have to talk… and this time she would listen to every damn word.

      Chapter 6 "More Than Jealousy"

      Kyoko still felt like she was in a trance but the feelings she was having were so nice, she really didn’t mind. What was Kyou doing to her? It’s like… little by little he was building up to something much bigger, getting her ready for something. Either that or he was putting her in heat.

      Kyoko glanced down at her hand. They were holding hands? She followed the arm with her gaze up to the face of Toya. Toya was holding her hand? She smiled. Then thought lamely to herself, 'when did he show up?’ Shaking her head to clear away any remaining fuzz, she glanced at Toya in confusion. His eyes looked a bit softer than before… and worried.

      "Toya, what’s going on? Why do I feel like I’m coming out of a heavy fog or something?” When he didn’t respond, Kyoko pulled back on her hand so that Toya either had to let go or answer her question.

      Keeping his back to her, he let go of her hand and took another step but the next step faltered. "Kyoko, I think we should wait to have this conversation." Toya didn’t turn around to say it. He didn’t think he could look her in the eyes right at this moment as he noticed her sudden shift in moods.

      He needed to talk to her about him and his overbearing brother but right now, as high as his jealousy was, he wasn’t sure he could control himself. "Come on," Toya tried to sound annoyed with her so she wouldn’t push it.

      Kyoko didn’t want to give up that easily, after all… it was her they were discussing and she needed answers. Last thing she needed was to make a fool out of herself again and not even know about it. "Toya, why is Kyou after me?"

      She spoke the words softly but they rang in Toya’s ears like a well-placed threat. He growled silently at the thought of Kyou wanting Kyoko and she was just standing there waiting on him to answer her.

      Unable to fight the need thumping under his skin, Toya turned around and pulled her into his warm embrace… then, just as quickly, he let go of her, taking a step back and hanging his head in silent defeat.

      â€œDo we have to talk about this right now?" Toya glanced up at her, only to swiftly look away from her curious gaze.

      Kyoko sighed. "This is what I was afraid of, you jerk. You can’t even look me in the eyes anymore. You hated the kiss so much that now you don’t want anything to do with me, right?" she balled her fist up at her sides and lifted her chin up a notch to show defiance. "Well, I don’t care what you think of me. Just because you didn’t like kissing me, doesn’t mean others won’t…"

      Before she knew what happen, she was crushed in Toya’s arms and his lips were taking hers fiercely. She dug her fingers into his hair in an effort to keep her weak knees from buckling under her.

      He wanted her, frighteningly so at times. Toya tried to get himself back under control. It was just that when she’d mentioned others liking her kiss, it made him want to make her forget the other kisses. He released her lips, their eyes locked in a silent war and a wave of possessiveness rushed through him.

      "Kyoko, I do like your kisses." His gaze dropped back to the pink lips he’d just let have their freedom.

      Kyoko felt her heart strain toward Toya, needing him. No matter what, she could never stay mad at him. She searched his golden gaze seeing the silver glittering there, trying to fight for dominance but something was needling her senses… telling her they weren’t alone.

      Toya felt Kyoko tense up and thought it was because he had told her he liked her kisses until he felt her lean and look behind him. He let go of her, turning quickly, not knowing what to expect.

      Shadows within the darkness took shape with distorted movements. "Shadow demons? Here?" He whispered. Just as he said the words, the shadows begin to flee as if taunting him to follow them.

      "Go back to the camp with the others where it’s safe." He pointed in the direction of the camp then took off through the forest not wanting to lose them. He could only sense two of them but it was still not a good sign that they’d been spying on Kyoko. It made him wonder if Hyakuhei was closer than they all thought him to be.

      Kyoko didn’t have time to say anything before he vanished from sight so she took off in the direction of the camp, thinking maybe he didn’t want to be around her. After all, it was only a couple lowborn shadow demons and in such a small number they were virtually harmless.

      â€œThat’s fine!” Kyoko quietly ranted. “Just fine… The next time he even thinks of kissing me I’m gonna deck him.” She pasted a smile on her face as she walked into camp.


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