Zhandalee And The First Metamorphosis. Enzo Lo Grasso

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Zhandalee And The First Metamorphosis - Enzo Lo Grasso

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you still here? Are you not afraid of me? – nodding a smile.

      --You know I would never hurt you, I bet you hear it --

      So the butterfly spread the flight over her head going out from the window.

      --Zandi, are you awake?--The mother called -- come to give me a hand for lunch --

      --Yes, mom,-- the girl replied, going downstairs.

      -- Help me to clean the salad, as further the pasta you eat only that, my dear vegetarian, -- the mother said with a smile holding her a tray with vegetables

      --Mom, I wanted to ask you, which is the use of the old door that we have in the attic? And why is it there?--

      --To tell the truth, that door is there since we bought this house, and it is there. Your father does not have time to arrange the attic and so it is there. Why have you interest in an object so old?-- Linda asked.

      --No anything, I went up to the attic to keep some old things and I noticed it, but nothing that, just curiosity - -

      Meanwhile, it was 13:00, they set only for them because Paul was not at home because his work sometimes forced him to stay out for the whole day, he had to go and look at an old picture to be able to insert in his shop, he was an antiquary.

      Between a chat and another, between one course and another, it was 15:00 and they hear someone knocking at the door.

      -- Mother, I'm going to open, I think that it should be Anna, we have to go to the centre together. She want to buy a jacket for this winter and she want my opinion --

      --But it is not soon for the opening of the shops, they usually open at 4:00 pm -- Linda said ironically.

      --Yes, it is true, but we must also have time to eat a nice ice-cream -- Zandi answered opening the door.

      --Good morning, Linda, -- Anna saind coming in.

      -- Good morning, come on, sit down and take a sweetie waiting for Zandi to get ready to go out --

      Zandi went to her room to prepare herself.

      -- Tell me what happened today at school between Zandi and Prof Maltieri.

      --Yes Linda, it was nonsense, I do not know the reason but Zandi throw the science book on the ground with a scream, the prof, that already does not frown at us from the time of the puddle, had a nice and good excuse to throw her out. But I do not know why she behaved like that, boh!, anyway I'll talk to Zandi --

      --I do not know...-- Linda replied

      - She behaves in a strange way since a couple of days, maybe it is the age, however, we will see in the next days --

      --Let's go, Anna – she greeted her mother with a kiss.

      While they were on the road, Anna asked to her friend:

      --Have you done that strange dream of your childhood, that of water and of the mirror? Tell me well, maybe I can help you to understand it --

      --No, I dreamed a strange door, but nothing to do with that dream of the mirror in the water. I do them and I do them again but I cannot understand what they want to tell me, and I tell you the truth, the dram of the water makes me a bit 'more fear, but it is not the case to tell it – Zandi replied.

      --I insist, you're my friend, so starts...--

      Zandi continued:

      -- In the dream I find myself immersed in the sea, but I do not miss the air, when suddenly I see my image reflected like in a mirror, but on the other side I am as small as when my memories begin with Linda and Paolo, then suddenly a strange figure divides us from above, and then I wake up.... We do not think about it anymore. Here there is the ice cream shop, let's go in. --" she concluded by de-dramatizing.

      They entered ordering a big ice cream for each other, for Zandi strawberry and berries and Anna dark chocolate and vanilla, with so much cream over. When they finished eating it between a smudge and the other it was 16:00, they cleaned their hands and mouth because they seemed to make up with ice cream.

      -- Let's go, the shop is open, before someone take the jacket I had seen, you know it was the last one,-- Anna said.

      They got in. As soon as they entered came in, Zandi had a strange feeling, she had never been there, that store had just opened with a new management, however she followed her friend who tried her favourite garment with the shop-assistant.

      --Do you like it?-- Anna asked.

      - You're very nice, it's good for you, and then it's not very expensive --

      Zandi, however, was a prey to a strange sensation, if someone called her, fear whispers. So she left her friend with the shop assistant and she went to the origin of the sounds. When she entered in a department with furs, the sounds made deafening, sounds of help, she corked her ears running out, coming out she gestured to Anna that they would see each other later, explaining after the incident.

      Her friend could not follow her because she was finishing the negotiations for the jacket with the shop assistant.

      It was after 7:30 pm, the waves crashed on the rock, under the sun that was about to set, there was serenity, we could hear only the steps of a man who was going to the top of this rock, when he arrived on his words were:

      -- I knew I would have found her, my baby --

      --Oh Papa, you are here,--Zandi answered, getting up and hugging him.

      --I arrived home from work with the van still loaded with goods, when I found mom and Anna busy to talk. After they explanation, I told them I knew where I could find you, I said them to be quiet, so I immediately ran here -- and they both sat to watch the sunset.

      -- What is it that worries you, my little, still here bad dreams?- -

      -- No, dad, it's not just those, I cannot explain, but do not worry, it's a moment I think it will pass --

      --Ok but if these days are not going well, do you promise to talk about it to find a solution together? -- Paolo concluded.

      --Okay, I promise you! - she answered by resting her little head on his shoulder.

      So they both went home, during the voyage, Zandi asked what he had bought in the van, seeing packaged pictures; Paul replied that they were old paintings that he had at a good price as the value they had.

      They arrived at home, Linda hugging Zandi.

      -- You have made me very worried, both to me and also to Anna who was here waiting for you, she left a little while ago, -- the mother said.

      -- I’m sorry, mum, I will not do it anymore, forgive me,--the girl replied.

      – Zandi help me to download these paintings while your mother is preparing our dinner--

      -- Certainly, dad --

      And first the smaller pictures came down, one at a time very carefully, then they both took a big picture but they could not see the painting because it was covered by a dark sheet.

      --Be careful, my baby, because the canvas is very old and it crumbles if you make them whisk – Paul warned.

      Zandi was busy checking that the edges of the painting did not touch the walls, when her eyes attracted by the shirt, on the chest we can see two immobile lights, she did not want make the other understand something because that day a lot of thing had already happened, so she continued not caring of that episode.

      As soon as they had finished unloading all the objects they entered the house where there was a good scent that increased in Zandi and in her father still more hungry, and after having washed their hands they sat down at the table watching TV. It transmitted a documentary who talked about the pollution done by the man, and while she was eating her strictly vegetarian dinner made of vegetables, bread and fruit she exclaimed:

      -- It is not right that nature is so polluted, especially for such useless purposes, but they do not realize that we are only doing harm to nature and to ourselves...--


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