Hebrew Daily Prayer Book. Jonathan Sacks

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Hebrew Daily Prayer Book - Jonathan  Sacks

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the redeemed people praised Your name at the seashore. Together they all gave thanks, proclaimed Your kingship, and declared:

       And firm: This blessing, joining the Shema to the Amidah, goes back to Temple times. The Sages emphasised that there must be no separation between the last words of the Shema, “I am the LORD your GOD” and the first word of the prayer, “True and firm”, or between its last words, “who redeemed Israel”, and the beginning of the Amidah (Berachot 14b, 9b). The connection between the two is redemption, the theme of this blessing. The Shema ends by speaking about redemption in the past. In the Amidah we pray for redemption in the future. Connecting past and future is “truth” – our faith in GOD and in His covenant with us.

       “The LORD shall reign for ever and ever.”

      Congregants should end the following blessing together with

      the Leader so as to be able to move directly from the words “redeemed Israel”

      to the Amidah, without the interruption of saying Amen.

       Rock of Israel! Arise to the help of Israel. Deliver, as You promised, Judah and Israel. Our Redeemer is the LORD of hosts; His name, the Holy One of Israel. Blessed are You, LORD, who redeemed Israel.

      The following prayer, until “in former years”, on page 97, is said standing with feet together

      The Amidah is first said silently; then, if there is a minyan, it is repeated aloud by the Leader.

      Take three steps forward. At the points indicated by bend the knees at the first word, bow at the second, and stand straight before GOD’S name.

      O LORD, open my lips, so that my mouth may declare Your praise.


       Blessed are You, LORD our GOD and GOD of our Fathers, GOD of Abraham, GOD of Isaac and GOD of Jacob; the great, mighty and awesome God, God Most High, who bestows acts of lovingkindness and creates all, who remembers the lovingkindness of the Fathers and will bring a Redeemer to their children’s children for the sake of His name, in love.

      Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, add:

      Remember us for life, O King who desires life, and write us in the book of life – for Your sake, O GOD of life.

      King, Helper, Saviour, Shield: Blessed are You, LORD, Shield of Abraham.


       You are eternally mighty, LORD. You give life to the dead and have great power to save.

      From after Simchat Torah until Pesach, add:

      He makes the wind blow and the rain fall.

      He sustains the living with lovingkindness, and with great compassion revives the dead. He supports the fallen, heals the sick, sets captives free, and keeps His faith with those who sleep in the dust. Who is like You, Master of might, and to whom can You be compared, O King who brings death and gives life, and makes salvation grow?

      Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, add:

      Who is like You, compassionate Father, who remembers His creatures in compassion, for life?

      Faithful are You to revive the dead. Blessed are You, LORD, who revives the dead.

      When saying the Amidah silently, go to “You are holy” on page 81.


      During the Leader’s repetition, the following is said standing, with feet together, rising on the toes at the words indicated by :

Congregation then Leader We will sanctify Your name on earth, as they sanctify it in the highest heavens, as is written by Your prophet, “And they [the angels] call to one another saying:
Congregation and Leader Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of Hosts the whole world is filled with His glory”

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