A Mother’s Gift: Two Classic Novels. Josephine Cox

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A Mother’s Gift: Two Classic Novels - Josephine  Cox

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much of a life to look forward to. But that was the life she had been given and it was up to her to do the best she could with it. And she would, for what other choice did she have? She knew she should never have given in to Edward’s wiles, should have kept herself pure for marriage, but somehow she’d never met the right man when all her schoolfriends did, and in her mid-twenties had felt like an elderly spinster. And oh – how Edward’s caresses had thrilled her, and made her lose her head, heart, and virginity too. Oh well. It was true, the old saying that there was no use in crying over spilled milk – that was for sure. And now it was very unlikely that she would ever find a decent man who was willing to take both her and Jamie on …

      As she walked into the homely kitchen, Lucy was astonished to see the family standing round the table, waiting for her; Ronnie, she noticed, had taken time to tame his unruly hair, Thomas gave her a welcoming wink, and Susie was quietly smiling.

      Barney and his wife were standing together, he with his arm round her and she so content beside him. ‘Come in, my love!’ She ran to greet Lucy, and as she led her and Jamie across the room, she said, ‘Look. I’ve made the table pretty for you.’

      Overawed by what they had done, Lucy looked at the table and wiped away a tear. It was laid as if for a banquet. Normally the table was simply laid, with the meals already served on the plates. There was never any fuss or ceremony. Over dinner, everyone would get together, tuck into Vicky’s home-cooking and talk about the day’s events.

      This evening, though, was extra special to all of them. There was an air of excitement which Lucy could not understand; especially when they knew she was unhappy about having to leave.

      It was almost as though they were pleased at the prospect of having the house back to themselves. Yet even while the unfortunate thought crossed her mind, Lucy could not believe it. This past week, Barney and his family had done everything they could to make her feel like one of them, so why would they be relieved to see her go? No! She was wrong. All this fuss and excitement was their way of trying to make her feel better about it. That was it. This was their going-away present to her. They wanted her to leave on a good note. And, for their sake, she would smile and laugh, and they would never really know how wretched she felt.

      ‘Well, Lucy?’ Vicky nudged her elbow. ‘What do you think to my table? They wouldn’t let me do it on my own. Everybody helped and even then, we were worried we might not get it all finished before you came down.’

      Draped in a long, flowing tablecloth of crimson, the big old table was set like Lucy had never seen it. There were candles in pretty holders; glasses with long stems and a twirl of napkin in each one. In the centre of the table stood platters laid with all manner of meats; there were bowls of steaming vegetables and a long dish of small crisply roasted potatoes – Lucy’s favourites; there was also a wicker dish filled with freshly-baked rolls, whose aroma filled the room, and right in the middle, two bottles of Barney’s homemade elderberry wine.

      For what seemed an age, Lucy was speechless. ‘Aw, Vicky. It’s just … beautiful!’ Now, as the tears threatened, she let them fall before discreetly brushing them away. ‘You shouldn’t have gone to so much trouble.’

      ‘It was no trouble at all.’ Vicky slid an arm round her waist. ‘It’s our present to you,’ she said, ‘to show how much we love you, and this little one.’ She tickled young Jamie under the chin, laughing as he gurgled with delight.

      The child’s response broke the atmosphere. Rushing forward, Barney took Lucy by the arm. ‘Tonight, you’ve been allocated my very own seat, at the head of the table.’ And with no more ado he marched her there and sat her down. ‘And as for this little chap …’ Lifting the child out of her arms, he sat him in the homemade high chair, which had been finished only that afternoon, with sturdy legs and straps to hold the little fella safe.

      ‘He can sit with the rest of us, like a grown-up,’ Ronnie declared with pride. ‘Father made the structure, Thomas made the legs, and I cut the leather straps to hold him in. We were still working on it up to half an hour since.’ He groaned. ‘In fact, if you’d come down that much earlier, the babby might be rolling on the floor, because we only had the one leg fixed to it, and that would never have supported the fat little lump!’

      Everyone laughed, with Susie protesting that Lucy’s Jamie was not ‘a fat little lump’.

      As always before the evening meal, Barney stood before his chair and said Grace. Being farmers and working closely with the land, they all understood how, with one dark mood, Nature could devastate a whole year’s crop, and leave them desolate.

      In all of Barney’s experience that had only ever happened once, soon after he’d taken up the post of Farm Manager here. He had never forgotten. Nor had he forgotten to always give his thanks.

      He gave his thanks now, ‘For the food and warmth You send us. For bringing Lucy back to health, and keeping us all safe from harm.’ Looking down on his wife, he stroked her hair. ‘And for this wonderful woman You blessed me with. Thank You, Lord.’ His words were spoken with such quiet gratitude that there seemed nothing more natural in the whole world. And in equally quiet voice, everyone echoed his thanks.

      When Lucy looked up to see Vicky taking a discreet hold of Barney’s hand, Lucy’s heart was both sore and joyous. That small significant gesture between husband and wife was unseen by everyone else, but Lucy thought it the most touching thing she had ever been privileged to witness.

      It was obvious that, even after more than twenty years wed, and three children into the bargain, Vicky and Barney still adored each other, as much as on the day they first met. Theirs was a deep, everlasting love, and one which Lucy sensed that neither she nor countless others would ever experience in their whole lives.

      The meal was wonderful, and so was the company. They chatted and laughed and drank the wine, and when the child fell asleep in his chair, Barney lifted him out and made him comfortable on the sofa. ‘Right!’ Returning to the table, he told everyone to fill their glasses and raise them for a toast, and when that was done he stood for a moment looking from one to the other, until his gaze rested on Lucy. ‘We would have liked you to stay here with us,’ he said, and Lucy’s heart rose, ‘but as you know, your being here meant that Susie had to sleep downstairs on the couch, and though she didn’t mind that …’ he looked at Susie and she nodded in agreement ‘… it isn’t a situation that could continue for any length of time.’ He hesitated. ‘You do understand, don’t you, Lucy?’

      Lucy understood, and even managed a bright smile. ‘Of course I do,’ she assured them. ‘I never really expected that I could stay here. I’m just grateful for the time and help you all gave me. I’ll never be able to thank you enough.’

      Barney smiled at her. ‘Look under your plate, lass.’

      Lucy was confused. ‘Under my plate?’

      ‘That’s what the man said!’ That was Ronnie, being his usual comical self. But there was a certain twinkle in his eye. In fact, as Lucy glanced at each family member in turn, she saw a twinkle in all their eyes.

      ‘Go on then, Lucy. Look and see what he’s put there.’ Susie was excitedly bouncing up and down in her chair.

      Gingerly, Lucy lifted her plate and moving it aside, took out an envelope that was folded there. She opened the envelope and dipping her fingers inside, withdrew a large, shiny coin. ‘A guinea!’ Her eyes widened in astonishment. ‘What’s this for?’

      Barney told her fondly, ‘It’s your first month’s wages. Me and my Vicky have discussed it with the family, and we all agree there’s enough work on this farm for all of us. When harvest comes there’s no time to catch your breath; then there’s the carting and stacking, and any number of other tasks that could do with another pair of hands … especially for Vicky, who’s always rushed off her feet. This house is too much when she’s needed outside. That’s where you come in, Lucy. So, the job’s yours, if you want it?’

      In a minute Lucy was out of her chair; running round the table she threw her arms round Barney’s neck. ‘Oh Barney

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