10 Minutes In The Morning: Yoga and Diet Plan. Barbara Currie

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10 Minutes In The Morning: Yoga and Diet Plan - Barbara Currie

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       Extra Help

       There is a huge temptation to bend forwards in this movement to get your hand further down the leg. Please don’t. Keep your body straight and look forwards. The slow careful movement is excellent for toning and slimming your midriff and waistline.

      3 Rishi’s posture

      This movement is brilliant for releasing deep-seated tension and rebalancing the lower back. I really recommend it for people with lop-sided jobs (such as a dentist) or people who play imbalanced sports such as tennis or golf Gardeners can also find it really helpful to release the tension resulting from being in awkward positions for a considerable length of time. It will tone and firm your midriff, waistline, bottom and thighs and keep your back in great condition enhancing its flexibility. It relieves tension from the chest and firms your jaw and throat.

       Stand straight with perfect posture, your feet 3 ft apart with your toes facing forwards not outwards.

       Lift your arms straight up in the air as you inhale.

       As you exhale with your back flat and legs straight, move forwards to your own maximum position without strain.

       Slide your right hand to your left leg, grabbing it wherever it is comfortable, but don’t bend your knees. Eventually your aim is to place your right hand under your left foot.

       Lift your left arm in the air; now slowly and carefully turn your body so that you are looking at your left hand.

       Hold this position for a count of 5, breathing normally, then slowly lower your arm and relax forwards.

       Now repeat to the other side, sliding the left hand on to your maximum position on your right leg and lifting your right arm in the air. Hold for a count of 5 then slowly lower your arm and let your body relax

       in its maximum forwards bend. Hold this position for a count of 5, breathing normally.

       Grab your legs and gently, keeping your back straight, draw your body inwards towards your legs.

       Inhale deeply and lift your head, then slowly return to an upright position and stretch your arms up above your head.

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