20 MINUTES TO MASTER ... NLP. Carol Harris

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20 MINUTES TO MASTER ... NLP - Carol Harris

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      A major feature of NLP is the speed with which it can produce results. Many NLP techniques are extremely rapid in their application (the most famous probably being the ‘fast phobia cure’, which can successfully be carried out in a matter of minutes). Because of the speed of such processes, many people do not believe they can really work and are therefore sceptical about NLP as a whole. Current thinking, however, is that the brain works (and learns) speedily and therefore change can be brought about rapidly. This is in contradiction to many traditional approaches, especially that of psychoanalysis, which maintain that lengthy courses of treatment – often running into years – and taking people back into the past, instead of having the future focus that is characteristic of NLP, are necessary to bring about insight and change.

      It Is Neutral as an Approach

      NLP as an approach is neutral. It is a tool, not a prescription. How NLP is used depends entirely on the practitioner and the user/client. There are as many ways of using NLP as there are people working with it.

      It Is Respectful in How It Treats People

      An interesting thing about NLP is that one of its principles involves respect for others; its importance is instilled from the early stages in training. Because of this, attention is paid to what is termed ‘ecology’, which in NLP means the circumstances surrounding any particular intervention. To be ecological means considering the broader context of an intervention, paying attention to the needs and wishes of the person/s with whom you are working, taking into account their point of view as well as your own beliefs about what is desirable. This emphasis on ethics makes NLP stand out from many other disciplines.


      Another feature of NLP is its ‘presuppositions’. These are statements which are not necessarily held to be ‘true’, but used as assumptions which influence strongly the behaviour and responses of those using NLP. Here are some of NLP’s commonest presuppositions:

      Experience Has Structure

      There are patterns to how we think about/organize our experience, and if we change these patterns, our experience changes with it.

      A Map Is Not the Territory

      People’s perceptions are subjective; what you perceive is selective, not a complete, or necessarily true, account of reality. So, for example, a colour-blind person would not perceive certain distinctions in colour, but this does not mean they do not exist. Similarly, a person might construe another’s behaviour as malevolent, but this might not be the case. We see and respond according to our own selectively filtered ‘maps of the world’ and helping people understand theirs, and acknowledge those of others, is a feature of NLP.

      The Mind and Body Are One System

      What we do with our minds and our bodies is interlinked. For example, sitting in a particular posture can lead us to feel a particular emotion; similarly, a positive thought will have an effect on our physiology. There is currently much emphasis on the interrelation of mind and body on health (for example the use of visualization in helping fight cancer) and the field of PNI (psychoneuroimmunology) is demonstrating such links on an ongoing basis.

      People Work Perfectly

      Instead of thinking of people as faulty because they do not do what seems to be appropriate, conventional or effective, it is useful to think of them as being extremely effective at getting particular results, even though these results may not be the ‘best’ in the circumstances. So, for example, someone who has a phobia, say of spiders, is excellent at maintaining a frightened response; this may be inappropriate for house spiders, but could be a real help in keeping away from poisonous spiders in a tropical country.

      If Something Is Possible for One Person It Is Possible for Everybody

      This does not mean that everyone can be an Olympic athlete, brain surgeon or artist; it simply means that if something can be done by one person, then potentially everyone could do it, given suitable resources. This presupposition is helpful in encouraging people to extend their performance beyond what they might previously have believed possible.

      Everyone Has All the Resources They Need

      People have within themselves a vast reservoir of ‘internal’ abilities and attributes; achievement is generally more about what you bring to a situation than external elements.

      There Is No Failure, Only Feedback

      If you do not achieve what you set out to, this can be taken as useful information to help you in your future endeavours, rather than as evidence that you are incapable of achieving what you desire.

      If What You Are Doing Isn’t Working, Do Something Else

      Flexibility is a key to effectiveness; if you vary what you do until you get a result, you are more likely to be effective than if you continue to carry out behaviour which is not getting you to where you want to be.

      You Do the Best You Can at the Time

      Although, with hindsight, many things could be done differently, we can only make the best choice at the time. This does not mean that we always make the ‘right’ decision; simply that decisions are based on ‘best guesses’ at the time. (‘New code’ NLP might take a different view of this and help us listen more to our ‘body signals’, but more of that in Chapter 3.)

      Every Behaviour Has a Positive Intent

      Even the most negative-seeming behaviour is done for a purpose. This is a useful assumption to make when dealing with others, as it enables you to consider why they behave as they do, to explore their real needs and, possibly, to find alternative ways of meeting them.

      The Meaning of the Communication Is the Response You Get

      It is the perception of the receiver that determines the effectiveness of interaction, not the intention of the initiator.

      Almost all the presuppositions have been debated at length, for example the proposal that all behaviour has a positive intent, or the fact that what is possible for one person is potentially possible for all. However, the point of the presuppositions is to enable people to extend themselves and to perceive opportunities and benefits in situations. By acting as if the presuppositions were true, it is amazing what can be achieved.


      Where did NLP come from? Many of the ideas used in NLP originated in much earlier times. Certainly many of the concepts were known about decades ago and some were mentioned, although in very different terminology, centuries ago. There are, however, a number of specific connections between NLP and other established disciplines, in particular the following:

       Applied psychology: It is easy to think of NLP as a branch of applied psychology. To label it in this way is really to diminish its impact, as it goes beyond the bounds of traditional psychology, but it is probably a good initial way of considering it. One explanation of how NLP goes beyond conventional psychology is as follows: ‘While traditional clinical psychology is primarily concerned with describing difficulties, categorizing them, and searching for historical causes, NLP is interested in how our thoughts, actions, and feelings work together right now to produce our experience.’ (Faulkner) There is also a link with psychometric testing (and some Jungian ‘traits’) in the use of one of the NLP language patterns called Meta-Programmes (see Скачать книгу