365 Luncheon Dishes: A Luncheon Dish for Every Day in the Year. Unknown

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365 Luncheon Dishes: A Luncheon Dish for Every Day in the Year - Unknown

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with Bread Sauce

      Stuff the pigeons with ordinary force meat. Roast and serve around a pyramid of baked tomatoes, and serve with the following sauce.

      Sauce.—Simmer three small onions, sliced, in ½ a pint of milk for an hour. Take out the onions, put in grated bread, a small lump of butter, pepper, salt, a dessertspoonful of chopped parsley, 1 chili and 1 anchovy (washed and boned) shredded fine. Make it the consistency of bread sauce.

7.—Oyster Chartreuse

      Boil and mash fine 6 potatoes, add a cupful of milk, salt and pepper to taste, a little butter, and the whites of 4 eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Have a plain mould well buttered and sprinkle the bottom and sides with bread crumbs. Line the mould with the potatoes and let stand for a few minutes. Put a slice of onion and 1 pt. of cream or milk to boil. Mix two tablespoonfuls of flour with a little cream or milk, and stir into the boiling cream. Season well with salt and pepper and cook eight minutes. Let the oysters come to a boil in their own liquor, skim them out and add to the cream, take out the piece of onion. Season and turn carefully into the mould. Cover with mashed potato, being careful not to add too much at once. Bake ½ an hour. Take from the oven about ten minutes before dishing and let it cool a little. Then place a large dish over the mould and turn out carefully. Caution should be taken that every part of the mould has a thick coating of the potato, and when the covering is put on, no opening is left for the sauce to escape.

8.—Potatoes au Gratin

      Slice eight boiled potatoes, and put a layer of them in a buttered baking dish; make a white sauce with 1 tablespoonful each of butter and flour and a cup of milk; season with cayenne and salt; cover the layer of potatoes with a layer of sauce, and so continue until the dish is full. Sprinkle the top with bread crumbs and grated cheese; bake about 20 minutes.

9.—Mutton Kidneys

      Cut some mutton kidneys, open down the centre, do not separate them; peel, and pass a skewer across them to keep them open, season and dip them in melted butter, broil over a clear fire, doing the cut side first; remove the skewers; have ready a little butter mixed with some chopped parsley, salt, pepper and a little lemon juice and a dash of nutmeg; put a small piece of this butter in the centre of each kidney and serve hot.

10.—Beefsteak and Kidney Pudding

      Cut 2 lbs. of round steak into small pieces and slice one beef kidney. Line a deep dish with suet crust, leaving a small piece of crust to overlap the edge, then cover the bottom with a portion of the steak and kidney, season with salt and pepper, then add more steak and kidney, season again. Put in sufficient stock or water to come to within 2 inches of the top of the dish. Moisten the edges of the crust with cold water, cover the pudding over, press the two crusts together that the gravy may not escape and turn up the overhanging paste. Steam for 3 or 4 hours.

11.—Hot Pot

      Cut nice pieces of cold pork and put them into a deep pan. (If there are bones put them on to simmer and make a gravy, if not, use stock.) Parboil some potatoes and onions, cut them into rather large pieces and mix them in well with the meat, season with pepper, salt and a little sage, and add the gravy. Put a layer of potatoes on the top and brown in the oven.

12.—Lobster Patties

      Mince the boiled lobster meat, add to it 6 drops anchovy sauce, lemon juice and cayenne to taste and 4 tablespoonfuls of béchamel sauce. Line patty pans with light paste. Stir the lobster mixture over the fire for 5 minutes and put in the cases.

      Béchamel Sauce.—One small bunch of parsley, 2 cloves, small bunch of herbs, salt to taste, 1 cup white stock and 1 cup of milk, 1 tablespoonful of arrowroot.

13.—Curried Fowl

      Chop fine pieces of cold fowl, and brown 2 onions in 2 ozs. butter, add 1 teaspoonful flour, 1 dessertspoonful curry powder, 1 tablespoonful lemon juice, ½ pint gravy, season with salt and pepper. Stew 20 minutes.

14.—Minced Collops

      Mince very fine 1 lb. of beef, 1 onion, 2 ozs. suet; add a little flour, pepper and salt. Stew half an hour, stirring frequently.

15.—Crescent Croquettes

      Roll some light pie crust very thin and cut in half moons. Chop beef or mutton very fine, add a little summer savory, parsley, salt and pepper. Lay some of this between two layers of paste. Egg and bread crumb them and fry in boiling fat for ten minutes.

16.—German Way of Cooking Chickens

      Stuff the chickens with a force meat made of French rolls, a little butter, egg, finely-chopped onion, parsley, thyme, and grated lemon peel; then lard and bread crumb them, putting a piece of fat over the breasts that they may not become too brown. Place them in a stewpan with 1 oz. of butter, leave uncovered for a short time, then cover and bake about 1½ hours. Half an hour before serving add a small cup of cream or milk and baste thoroughly over a hotter fire.

17.—Breast of Lamb Broiled

      Heat and grease a gridiron, broil a breast of lamb first on one side, then on the other. Rub over with butter, pepper and salt. Serve on a hot dish with mint sauce.

18.—Onion Soup

      Simmer 2 finely minced onions for ¾ of an hour in a qt. of stock. Rub through a colander and put back again on the stove. Stir 2 tablespoonfuls each of flour and butter together until smooth; add to the soup. In another saucepan heat a cup of milk and a pinch of soda, add this to the stock, beat in the white of an egg, season with salt and pepper, and minced parsley.

19.—Saratoga Corn Cake

      Sift together 2 cups of pastry flour, 1½ cups of granulated yellow corn-meal, ½ a cup of sugar, ½ a teaspoonful of salt, and 1 teaspoonful of soda. Beat 2 eggs without separating, add 2 cups of thick sour cream or milk, and three tablespoonfuls of melted butter, and stir into the dry mixture. Beat thoroughly and bake in a large shallow pan for 25 minutes.—Janet M. Hill, in "Boston Cooking School Magazine."

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