Vampire Gemini. Amy Blankenship

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Vampire Gemini - Amy Blankenship

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eyes fluttered closed, and she swallowed the moan that threatened to surface. This wasn’t the first time Tasuki had managed to steal a kiss from her… but he’d never been this passionate before. She whimpered when his tongue brushed against her lips… then slowly pushed past them.

      Tasuki did moan, tasting the sweetness beyond Kyoko’s lips. His arms slid around her small waist, lifting her up just a bit, keeping her trapped between himself and the car. He pressed his leg harder into the apex of her thighs and rocked against her. Tasuki was elated when Kyoko returned the kiss with a passion that rivaled his own.

      Kyoko felt one of Tasuki’s hands move up her side to her shoulder, and bury itself in her auburn hair. At the moment, she was glad her grandfather wasn’t coming to pick her up because she never wanted the kiss to end. Not for the first time, Kyoko was tempted to let Tasuki take her home… with him.

      She almost suggested it herself when he ran his hand down her leg and wrapped it around her knee… jerking it forward so he could press himself harder against her core.

      How would it feel to wake up next to Tasuki first thing in the morning? Would he smile at her latest fashion of bed head? Would he make her breakfast in bed before ravishing her again? There were so many questions that Kyoko was very, very tempted to learn the answers to… just another reason she was considering going home with him.

      Just as she struggled to get even closer, the eerie sensation that they were being watched shivered its way up her spine… making her pull away from Tasuki’s dominating lips. She had to push against him to be able to slide down his leg and stand on her own. The action wasn’t without repercussions however, as it sent shocks of sensations up and down Kyoko’s body.

      For a moment they remained close with their foreheads pressed together… trying to catch their breath. She closed her eyes wondering if his thighs were throbbing as hard as hers.

      Her voice was shaky, and she had to try twice before she could say the damning words. “Go home Tasuki, I’ll be okay.” She saw the expression on his face and almost changed her mind. However, she needed to stick to her guns… “I promise!”

      Tasuki gritted his teeth to keep from begging, as he reigned in his emotions. He knew they had taken another step tonight in the direction he wanted, so instead of taking it as a loss, he knew it was a victory. “Fine, but next time I will be the one who takes you home.” Of course his idea of taking her home landed her in his bed… not hers.

      Kyoko backed up under the light of the street lamp in plain sight as Tasuki hesitated, then started to walk toward her. He paused, as if fighting a silent war within himself but when Kyoko smiled and shook her head, he fisted his hands at his sides and started back toward the car.

      Wondering at the tightness in his chest, Tasuki glanced worriedly over his shoulder at her.

      His amethyst gaze glowed in the dim light causing something to stir in Kyoko’s heart. She knew he was confused but she couldn’t do anything about it tonight… not without putting them both in danger. She smiled brightly and waved at him, telling him she would be fine.

      Making up his mind, Tasuki returned the smile. He got in his car and drove past her, honking his horn in farewell as he went. He felt the cold fingers of dread gripping his heart, and knew if he didn’t circle back around… didn’t watch over her… that somehow she would slip away.

      Her smile slowly faded as she watched his car turn the corner. Standing very still, Kyoko flexed her hand slowly making a fist and releasing it. A small spirit dart appeared and disappeared within her grip. This weapon was the only thing that could keep them safe.

      She had refused Tasuki’s offer to take her home for a reason… ever since they had come out of the library, something had been watching her from the shadows. She could feel its eyes on her now, leaving her cold. She growled at herself for letting Tasuki distract her like that. She blamed herself… not him.

      Tasuki had been helping her fight the demons almost as long as she’d been fighting them. They had even bought him a weapon awhile back and it seemed to suit him well. She had taught him many moves that helped during a fight, but still… if he got hurt, it would be her fault.

      She had lied to Tasuki saying her grandfather would be there any minute to pick her up. The truth was her grandfather wasn’t coming at all. But if she hadn’t sent Tasuki home, then the demon would have found them in a compromising position and killed them both… and the more her feelings grew for Tasuki, the less she wanted to risk him getting hurt.

      She knew he would stay with her and fight. But lately she’d had recurring nightmares about Tasuki being bitten by one of the monsters, and it robbed her continuously of sleep. Kyoko didn’t think she’d be able to live with herself if Tasuki became one of them … because then she’d have to kill him… right?

      Inhaling softly, she started walking in the direction of her house… knowing it would take at least an hour to get there. Whatever was stalking her, she hoped it wouldn’t wait that long to show itself.

      After walking a couple of blocks without being attacked, Kyoko started to get annoyed. She even flipped her hair over one shoulder to expose her neck like a dinner plate… hoping the demon would hurry and make its move because she was tired, and wanted to go home.

      Tasuki had probably already called to check on her… or at least she hoped he had. She had a flashback of being between his car and his body… making her groan in frustration. She was going to kick this demon’s butt for interrupting her, if it ever got around to attacking.

      Her walk took her down another neighborhood street, and she heard a dog growling deep and low from somewhere close by. Her lips thinned, knowing dogs hated vampires. They probably hated them because if a vampire couldn’t find a human to feed from, then the dog would suddenly make the menu. Her teeth clenched when a high-pitched sound followed the growl… the same sound you hear when a dog gets injured really badly.

      The sound made her stop… and Kyoko felt cold knowing the poor thing was dead.

      She frowned as she kneeled down and placed her books on the ground pretending to tie her shoe. “Come on already,” She added like the statement was directed at the shoestring she was jerking on.

      The demon would probably come from behind her because most of the vampires she had fought were cowards by nature… and didn’t want to give their victim a fighting chance. That’s why she made a good target with her petite figure and her 110 pounds… if she had been a normal human girl, she wouldn’t stand a chance.

      She rolled her eyes when nothing happened. Standing up, Kyoko turned full circle trying to find her target… and flinched when she spotted him. She stared across the street into a shadow, where a small boy stood staring at her. The lifeless dog lay at his feet. The child’s skin and hair were white as snow, but even from this distance she could tell his eyes were solid black.

      How unusual… most vampires looked exactly like humans. That was what made them the most dangerous out of all the demons that secretly roamed the earth. This boy didn’t look human at all. As she watched him, she was caught between the sadness of one being turned so young… and the knowledge that it no longer mattered.

      Yuuhi locked eyes with her… almost wishing he were the one who was going to drink her. He liked the pretty ones. He called to his half-breed children, wondering how long she would last against them. He inhaled but couldn’t find the scent of fear that normally heated his cold blood. He did however find her scent to be a mixture of purity and danger… and wondered at it. Yuuhi watched as the vampires under his thrall came from the shadows behind her.

      Feeling a tingle of warning sweep across the back of her head, down her neck and spine, Kyoko swung around knowing it had been a setup to get her attention and sure enough… she was surrounded. She’d been waiting for a vampire, not three…

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