Your Personal Horoscope 2009: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign. Joseph Polansky

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Your Personal Horoscope 2009: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign - Joseph Polansky

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are four Lunar Eclipses this year—usually there are two. And since the Moon rules your finances, there is great financial significance to this. Not only that, but there will be two eclipses that occur in your money house: a Solar Eclipse on July 22 and a Lunar Eclipse on December 31.

      So you might be satisfied with the status quo and not feel like making changes, but the cosmos is going to force you into it. And if it doesn’t succeed the first time, it will repeat another 4 times until you get the message. It is going to purify your financial life—make you rich—in spite of yourself.

      There are changes—in investments, in thinking, in strategy, in financial planning—that have long needed to be made. These changes need to go deep, and so you are forced to make them. In certain cases some of you might have wandered into strange byways and got into financial situations or projects that were not part of your destiny. In those cases, the eclipse’s job is to blow these things to smithereens and put you back on track.

      In your financial life you will need a strong stomach and a stout heart to weather these eclipses, but keep the faith—the end result is good.

      We see dramatic changes in the career as well. And for the better. Career has been unstable, changeable and unpredictable for many years now. Sometimes you’re at the heights and sometimes at the depths. Employers can be thrilled one moment and the next highly displeased. You are at the top of the world for a while and then in the depths of despair. But this year, there are going to be pay rises, promotions, honours and much success. Jupiter will be travelling with your career planet, Neptune, for a large part of the year, and this is a classic indicator of success.

      Perhaps this is the reason why there are so many financial changes. Perhaps you were making plans from a ‘beer income’ perspective and suddenly you find yourself in a ‘champagne income’ category—and this necessitates a rethink.

      Higher education, taking the courses that you need to take and your willingness to travel, have been big factors in your career success in the past few years, and this trend continues, perhaps even more strongly in the year ahead. But the main catalyst for your success seems to be your social connections and partners. You know the right people in the right places and they are helping you. The other message here is that you should further your career through social means—through hosting or attending the right parties and gatherings.

      Your career goals are very high, and have been that way for a long time. This is a year to push forward boldly—fearlessly. You have very powerful cosmic backers.

      With the Moon as your financial planet, you have a natural affinity for family kinds of businesses, earning money from the home, real estate (residential), restaurants and lodging companies, also industries that cater to women, families and home owners. But since the Moon moves through every Sign and House of your Horoscope every month (she is the fastest-moving planet) money and financial opportunity often comes to you in a variety of ways and through a variety of means. It all depends where the Moon is on a given day. These things will be discussed in the monthly reports.

      In general you will have stronger earning power and more enthusiasm for money matters when the Moon is waxing (getting bigger) than when she is waning. You can schedule your business accordingly.

      Also, though you are a logical and level-headed person, when it comes to finances you can be moody. So avoid making important financial decisions when you feel depressed or upset. Sleep on things. Wait for your mood to equalize and then make your decision.

      Love and Social Life

      Your 7th House of Love and Social Activities is not a House of Power this year and thus I expect we’ll see a status-quo kind of year. Marrieds will tend to stay married and singles will tend to stay single.

      However, your love planet makes an important move this year. He moves from Capricorn (where he was all last year) into Aquarius. He will be in Aquarius for the entire year ahead (beginning from January 5).

      Last year you (but singles especially) were very conservative in love. You almost disbelieved in the notion of romantic love. Love was something practical: a job, a career move, a duty, a responsibility. You felt that if you found the right person, you could ‘learn’ to love him or her. You gravitated to older, more established people—people above you in status. You were cautious in love, slow to fall in love. Material support and the sexual chemistry were the primal attractions for you. This year we see some changes. We still see you as being status conscious in love—you still see it as a career move—but you want more equality in the relationship. You want a friend as well as a lover. You admire not only a person’s position and status, but also their mind and spirit. This year, you seem quicker to fall in love—less afraid.

      In some ways, last year’s attitudes were easier. This year your love needs are much more complex. You are attracted by wealth, status and power (and are very likely to enter into this kind of romance) but you also need friendship and a good spiritual compatibility. Without the spiritual compatibility—being on the same spiritual wave length, sharing the same spiritual ideals—it is doubtful whether any love relationship could last very long. Your ideal person would be someone creative, poetic or mystical, who was also of high status, perhaps the CEO of a large corporation, and who was also an inventor or innovator. These things are harder to find, but they exist. Astrologers and astronomers—scientists, genius types—are also very alluring.

      This year you have the aspects for a classic office romance with a superior, someone above you in the hierarchy. You also have the aspects of the person who falls in love with their guru, mentor or professor.

      Love opportunities happen in educational and religious-type settings, at church, mosque or synagogue or at functions sponsored by these kinds of organizations. It can happen in foreign countries and with foreigners. And it can happen as you pursue your career goals. College and university settings are also likely meeting grounds.

      If you are single working on your first marriage, the year ahead is a status-quo one. A marriage isn’t likely, but you will have romance. If you are working on the second marriage, then marriage IS very likely in the year ahead, with a partner being found in the places mentioned above. Those working on the third or fourth marriage are having status quo kinds of years.

      This is a year where you mingle with the high and the mighty—people of power and prestige. These people, as we mentioned, are very helpful career-wise.

      A sibling will either marry or enter into a serious love relationship this year. If he or she is already married, there will be more romance within the marriage. The marriage seems happier. Parents or parent figures are having their marriages and business partnerships tested. Children and grandchildren of marriageable age are having status quo kinds of years.


      Saturn has been in your 4th House of Home and Family for some years now and will be there for most of the year ahead. Aside from the practical effects on the home and the family, it is bringing important spiritual lessons. And these lessons are going on in the year ahead.

      Basically the cosmos wants you to learn to manage your emotional life better, to neither repress negative feelings (which only brings depression and physical ailments) nor to express them (which only generates negative energy into the universe and brings negative karma on you), but to direct them according to your will—to master them. This requires some understanding of how the emotional-feeling world works and might require some study on your part. But basically emotions will follow attention and focus. If you get control of your attention and keep it on positive and happy things, the overall mood will be better. Prayer and meditation—especially praise and worship—are like vitamins for the emotional life. The Buddhists teach to just observe and experience your emotions without expressing them. This is not repression, because you are experiencing the emotion, but you are not expressing it—dumping it on others. Thus you are not polluting the emotional environment. All the above is good, but I also like writing out negative feelings and then throwing out the paper. Talking them into a tape recorder and then erasing the tape is also effective. For many years you have been riding a career

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