A Mind of Your Own: The Truth About Depression and How Women Can Heal Their Bodies to Reclaim Their Lives. Dr Brogan Kelly
Читать онлайн книгу.detoxification represents our most primal and most powerful tool for healing. We also need to identify vulnerabilities and chemical exposures and support basic cellular function, detoxification, and immune response. This is, ultimately, personalized medicine.
To me, the worst part of the misguided mess we’ve made of mental health care is that we are missing out on the potential for true resilience and self-healing. Safe, effective alternatives to help us through these passages in life do indeed exist. Perhaps most concerning to a holistic physician is data that suggests that long-term antidepressant treatment actually compromises the benefits of exercise!69 The effects of exercise have been shown to be comparable to Zoloft but can be diminished when combined with Zoloft; patients relapse at higher rates than they do with exercise alone. I’ll be going into much greater detail about exercise in Chapter 7, and I’ll share why I think this is the case. Exercise is an antidote to depression best used without antidepressants.
Mental health will always be grounded in whole body health. When you discover the real imbalances underlying all your symptoms—physical and mental—and take steps to address them, you can restore your health without resorting to problematic drug treatments and endless psychotherapy.
The next question to answer is: What kind of “imbalances” come under the veil of depression? We’ll find out in the next chapter.
What Gut Microbes and Silent Inflammation Have to Do with Mental Health
Depression is often an inflammation-driven condition, not a neurochemical deficiency disease.
The most powerful path to our brain—and peace of mind—is through our gut.
Pick up any health or diet book published recently and you’ll likely read about the ills of chronic inflammation and the blessings of the human microbiome. The two have been the science buzzwords of late, and for good reason. These concepts reflect the zeitgeist of the modern patient because we have reached a point in our collective evolution where our health is being outpaced by lifestyles that are not aligned with how we are biologically designed to live. We are idle when our bodies want to move, we eat foods that are unrecognizable to our systems, and we expose ourselves to environmental factors that assault our cells. This incompatibility is creating serious internal conflict and driving rampant levels of chronic inflammation like an alarm that won’t shut off.
Inflammation is often described as underlying virtually every chronic condition and illness, from obesity, heart disease, and diabetes to degenerative illnesses including dementia and cancer. I’ve already mentioned inflammation dozens of times already, because science is telling us that depression is also an inflammatory condition. In this model, depression is a general fever that tells us little about what is actually causing the body to react and protect itself in this way. The body is “hot,” and we need to understand why. Depressive symptoms are merely the manifestation of many downstream effects on hormones and neurotransmitters, but if we were to swim up to the source, we would find a river of inflammatory markers coursing by. The source itself may be a single culprit, such as a dietary ingredient to which the body adversely reacts or a collection of culprits that have indirect effects on the internal workings of the brain because of their impact on the immune system and stress response. In fact, the relationship between depression and inflammation is so compelling that researchers are now exploring the use of immune-altering medications to treat depression.1
Researchers are desperately searching for the next frontier because the current model is in crisis. As you have seen, modern psychiatry has served as a repository for the diagnostic and therapeutic limitations of conventional medicine. When a patient’s symptoms of malaise, “brain fog,” lethargy, inattention, insomnia, agitation, and flat mood slip through the cracks of the discrete territories of specialty medicine, the patient is referred for psychiatric treatment. When she is treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), statins, acid blockers, antibiotics, and birth control pills, the effects of these medications are poorly grasped by prescribers, complaints are dismissed, and she is again referred for psychiatric care. What happens when psychiatric care itself is predicated on medication treatment, with placebo-driven short-term effects and worse functional outcomes in the long term? Perhaps it is time to acknowledge the failures of this paradigm.
Now that the scientific literature has demolished the serotonin model of depression, it can no longer stand on its own, and throwing more and more medications at a perceived false target is doing more harm than good. It’s fitting that psychiatry would follow the investigative path of other chronic diseases such as arthritis, asthma, certain cancers, diabetes, autoimmunity, Alzheimer’s disease, and heart disease—all of which can be the result of lifestyle barbs that drive inflammation.
Today the concept of psychoneuroimmunology has supplanted the myopic serotonin premise in the primary literature.2, 3 This new model reveals the interconnectedness of multiple systems—the gut, brain, and immune systems—and takes us out of a one-gene, one-ill, one-pill narrow perspective. The field of psychiatry has known about the role of the immune system in the onset of depression for nearly one hundred years. But only recently, thanks to better technology and large, long-term studies that reveal the impact of the relationship between immunity, inflammation, gut flora, and mental health, have we really begun to understand the relevant connections.4
Given our new awareness of the complexity of these connections, including the role of the microbiome, biology as we know it must come under revision, especially when applied to its direct human application in medical interventions. No longer can we say “she was born with it”—the dismissive meme that dominated a large part of twentieth-century medicine. Nor can we say that the same exposure causes the same illness in all people. According to conventional medicine, different genetic problems or infectious exposures cause different diseases for which there are distinct, one-pill solutions. And out of that “broken and vulnerable body” theory came the “me versus the microbial world” mentality. René Dubos, the famous microbiologist and early pioneer in the developmental origins of health and disease as well as the one to develop the first clinically tested antibiotic, warned us of the dangers of classical germ theory half a century ago:
[M]an himself has emerged from a line descent that began with microbial life, a line common to all plant and animal species . . . [he] is dependent not only on other human beings and on the physical world but also on other creatures—animals, plants, microbes—that have evolved together with him. Man will ultimately destroy himself if he thoughtlessly eliminates the organisms that constitute essential links in the complex and delicate web of life of which he is a part.5
Awareness of the role of microbes in our day-to-day life has brought us to a radical new understanding of the indelible fusions between the functions of the gut and brain. In fact, the role of the brain-based immune system has only been elucidated in the past ten years, and while many questions remain, the facts are swiftly building up to make an incontrovertible case against pharmaceuticals and for wholly natural approaches to wellness. In the words of Drs. Paula Garay and A. Kimberly McAllister of UC Davis, who address so-called immune molecules (the cells and their substances that respond to internal and external threats):
. . . the sheer number of immune molecules that could be important for nervous system development and function is staggering. Although much progress has been made in the past 10 years in our appreciation that immune molecules play critical roles in the healthy brain, the large majority of immune molecules have not yet been studied for their presence and function in the brain. For the immune molecules that we know are important, almost nothing is understood about their mechanisms of action.6
Why hasn’t this message made it to those who still believe we can safely manipulate human behavior through psychotropic drugs or that we shouldn’t be concerned about the