A Guardian's Possession. Amy Blankenship

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A Guardian's Possession - Amy Blankenship

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      Toya knew his brother was stronger but still… he had no right to take her. He could read the odd desire in Kyou's eyes as he looked at Kyoko. "What do you think you are doing? Damn it! Just give her back to me… I have always protected her." He waited as his brother just stared at him.

      Kyou could feel what his brother could not. The evil was closing in on them in the form of Hyakuhei and his minions. This would be another lesson for his dear brother to learn the hard way.

      Toya released his pent up breath as his hands tightened into fist at his sides. "What are you thinking Kyou? She is our priestess!" Still not getting a response Toya whispered, “I thought you said humans were beneath you… why did you do… that?”

      Kyou’s face remained calm and his voice softened for a fleeting moment as if talking to a wayward child, “If you take your eyes from her then she will be taken away from you. You brother, do not know the meaning of true protection.”

      Kyou had already turned his attention back to the limp girl in his arms. His brother loved her but had never told her, how ironic. She loved his brother but… he intended to steal that love. He wanted it… craved it and would not be denied it.

      His golden orbs turned back to Toya as his voice hardened. "Hyakuhei’s near… can you not feel him? She would have been in danger. You left her untouched, unmarked, unprotected, and alone… waiting for him. I will not make the same mistake."

      Toya watched as the shadow of Kyou’s golden wings shimmered to life, destroying the barrier that had surrounded them the second the powerful feathers touched its surface. He screamed in denial as Kyou disappeared with Kyoko in his tight embrace. The sound ricocheted, leaving nothing behind but the roar of the storm that still raged across the forest.

      He knew he had failed her for now, but he would find a way to free her from his brother. Kyou was right for scolding him for his lack of surveillance over Kyoko, but to kiss her… touch her like that… then take her from his protection. Why?

      Toya’s blood boiled as the echo of Kyou’s threat resounded within his mind. “Unmarked?” He prayed Kyou didn’t mean that he would take Kyoko as his mate just to protect her. Toya growled at the very thought.

      â€œNo way!” He shouted at the now empty space. He was the one always by her side, not Kyou. Kyou hated humans and had never showed any interest in Kyoko. Why would he suddenly do something so rash? The very air surrounding Toya became alive with suppressed fury as his guardian powers rose dangerously with his anger.

      â€œKyou damn it! I won’t allow it!" Toya’s voice could be heard throughout the forest.

      Chapter 3 “Descending Darkness”

      Shinbe landed behind Toya having arrived just as Kyou and Kyoko vanished. The others descended behind him as they watched Toya’s powerful aura expand around him in florescent blue waves.

      Kamui’s face showed the shock from what he had just witnessed as the purple highlights within his untamed hair rustled from the winds of Toya’s outburst. His eyes seemed to change color with every confused heartbeat that followed. “Kyoko?” his voice sounded breathless as his bottom lip quivered in rebellion. Glittering multihued dust fell from his translucent wings as he lifted them in one mighty stroke intending to give chase to the one who had taken Kyoko from them.

      A flash of lightning silhouetted the dark wings of the enemy as he shimmered to life right in Kamui’s path. Hyakuhei’s long midnight hair lifted in the current caused by his sudden descent. His ebony eyes locked with Kamui’s causing the guardian to jerk back in his headlong rush to rescue Kyoko.

      â€œPoor child… have you lost something?” Hyakuhei’s voice held a note of concern but his ebony eyes gave his true intentions away. Drifting forward, he reached out to touch Kamui’s pale cheek, only to laugh when the guardian shot back several feet to avoid the contact.

      â€œAlways so skittish.” Ignoring the other guardian’s still on the ground, Hyakuhei stalked the sparkling eyed boy as he retreated, “Come now Kamui, how will you ever truly beat me… if you do not have your priestess with you?” He knew the boy’s fears better than anyone. His lips hinted at a sadistic smile. After all… he was the one who had taught Kamui all those fears.

      Kamui nearly choked on the panic that was rising higher by the moment. Seeing the monster in front of him was almost as bad as sensing the hidden monster inside… the dream demon. He could feel it there in front of him behind the face of his enemy, memories of nightmares he had long since buried came back to haunt him as he fought the urge to flee the man before him.

      Feeling Kamui’s terror flood the area Shinbe shouted, “Leave him alone, traitor!” Raising his staff, he used his telekinesis to send an onslaught of rocks and earth at their uncle to distract him long enough for Kamui to escape.

      With a wave of his hand, Hyakuhei created a barrier for the projectiles to harmlessly bounce off, his black eyes turned to the amethyst guardian in anger. “Do not interfere with something you have no knowledge of dear nephew.”

      Kamui dropped to the ground, landing on his feet as he pushed the dark memories back hoping they would stay hidden for a while longer. They were his secrets to keep and keep them he must. Kamui blinked… his eyes turning back to their normal glittering state. He would never remember what Hyakuhei dared him to remember… he glanced back at the other guardians wishing the lie were true.

      Toya had seen enough and he snapped. With speed faster than the human eye could detect, Toya seemed to disappear and reappear behind Hyakuhei. Wrapping his arm around the enemy’s neck in a death hold he growled, “And what the hell do you think you can do about it… dear uncle?”

      Hyakuhei’s eyes became slits as he realized Toya’s anger had released the power that equaled his own. Seeing that Kamui had escaped his reach for now, he smiled deceivingly. “How do you intend to stop me when you can’t even protect one small girl? You have already lost.”

      He knew he could still torture the priestess with the seductive memories hidden deep within the dreams. The dream sprite would see that they stayed linked. Sooner or later… she would come to him willingly. Kyou would not have her for long. Even now he could feel her sleeping… waiting for him to join her in her dreams.

      With a wicked laugh, Hyakuhei’s body vanished leaving Toya to once again scream in rage.


      Darkness surrounded Kyoko in its murkiness and somehow she knew she was once again asleep. Reality faded into the background and she cringed inwardly, knowing the dream had found a way to continue. She tried to fight it… to wake up so it couldn’t reach her but the lull of the dream world was too strong.

      Time and space had no meaning as the dream became real to her. Kyoko felt warm, almost too warm and the sensation was making it hard for her to wake up. She struggled to try to shake the darkness that left her so weak and lost. Moving her fingers beside her, she felt the softness of fur. She became aware enough to realize that she was lying on some kind of pelt.

      Opening her eyes, she looked at a stone ceiling and let her vision trail across it to the stone walls that surrounded her. She was in a cave of some kind. Light flickered in all colors around her from a small fire that was only about ten feet away. It was truly breathtaking as only the dream could be.

      She tried to sit up but instantly regretted the movement, lying back as slowly as she could. Her head hurt and she was weak… as if all the strength had just been zapped from her. What had happened?

      Her lips parted as the memories started coming back to her. This time she sat up quickly not caring about the pain, still she held her head in her hands hoping to steady her vision.

      It looked like she was deep within the earth because of the crystal formations

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