Zhandalee And The First Metamorphosis. Enzo Lo Grasso

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Zhandalee And The First Metamorphosis - Enzo Lo Grasso

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face a tear slowly descended.

      --What did you have Zandi? I did not give you some onions to cut -- Ima asked with an ironic tone, then she approached to her and with a serious tone embraced her saying:

      --What do you think? Have I said something wrong? --

      --Preparing lunch reminds me of my family, you know I miss them a lot even if I do not see them for a few days, and the thing that makes me more sad is the fact I do not know how to return to them -- Zandi answered with a muffled voice.

      - I know what it means when you stay away from your parents, and especially when you cannot see them again, and it is like a part of you that disappears because we are their fruit – Efia answere.

      -- They are not my natural parents, they have adopted me, but I consider them as if they were to all intents and purposes, they are special with me—Zandi said.

      --What do you remember about your natural parents?—Efia asked.

      - Well, about my father nothing, about my mother, or rather what we think she was, I have just a few fragments, I was only two years old, she left me on the bank to my adoptive parents and then she turned off. I am very attached to her too, for me her spirit is in the sea, and when I want to talk to her I go to my place on the rocks and I talk to her. It is strange to say, but it seems the sea gives me an answer, and it is funny to say but I feel it inside me, and then after all that is happening to me I do not feel it anymore as a strange thing but a thing that is part of reality -- Zandi concluded by leaning the salad on the table.

      - But she was not alone, there was also a child, from what they told me he was taken away, he was bigger than me and I think he knows something, Thiago is his name and he had a necklace like mine but with a red stone – Zandi continued.

      --Yes Zandi, there must surely be a connection between the child who saved my mother and the child who was there with you, I'm not good at math, I can do basic things my mother taught me, and if you do some calculus, you're come back in the past, he should now be five or six years old and you two about, so if you go back to the place of the disaster, you could you see what happened, is it right? -- Efia told exactly.

      --That’s right! Efia, so I must immediately know what Demetrio has to do with this story and then I have to look for a means to take me to the Mediterranean,--Zandi said, lighting up her eyes.

      --Now we eat and then we will help you in all we can do – Efia proposed smiling.

      Zandi hugged her and she said only:

      --Thank you.--

      --It’s ready, pass me the dishes, tell me how it is this time,-- Mosi said, entering the pot of clay with steaming rice.

      The girls took a seat at the table and passed the dishes one by one, the old Mosi filled the dishes overflowing, then finally he filled his one and after putting the pot aside he sat with the girls and they began the lunch.

      --I hope you like it, I do not know what food you usually eat, this is what we can offer you, the missionaries gave it because we do not have it every day –Efia said.

      --It 'very good, you do not have to worry, in fact I'm very honoured and honestly I do not know how to repay you for everything you do for me, -- Zandi said, stroking Efia's face.

      The old Mosi smiled but he said nothing and he continued to eat.

      When they were about to finish their plate of rice, screams were heard from outside, these screams became clearer as they approached to them, someone shouted the name of Zandi, she got up and those voices came to the hut, Biko and Ima came from their hut, running and entering.

      --What's going on, guys? Why are you running in this way? – Mosi asked with a worried face.

      --I came knew from my uncle who works in the base of the invaders that General Kruken sent 20 men into the woods to find and to kill Demetrio, if they find him it's over – Biko explained panting for the run.

      --We must find him first, we must save his life and I must know what he has to do with my coming here,--Zandi said.

      --We have to hurry, they've already left -- Ima added.

      --No, it is too dangerous because if the soldiers find you they will kill you surely, so do not go, -- Mosi said.

      --Also my parents have done me objections, but I will go anyway, because I feel that the future of the village is involved,-- Biko replied.

      --You can do what you're feeling, but my little Efia is better staying here at home, she is weak and it is very dangerous,-- Mosi said.

      -- But dad, I want to go with them, let me go – Efia asked.

      --Your father is right,-- said Zandi and Biko nodded.

      --It's decided: we'll go,-- BIko said firmly.

      While they are going to get out of the hut direct to the forest under the resigned gaze of Efia, Mosi grabbed the arm of Biko.

      -- Wait! –Mosi pronounced.

      -- Keep this, use it only if it's necessary --Mosi handed a cylindrical cloth to Biko with something inside, he took off the fabric and a scimitar was inside it, then he put a hand on Biko's shoulder saying:

      --I recommend you to be careful, those people have no scruples, if you find Demetrio, bring him here at the village and we will hide him. It will be very difficult, however good luck --

      --I'll do it, thank you,-- Biko said.

      the three boys went out going with a fast step to the forest, while Efia and Mosi looked at them hopefully from the rudimentary window.

      Biko, during the way, scrutinized the weapon received, he looked at the drawings engraved on both the blade and on the handle, they were very thin tribal designs that adorned the sword in all its parts.

      --Are you able to use it? -- Zandi asked, -- looking you handling it, it seems you've never seen one before.--

      --Sure, I've seen swords, when I was a kid I imagined fighting for fun, even with other children, but when things get serious, everything changes --Biko answered.

      --We hope we do not have to use it and solve everything using timeliness as a weapon,-- Ima added.

      Biko, walking, simulated a hypothetical fight in the wind to get familiar with the weapon.

      - We hope so, but in any case I want to get ready for the unexpected, and then you see, it's not so difficult to handle it, look! -- saying so Biko started a duel but with an accidental blow he overflow the head of his sister Ima who drew down appropriately, and he cut her a small lock of hair.

      --Ops! Sorry, my sister,-- Biko promptly replied.

      --It is better you keep it in its scabbard, otherwise we will not arrive in three to the forest – Ima reproached with a serious face.

      Zandi looked at both of them and they all laughed.

      --Where exactly are we heading?-- Zandi asked.

      - General Kruken's base station is located east of the forest, so his soldiers will leave from there looking for Demetrio, we would start on the west side in the hope of finding him first, and flee from the west part—Ima specified.

      -- My sister is born as a strategist, she has already elaborated a plan, even when we were little she was always like that, she was the mind and I was the arm- Biko added.

      --Have we some indication about Demetrio's refuge, to speed up the search?-- Zandi said

      -- No, no, no one can approach him, his house is the forest, who creates damage to the forest will receive his anger, he is very suspicious to everyone, and I think he will be with us too but we have to try – Biko explained.

      --So if he will attack us too, we should not be surprised, maybe he will think we are trying to catch him – Ima said.

      - I do not think he listed us as bad people, because otherwise he would not have defended us against the soldiers, his instinct is with us, I think

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