The Dark Night Of The Soul. Aldivan Teixeira Torres
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A little while later I see myself in Jerusalem, the holy city. I see a simple man, son of a carpenter, teaching, admonishing, exalting, conducting healings and miracles and opening the doors of heaven for all the sinners. At the same time, I see the envy of a powerful minority planning a trap for the master. To achieve their aim, they join the enemy, Satan, personified in Judas. With his help they are able to arrest the master and taking advantage of the situation to torture him, to humiliate him and finally killing him. However, not even death can defeat or destroy the one that with his father have created life. After three days, he has resurrected glorious from the tomb whilst the traitor is dead and given to the torments provided by the dark night. After the resurrection, Jesus appears to his followers and makes some recommendations. Amongst them, he is very clear not to give rise to prejudice, whatever it may be. Everyone without exception, has the right to a full life and the salvation from the dark night of the soul is possible for those who believe in him. This represents the betrayal of the dark night of the soul and whom betrays it.
In another moment I see myself in the struggle that is the opposing forces and the emergence of the doubts relating to the dark night of the soul. The final battle of the previous book has showed me how powerful goodness is and how it can change lives. The only condition for such thing to happen is that we free ourselves of any and all feelings which are evil, such as hate, envy, stinginess, egoism, selfishness amongst others. After seeing all those situations, the whirlwind of images in my mind starts to disappear gradually. A while later I become conscious and I feel well. I decide immediately to walk again, because the summit is still far way. The voices from the mountain stop and so I start climbing the mountain more relaxed. The fear, the shame and the restlessness were left behind. I think of the visions that I was subjected to and it renews my desire to explore. What is awaiting me? Honestly, I did not know. Whatever it may be I am already prepared to face and overcome the challenges. After all I was the seer, a super-gifted being who was the only man to face the cave of despair and conquer it.
With the objective of finding answers to my profound anxieties, I carry on and I manage to complete a third of the walk. At that precise moment, again I stop to rest. I take the chance to rehydrate my body and mind. Soon, it comes to my mind the struggle of the previous climbing and how I felt alone and unexperienced at the end of the world. I was only a dreamer searching for the last string of hope to realize my dreams through a miraculous cave and that managed to survive a steep climbing. After climbing, I recall the moments that I have spent there, including the guardian, the ghost, the youth, little Renato, the challenges and entry into the most dangerous cave of the world. I had partially realised my dreams with the victory that I have achieved, but the actual situation is totally different. I am now the seer searching for the second evolution stage. The first has been accomplished, I have reunited the opposing forces and helped someone to find himself. I was at the second one which was to discover the dark night of the soul, that same night that the guardian lady had mentioned at our last meeting. A night that was able to save or condemn the individual. I start to walk again slowly, intent in saving energy, because it was still morning and I had all the time in the world to prepare myself to meet again the guardian lady, that strange lady who I still did not know well. Who was she? Not even I myself knew, despite having lived with her for more than seven days. All I was certain of was that she had been a great help for me to understand my opposing forces and bring them together like I did. This time, I didn’t believe that it was going to be different and I felt ready for the new challenges and revelations, even if I had to make sacrifices. In the end knowledge has got its price and I was prepared to pay for it in full.
I carry on walking at a slow but steady pace, having passed half of the distance. Suddenly, I looked down and there it was my dear village called Mimoso. Looking at it and analysing it I reach the conclusion that it is very important to me, because it was exactly at that place that I had my first adventure: Travelling through time, I have corrected injustice, put together the opposing forces and I have helped someone to find himself. The moments that I have spent there were moments of critical growth, human and spiritual that I will never forget. I remember all the past facts, and I think that I was just better prepared on account of that. After some time of ecstasy, I begin again concentrating in my objective, staring at the way that gives access to the top of the mountain. At this moment, the stones move as if wanting to say something. Will it be that I was heading to the downfall? Will it be that this dark night is not too dangerous? Well, that what I was trying to find out and I was quite near to it, because I have already exceeded ¾ of the way. This made me happy and this was a conquest of my last adventure, because exactly at the cave I was faced with three doors representing happiness, failure and fear. Thinking about that I recall that my knowledge was decisive in choosing the door of happiness disregarding the others. This time I hope that I have the same inspiration.
I walk again and after a few steps I am close to the top, this same welcoming top where last time I accomplished challenges. There were three in total, and they evaluated my capacity and competence. Only after passing life tests I could enter the holy cave and start an adventure culminating in bringing together the opposing forces. This time, I believe that it is not going to be different, but I have got no idea of what awaits me. In the end, I know very little about the subject in question.
I gather my remaining energies to carry on walking and try to discover the unimaginable. A few more steps and finally I reach the top. Arriving there, I feel the sun shining brighter, a gentle breeze blows, and I can listen clearly to the altered voices. What they reveal it is an absolute secret which I cannot reveal. To access its understanding and content it is necessary to climb the sacred mountain like I did.
A new challenge is launched. Let’s continue together, reader.
The first day at the mountain
I have just arrived and this makes me more relaxed. I look at the pocket watch and realise the lunch time is near and straight way I open the case to get something to eat. Among the several paths available, I chose the same one of the last adventure which I already know and thus I don’t take the risk of getting lost in the expansive and enigmatic summit. A few minutes later, I manage to have a glimpse of a banana tree and a coconut tree. I am safe, at least for the moment.
I get closer and when I arrive exactly to the place, I climb the banana and the coconut trees with the same faith and claws that I got up the mountain; I harvest the fruits, climb down, eat and rest a little. In meanwhile, I don’t lose too much time, because I still have to find the timber to build my cabin. This was strictly necessary for protecting myself from the wild animals. Having got what I needed, I come back.
On my return, I start to build my abode, but the time goes by and there is no sign of the guardian lady. What could have happened to her? Will it be that she does not exist anymore? Well, if this was the case I would be really lost, because I still believe that she is the key or at the least arrow that points me to the desired way of the dark night of the soul. I try not think about the worst and carry on building my temporary roof and as I already have experience it will be quite strong for my safety during the night. With lots of dedication from my side, finally my roof is ready. I decide to rest a little, because it was almost night time.
A while later, a cold wind blows and I have a bad feeling. What is about to happen? I scan the surroundings and it gives me more signs that the mountain is about to react to my presence. It was expected, in the end, I was walking on the sacred ground, without even asking for permission. With all buts and ifs, I decide to lock myself in the cabin and wait for the next day, the night was already falling. Good night, readers. Till the next chapter.
The dark night of the soul
I am happy and relaxed at the top of the sacred mountain which facilitated my objectives. The weather is good, I am alone, but it doesn’t make me afraid, because I have learnt how to control this weakness in opposing forces. All of a sudden, the appearance of the mountain begins to change sharply: The ground disappears from under my feet, I begin to float in the air, dark clouds in the sky are approaching and every minute a mysterious anguish is suffocating my chest. Simultaneously, from the north side, a group of Indians led by Kualopu appears, the