You Can Conquer Cancer: The ground-breaking self-help manual including nutrition, meditation and lifestyle management techniques. Ian Gawler

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You Can Conquer Cancer: The ground-breaking self-help manual including nutrition, meditation and lifestyle management techniques - Ian  Gawler

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we become more mindful. As our mindfulness develops, the stillness naturally reveals itself. We rest in open, undistracted awareness.

      Here is the “script” we can learn to lead us through mindfulness-based stillness meditation:

      The Mindfulness-Based Stillness Meditation—Main Practice

      Take a few moments to adjust your body . . . and then, when you are ready . . . relax into your posture . . .

      Now, let us begin by letting go of what we have been doing recently . . . and bringing our attention more particularly to this present moment . . .

      To do this, it may help to bring the focus of our attention to the breath for a few moments . . . to simply be aware that as we are breathing in, we are breathing in . . . and as we are breathing out, we are breathing out . . .

      And as you do bring your attention more particularly to the breath . . . you will probably notice that as you do breathe out, there is a natural feeling of relaxing a little with the outbreath . . . of letting go a little . . .

      Breathing out . . . and letting go . . . relaxing . . . releasing . . . letting go . . .

      Feeling it deeply . . . completely . . . and feeling it all through the body . . . and the mind . . . it is a good feeling . . . a natural feeling . . . just going with it . . . calm and relaxed . . . calm and relaxed . . . going with it . . . quite effortlessly . . . effortlessly . . . letting go . . .

      And just allowing your breath to take up whatever rhythm feels comfortable for you at the moment . . . breathing out . . . relaxing . . . releasing . . . letting go . . . breathing out, and the breath becoming longer . . . finer . . . subtler . . . then a pause . . . and simply allowing the breath to come back in of its own accord . . . quite effortlessly . . . effortlessly . . . going with it . . . relaxing . . . releasing . . . and feeling the ease of it all . . . the ease of it all . . .

      And now, it might help to take your attention to that point between the eyes, a little into the forehead . . . and notice there what is like a still, quiet center . . . a point of stillness . . . and relax your eyes . . . and soften your gaze . . . and hold your attention lightly, on that point of stillness . . .

      And if you do notice any sounds coming to your awareness . . . just let them come when they are ready . . . and go when they are ready . . . a bit like white clouds, drifting across a blue sky . . . they just come when they are ready . . . go when they are ready . . .

      Holding your attention lightly on the stillness . . . and simply letting go . . . letting go . . .

      And if any sensations in your body do come to your awareness . . . just the same . . . just simply notice them . . . free of any judgment . . . free of any reaction, or commentary . . . and feel the letting go . . . your body relaxing . . . and releasing . . . holding your attention lightly on the stillness . . . and simply noticing whatever may come to your attention . . . simply being aware . . . a gentle focus on the stillness . . . and letting things come when they are ready . . . go when they are ready . . . letting go . . . letting go . . .

      And if you do notice any thoughts coming to your attention . . . just the same . . . just let them come when they are ready . . . go when they are ready . . . gently holding your attention on the stillness . . . and feeling the ease of it all . . . the ease of it all . . . just simply letting go . . . letting go . . .

      And then it is almost as if you can merge into that stillness . . . relaxing . . . releasing . . . simply resting in the stillness . . . aware . . . free of any judgment . . . free of any commentary . . . and feeling the ease of it all . . . the ease of it all . . . just simply letting go . . . and resting in the stillness . . . quite effortlessly . . . effortlessly . . . letting go . . . letting go . . .

      LONG GAP—for your meditation

      And if at any stage you do notice your mind wandering or becoming distracted . . . as soon as you become aware of that . . . gently bring your attention back to that point of stillness . . . relaxing . . . releasing . . . just going with it . . . melting . . . merging . . . simply resting in the stillness . . . quite effortlessly . . . effortlessly . . . letting go . . . letting go . . .

      LONG GAP—for your meditation

      That’s good . . . good . . . good . . . When you are ready now . . . just let your eyes gently open once again.

      Meditation Conclusion

      The aim of our meditation is to relax deeply and to rest in the balance of deep natural peace. In any given session of meditation, we do the simplest things that will help us to this end. So if we need to, it may be wise to start by taking the time to go through the complete progressive muscle relaxation exercise. But if we have practiced enough and it works for us, it may be enough to simply take a deeper breath or two and feel the body relax quickly and deeply.

      Once we feel the body to be relaxed, we become more mindful. We notice whatever does come to our awareness, free of any judgment or commentary. We just allow things to come when they are ready, go when they are ready, and we remain in undistracted awareness.

      As time goes on a deeper stillness becomes apparent. Sounds may come and go, thoughts may come and go. They do not disturb us. We rest in deep, natural peace. And as we do so, there is the knowing that we are in a state of deep, natural balance. And the healing flows.

      Happy meditating. Happy healing.

       Chapter 7

       Mind Training 1

       Positive Thinking: The Conscious Mind at Work

      It was Henry Ford who said, “Whether you think you can or you think you cannot, you are right!”

      What is the most important thing when it comes to any treatment you may be considering, whether it be a medical or a nonmedical treatment? Clearly, it is your mind, as your mind will decide whether you agree to that treatment or not. Your mind will decide whether you continue with the treatment or cease it. Further, your mind has the very real potential to significantly influence the outcome by reinforcing or sabotaging the treatment.

      What is the most important thing when it comes to the food you eat? Clearly it is the mind, as it is your mind that will decide what you eat and how much you eat, as well as what you drink, and whether you exercise along with that.

      Clearly, the mind is responsible for the choices we make, the knowledge and experiences we remember, the habits and the beliefs that shape our lives. However, everyone who has studied the mind, from the ancient mystics to the modern neuroscientists, says we use barely a fraction of our mind’s potential. In these next three chapters we will learn how to train the mind and how to activate its potential for restoring health and for maintaining well-being.

      To provide some structure and so that we can understand the various aspects of the mind and their potential for healing, here is an outline of what we will cover:

      The Four Ways in Which the Mind Influences Healing

       1. Consciously—Via Positive Thinking

      We will learn that positive thinking is about making good decisions and following them through. Positive thinking recognizes that it is the mind that shapes our world through the choices it makes. Our health and our healing, in fact all that we do, will be dramatically affected by whether we make constructive or destructive decisions, and whether we follow through on those decisions or not.

       2. Unconsciously—Via Our Habits and Belief Systems

      i) The beliefs we hold have the potential to significantly influence the outcome of everything we do. We will examine the powerfully positive placebo response and the incredibly

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