Your Personal Horoscope 2009: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign. Joseph Polansky
Читать онлайн книгу.through this testing, but the inherently flawed ones will most probably dissolve. You are in a year (from October 29 onwards) for reducing your social activities. A cosmic re-organization is taking place. The whole area of love is being put into right order; a cosmic order. You will need to focus on quality relationships rather than quantity. While your heart relationships will get tested, your casual relationships—your circle of friends—is being greatly expanded. This is generally a very happy area this year.
This year, 2009, is unique in that we will have six eclipses (two Solar Eclipses and four Lunar ones). Generally we get only four eclipses in a given year. But what is noteworthy for you is that four Lunar eclipses show much change and turmoil in the family situation. There will be dramatic events in the lives of family members and there will be a need to learn calmness amidst the changes and disruptions.
Your most important areas of life this year will be spirituality, friendships and group activities, career, health (until October 29) and love (after October 29).
Your paths of greatest fulfilment in the year ahead are friendships, group activities (all year) and career (after July 27).
(Please note that this is an astrological perspective on health and not a medical one. In days of yore there was no difference, both of these perspectives were identical. But in these times there could be quite a difference. For the medical perspective, please consult your doctor or health professional.)
Health for those born under Aries has been basically reasonable for the past few years, but the dynamics in the cosmos are changing. Last year Pluto began to make a stressful aspect to you, but he was not consistent. Sometimes he was in stressful aspect and sometimes not (he was moving in and out of Capricorn last year). This year he moves into a stressful aspect to you for many years to come.
Saturn was leaving you alone last year. This year, on October 29 he too starts to make a stressful aspect to you (and this will last for two and a half years).
These are not things to panic about, only to understand. Your normal super-abundant vitality will not be up to its usual standards. Sure, you will have plenty of energy to do what you need to do but not for the frivolous things. So you need to be like a businessman with your energy, investing it only in worthwhile things.
My experience has been that when energy levels are normal, people get away with many sins. But when energy gets lowered, they tend to get hit in their vulnerable organs—the organs that were vulnerable by birth. (Those things can only be known by casting a personal Horoscope for your exact time and date of birth and then doing a specialized analysis from a health perspective.) In general, though, the lungs, small intestine, heart, arms and shoulders tend to be most important for Aries and this is a year to pay special attention to those parts (see our chart below).
Simple things will help you get through the next few years. Your arms and shoulders should be regularly massaged. There are hosts of natural, drugless therapies that can strengthen the lungs, heart and the small intestine—foot and hand reflexology, acupuncture, acupressure, shiatsu, chi gong, yoga, kinesiology and massage just to name a few. Giving extra attention to these organs this year will prevent many a problem from developing. And, even if a problem develops it will be much milder than if nothing were done. What could have been a devastating knock out blow will be just a minor love tap.
Reflexology Try to massage the whole foot on a regular basis, but pay extra attention to the points highlighted on the chart. When you massage, be aware of ‘sore spots’, as these need special attention. It’s also a good idea to massage the ankles and top side (as well as the soles) of the feet.
The good news is that until October 29 health and health issues are important for Aries, and you give them the attention they deserve. Also you seem more into healthy lifestyles, disciplined health regimes and diets this year (this has been a trend for some years now). And these good habits will now stand you in good stead in coming years. (The cosmos in its love and mercy tends to give us the answer before the problem develops.)
Still, the most important thing will be to maintain high energy levels. Rest when tired, work with a rhythm and take frequent breaks, plan your activities so that more gets done with less energy, avoid arguments, worry and emotional negativity (easier said than done!) as these can deplete a person more (and faster) than hours on a chain gang.
Your health planet, Mercury, goes Retrograde four times this year (this is also highly unusual; normally he travels backwards only three times in a year). These will be times to review your health, health regime and health attitudes to see where improvements can be made. However, these are not times to make drastic changes to your regime, or to make important health decisions, only to review it. This year, these periods are from January 11 to 31; May 7 to 30; September 7 to 29 and December 26 to 31.
Home and Family
Your 4th House of Home and Family is not a House of Power this year, thus there is not as much interest here as usual. Generally this shows that the cosmos is not pushing you one way or another and you have more freedom and latitude in this department. Generally it denotes a status quo kind of year.
However, this year I’m not so sure about this. There are, as was mentioned, FOUR Lunar eclipses this year, and the Moon is your home and family planet. In addition, there is a Solar Eclipse on July 22 in your 4th House. Perhaps by temperament you would prefer the status quo, but it’s not going to happen.
These eclipses show either moves (sudden and disruptive), repairs in the home (unexpected), dramatic events in the lives of family members and parent figures, and major changes in the family and domestic pattern.
Eclipses are never punitive, but they can feel that way, especially if a person is making plans, or is attached to things that are not part of his or her plan in life. Then, the function of the eclipse is to ‘blow it to smithereens’ and bring the person back to his or her path. If the person is already following the cosmic plan for the life, the eclipse will only reveal hidden flaws and allow corrections to be made.
Are family relationships ties that are holding you back? Are family attachments unhealthy and uncosmic? Is family preventing you from fulfilling your divine destiny (or perhaps the reverse is true)? Are you supposed to be living in another place? The eclipses will expose all this and lead to life changes.
The challenge now (as was mentioned earlier) is to keep the emotions in harmony. This is not easy but it can be done. Those of you who are worldly will probably medicate, although this is a stop-gap solution. A spiritual discipline, an awareness of your feelings without judgement, prayer and meditation will be longer-lasting solutions, solutions that will cure the very root causes of the problems.
Parents or parent figures in your life are undergoing deep and profound transformations. This seems on a very personal level. Some are having surgery (both cosmetic and more serious types). Some are getting involved in serious detox regimes. Some are having near death experiences. Some are getting involved in spiritual disciplines that involve transformation. The process of transformation is seldom pleasant—and you will need patience with your parents—but the end result is beautiful.
The parents or parent figures (in a man’s chart what we see refers to the father or father figures; in a woman’s chart it refers to the mother or mother figures) are confronting the ‘dark angel’ in various ways. He is letting them know that he is around, that life is short (compared to Eternity) and fragile and it’s time to get down to the essentials of life. The ‘dark angel’ is only reminding them of what is really important in life.
If you are planning heavy construction work or renovations in the home, June 21 to July 22 and August 25 to October 16 are good times. If you are looking to beautify the home in a cosmetic sort of way (repainting or buying furniture or art objects) August 1 to 26 is a good time.
Finance and Career