Blood Rain. Amy Blankenship

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Blood Rain - Amy Blankenship

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too good for him to be hanging out in here.

      With a frustrated sigh, he spun on his heels and left the bathroom in quick strides. He needed to distance himself from her nakedness so he could think clearly. He came to a stop in the middle of his bedroom when he noticed Storm, who was casually leaning against the bed post with a couple of shopping bags at his feet.

      â€œI’ll make this quick because in just a few minutes, she is going to come out of there butt naked and blaming you.” Storm smirked, knowing his friend was having a hard time. It seemed neither one of them was having a good day but Ren's was about to get a lot shorter.

      â€œThen by all means hurry up before I teleport your slow ass out of here myself,” Ren stated, returning the smirk, which quickly died on his lips when he realized just how Storm would know that Lacey would emerge naked. He tilted his head seeing the blood pooling in Storm's ear when the Time Walker looked away from him.

      â€œShe will need these,” Storm said, indicating the bags before vanishing.

      Knowing Storm was evading the tongue lashing he’d been about to give him didn’t help Ren's mood in the least. What the hell was Storm doing that was making him bleed? He stalked over to glare down at the bags seeing the clothing inside. The sight made him remember the fact that she was at the moment wearing only water.

      He slowly glanced back at the door that separated them wondering if he shouldn’t just leave the clothes right where they were.

      Lacey's heartbeat was still racing as she lathered up and scrubbed at her fevered skin in quick, almost painful movements. She was mad as hell and, oddly enough, still highly aroused, which was just pissing her off more. Hell… the pain from scrubbing too hard was even feeling good.

      This was Ren’s fault. She was positive that it had been his sexual need that she’d been leeching off of in the office just then. The craving had been so strong that she could taste it. There was also no mistaking the fact that he’d been turned on when he’d backed her up against the desk like that… the huge bulge in his pants made it undeniable.

      How dare he preach control to her when she’d just watched him lose control at The Witch’s Brew only a little while ago? She closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip trying to suppress a moan when that little memory sent a bolt of white hot heat straight down her abs to thump hard against her core.

      Damn him. She wished it worked both ways so she could pay him back for the sexual frustration she was experiencing. The soapy rag paused just under her breasts, as she stilled. Maybe it was a two way street. He siphoned on others emotions so who was to say he wouldn’t feel her arousal right now… especially if she magnified it on purpose. No hot blooded woman in her right mind was above masturbation if left without any other options.

      Her shoulders slumped wondering why she was trying to pick a fight with the man that had saved her life just a couple hours ago. Granted, he was bossy and could be a real jerk but that wasn't all there was to him and she knew it. She slowly reached out and turned the cold water on, raising her face to meet the chilly spray.

      Ren opened his eyes when he felt her arousal fade, only to find himself with his hand already gripping the bathroom doorknob. He knew damn well he would lose this little battle of wills with her if she emerged naked as Storm had suggested. He swung around and glared at the bags of clothing Storm had brought for her.

      Lacey shivered and turned the water off before glancing up at the wet dress Storm had given her. No way was she wiggling back into that thing. The way she looked at it, only two things could happen if she walked out of here in the buff… she’d either get laid or he would sling some oversized clothes at her.

      She could already imagine his expression and smirked, wondering why it was that every time she decided to be a good girl, fate would present the perfect opportunity for her to be very bad.

      Stepping out of the shower, she frowned seeing several shopping bags sitting on the long marble sink. It only took a moment to shift through the contents and come to the conclusion that this was exactly what she would have bought if she’d done the shopping herself.

      Her lips parted as it dawned on her just who had stopped her from preforming the streak in front of Ren. She hurriedly stepped into her clothes figuring if Storm wanted her dressed then there was probably a very good reason for it. Finally dressed and feeling a little more in control, she glanced in the mirror seeing the door behind her and her thoughts instantly went back to the man who was waiting just on the other side.

      She really needed to stop pressing his buttons like that. Besides, it wasn’t a whole lot of fun since he had a way of winning every single argument. The sudden cold shower had been a little heavy-handed but she wasn’t stupid… she’d felt the heat of his anger as soon as she’d teased him. She thought back to her exact words.

      â€œSince you’re the one who gave me the power to accidently set myself on fire like this… do you want to be the one to help me extinguish the flame, or do I need to find someone else who is willing to be my firefighter.”

      She’d only said it that way in self-defense since he’d turned her down the first time she’d wanted to have sex with him. But in all honesty… she had also been half joking, hoping he would agree to be her firefighter. Vincent had always taken her teasing in stride and even teased back, but she understood it was because they were friends more than true lovers… she would have to keep that in mind.

      Ren had given her a part of himself to save her life and she could feel the strong bond that now tethered them together… closer than she and Vincent had ever been. She wanted only Ren and she could tell he wanted her too… his possessiveness of her had made that loud and clear. She took a deep breath then fluffed her hair up deciding if she wanted him then she would just have to seduce him until he couldn’t take it anymore. Blowing herself a kiss in the mirror, she turned and headed for the room that had the big bed in it.

      Her theory of needing to be fully clothed was proven right when she stepped out of the bathroom only to see Ren's bedroom disappear from around her.

      Chapter 4

      Angelica slipped through her bedroom door and quickly shut it behind her. Sliding the lock in place, she leaned her forehead against the thick wood wishing it was made of something stronger… titanium maybe.

      Releasing a heavy sigh, she frowned and stepped away from the door, staring at the lock like it was her only hope. In a way it was. That little lock was the only thing between her and the craving she had to see Syn now that he wasn't here watching her… stalking her.

      Lifting her hand, she rubbed her right temple in furious little circles trying to piece together the fact that she had just ran away from the man… or whatever he was, only to now miss him so much that her chest was actually aching.

      â€œI don’t need anyone,” Angelica reminded herself but her fingers paused in mid circle. She jerked her hand down from her temple tasting the lie within the words. Considering she felt the withdrawal symptoms, she might as well label him as what he was… an addiction.

      Slowly backing further away from the door, she closed her eyes allowing her thoughts to deepen. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to see that Syn was messing with her mind and God help her if she wasn’t beginning to second guess herself. It was a dangerous line to cross because if she dared… there would be no turning back.

      They shouldn’t be partners… why hadn’t Storm foreseen this? All Syn had done down in that tunnel was make a fool out of her. It wasn't like he really needed a partner when all he had to do was place a damn barrier around the exits and the job was done.

      The memory came back to haunt her like a vivid nightmare. Down in the tunnels under the museum… she’d felt an intense feeling of claustrophobia wash over her as the ceiling of the tunnel suddenly rumbled and cracked. It was an ominous sensation to realize she was standing in her own grave.


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