Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle. Leah Fleming

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Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle - Leah  Fleming

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they watched Derek’s match, Kevin found his eyes drawn to Pearl. When Derek or his opponent took a punch, instead of jumping up and baying with the crowd, the girl covered her face with horror.

      When he’d followed her outside and issued the veiled threat, she had looked at him like a frightened rabbit caught in headlights. Her eyes were amazing and as she stared up at him, he enjoyed seeing her fear. She was a timid little creature who seemed incapable of standing up for herself. In fact, she was the complete antithesis of his mother, and for the first time he could see why Derek was attracted to her.

      Kevin continued to watch Pearl, seeing her growing distress when Derek sustained a nasty cut above his eye. Christ, what on earth did she see in him?

      The two heavyweights continued to lumber around the ring, sweat pouring from their bodies, and with only one round to go, both men looked exhausted. They came together, clinging to each other like two bulls locked in an embrace, the referee once again shouting, ‘Break!’

      Dick Smedley hissed, ‘I think our bets are safe. I reckon Derek will win on points.’

      ‘Yeah, he’d better,’ Nobby said. ‘I stuck four quid on him instead of a horse.’

      The round came to an end, and as a small stool was quickly put in Derek’s corner, he slumped onto it. His face was sponged, the cut attended to, and after the referee took a quick look at it, he signalled for the match to continue.

      Aware that this was the last round, both boxers put in a bit more effort, and there were flurries of punches. Derek was obviously trying to protect his cut, his gloved hands high over his face and body leaning forward as he stalked his prey. He managed to land a good few punches, but the other boxer remained on his feet until at last the bell rang.

      Both boxers went to their corners, but remained standing, and a hush descended on the crowd as the points were counted.

      ‘I wish they’d get a bloody move on,’ Nobby hissed.

      The result! And as the referee raised Derek’s arm in victory, cheers rang out.

      Kevin found himself watching Pearl again, and as she stood up he saw tears running down her cheeks. She looked up at Derek as he came to the ropes to grin down at her, blood now oozing from the cut.

      Kevin scowled, surprised to find himself suddenly jealous. But why? The skinny cow wasn’t his type. He liked his women to have a bit of shape.

      ‘Come on, let’s go. We’ll collect our winnings and then have another drink,’ Nobby urged.

      Kevin nodded, but his thoughts were still distracted as he followed his two mates. What would sex be like with Pearl Button? Would she let him dominate? Of course she would – the timid little cow would be too scared to put up a fight. He found himself hardening at the thought. He wouldn’t have to pay her either. Pearl was one he could have for free, and maybe, just maybe, he might sample the goods.

       Chapter Eleven

      On Sunday evening, Pearl looked up at her ceiling, puzzled. Mr Bardington seemed to be pacing back and forth, and had been doing so for over an hour. At first she tried to ignore it, but now it was driving her mad. Thump, thump, thump, his heavy footsteps unrelenting.

      She couldn’t sketch, it was impossible, and throwing her pad aside she decided to have a bath. She rarely used the room, preferring a strip wash to the brown, stained, roll-top bath, but maybe soaking in nice deep water might relax her.

      Pearl had a lot on her mind. There was the anxiety that Alice Freeman might be taking her tips, but worse, the veiled threat Kevin Dolby had issued. It had forced her hand, making her decide to take things further with Derek. Though she didn’t like his looks, she felt safe with him and knew she would have no need to fear Kevin Dolby, or anyone else, whilst he was around.

      She crept upstairs, clutching her towel and wash things. The bathroom didn’t look inviting, the distempered walls grey and flaking, but she locked the door behind her and turned on the taps.

      With her eyes closed, shutting out the ugly room, it was nice to lie back in the water, letting it trickle over her shoulders. At last she couldn’t hear Mr Bardington pacing. There was a faint sound of music now, something classical, and Pearl luxuriated in the peaceful solitude.

      The water was tepid, refreshing, but finally Pearl climbed out, towelling herself vigorously. She was perching on the edge of the bath, drying her feet, when the door handle turned. She froze as it rattled again, but finding her voice she called, ‘Who’s there?’

      ‘It’s Trevor Bardington. Sorry, I didn’t realise someone was in there.’

      ‘I’ve nearly finished and it’ll be free in a few minutes.’

      ‘Right, thanks,’ and as she heard his footsteps retreating, Pearl dressed quickly.

      She scooted out, but as her eyes flicked along the landing there was no sign of the man. Soon she was back in her room and, throwing on pyjamas, scrambled into bed. Yet why was she frightened? Mr Bardington had only tried the door – he hadn’t forced his way in. Pearl turned, clutching her pillow. It was Kevin’s threat that was making her jumpy and more than ever she felt alone, vulnerable, in these almost empty premises.

      It was after midnight when Kevin, Nobby and Dick walked quietly to a nearby street, pleased to see the van parked in the usual spot.

      ‘There’s nobody about,’ Nobby said.

      Dick scratched his chin. ‘It won’t take long to open that door.’

      ‘Come on then, let’s get on with it,’ Kevin said impatiently. He didn’t like standing around and was nervous of being seen. The sooner they got into the van and drove off, the better.

      Dick, skilled at the task, soon had the door open, and in another few minutes Kevin had hot-wired the van, the engine coming to life.

      ‘Jump in the back, Dick,’ he hissed as Nobby climbed hurriedly into the passenger seat.

      Kevin took as many backstreets as possible, finding his mouth dry as they drew up outside the warehouse. The premises were in darkness and Kevin twisted round in his seat to speak to Dick.

      ‘Are you sure about the alarm?’

      ‘As sure as I can be.’

      Nobby climbed out. ‘Come on, Dick. We’ll cut the padlock and open the gates. When that’s done, Kevin, you can drive in.’

      Kevin waited, finding his hands sweating as he gripped the steering wheel. The two men made light of the lock, and soon the metal gates were swinging open. With a look in his rear-view mirror, Kevin drove into the grounds, pulling up in front of the loading bay.

      Dick walked up the ramp, inspecting the alarm box high on the wall. ‘I hope that bleedin’ ladder’s long enough,’ he mumbled before bending down to his bag of tools.

      Nobby struggled to get the ladder off the van. ‘Give me a hand, Kevin.’

      As soon as they’d placed it up against the wall, Kevin returned to the van, ready for a quick getaway if anything went wrong.

      Dick climbed the ladder and then Kevin watched as he placed a small torch between his teeth, leaving his hands free to work on the alarm box.

      Kevin’s tension eased. Dick seemed to know what he was doing. He removed the cover, carefully handing it down to Nobby before reaching inside the box. Then suddenly a deafening, clanging racket pierced the silence.

      Kevin froze momentarily, but then in panic he gunned the engine to life, eyes on stalks as he screamed, ‘Come on, let’s get out of here!’

      Dick slid down the ladder, grabbed his tools, and then both men scrambled for the van.

      Nobby just about managed to leap into the passenger seat as Kevin screeched

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