Ялта. Ціна миру. Сергей Плохий

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Ялта. Ціна миру - Сергей Плохий

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союзных держав – СССР, США и Великобритании, 4–11 февраля 1945 г. Сборник документов (Москва, 1979), 45–46; Charles Bohlen to John Martin, February 3, 1945, Livadia Palace, no. 176/9, February 1–5, 1945, Averell Harriman Papers; “Memorandum of Conversation. Present: Molotov, Pavlov, Harriman, Page,” Moscow, January 18, 1945, no. 176/6, January 17–20, 1945, Averell Harriman Papers; “Memorandum of Conversation. Present: Harriman, Bohlen, Molotov, Pavlov,” February 4, 1945, no. 176/9, February 1–5, 1945, Averell Harriman Papers.


      Крымская конференция, 46–48; Public Record Office, Kew, London, Cabinet Papers, CAB 66/63, Record of the Political Proceedings of the “Argonaut” Conference held at Malta and in the Crimea from 1st February to 11th February 1945. Office of the War Cabinet, S.W. 1, 12th March 1945, copy no. 21, 9 (надалі цитується як Record of the Political Proceedings of the “Argonaut” Conference).


      Крымская конференция, 48–49; Churchill, Triumph and Tragedy, 347–49; Birse, Memoirs of an Interpreter, 182–83; Gilbert, Winston S. Churchill, 7:1173; British embassy memo on Map Room requirements, no. 176/5, January 11–16, 1945, Averell Harriman Papers; Freidel, Franklin D. Roosevelt, 507–8; Meacham, Franklin and Winston, 141–42.


      Greg King, The Court of the Last Tsar: Pomp, Power and Pageantry in the Court of Nicholas II (Hoboken,NJ, 2006), 451–52.


      FRUS: Yalta, 574; Крымская конференция, 53; Kathleen Harriman to Mary, Yalta, February 4–10, 1945, no. 176/9, February 1–5, 1945, Averell Harriman Papers.


      Bohlen, Witness to History, 180; Boettiger, Yalta Diary, 21, box 84, folder 11, Anna Roosevelt Halsted Papers.


      Крымская конференция, 49–53; FRUS: Yalta, 570–73.


      “Love of England,” Time, February 5, 1945.


      Yalta Conference: Notes, 18–19, 22, Anna Roosevelt Halsted Papers.


      FRUS: Yalta, 570–73; Stettinius, Roosevelt and the Russians, 100; Крымская конференция, 49–53.


      Lord Hastings Ismay, The Memoirs of General Lord Ismay (New York, 1960), 387.


      Laurence S. Kuter, Airman at Yalta (New York, 1955), 131.


      Moran, Churchill at War, 272–77; Cadogan, Diaries, 704.


      Andrew Cunningham, A Sailor’s Odyssey. The Autobiography of Admiral of the Fleet Viscount Cunningham of Hyndhope (New York), 1951, 573; Kathleen Harriman to Mary, Yalta, February 4–10, 1945, Averell Harriman Papers; Bohlen, Witness to History, p. 178; Moran, Churchill at War, p. 273; Eden, The Reckoning, 514.


      Cadogan, Diaries, 704; Kuter, Airman at Yalta, 135–36; Eden, The Reckoning, 514–15.


      В. И. Трубников и др., ред., Очерки истории Российской внешней разведки, т. 4 (1941–45), (Moscow, 1999), 163, 286, 618–62; Christopher Andrew and Vasilii Mitrokhin, The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB (New York, 1999), 126.


      John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr, Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America (New Haven, CT, 1999), 8–56; Christopher Andrew and Oleg Gordievsky, KGB: The Inside Story of Its Foreign Operations from Lenin to Gorbachev (New York, 1992), 135–85; Andrew and Mitrokhin, The Sword and the Shield, 56–67.


      Pavel Sudoplatov and Anatoli Sudoplatov, with Jerrold L. and Leona P. Schecter, Special Tasks: The Memoirs of an Unwanted Witness – A Soviet Spymaster (Boston, 1994), 222–23, 226.


      FRUS: Yalta, 574; Крымская конференция, 53; Gilbert, Winston S. Churchill, 7:1173–74.


      Kathleen Harriman to Mary, Yalta, February 4–10, 1945, no. 176/9, February 1–5, 1945, Averell Harriman Papers; Кузнецов, Курсом к победе, 446.


      FRUS: Yalta, 573.


      “Conversation between Mr. Page and General Ismay,” Livadia, February 4, 1945, no. 176/9, February 1–5, 1945, Averell Harriman Papers; Boettiger, Y. Diary, 21–22, Harriman and Abel, Special Envoy, 395.


      FRUS: Yalta, 574–75; Крымская конференция, 53–56; Кузнецов, Курсом к победе, 446.


      FRUS: Yalta, 579; Крымская конференция, 61–62.


      Ivan Konev, “From the Vistula to the Oder,” in Seweryn Bialer, ed., Stalin and His Generals (New York, 1969), 480–83; Константин Рокоссовский, Солдатский долг (Москва, 1988), 295–96; Василий Чуйков, Конец Третьего рейха (Москва, 1973), 102.


      Andrei Gromyko et al., eds., Correspondence between the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Presidents of the USA and the Prime Ministers of Great Britain during the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945, vol. 1, Correspondence with Winston S. Churchill and Clement R. Attlee (July 1941–November 1945) (Moscow, 1957), 296–97.


      “Memorandum of Conference with Marshal Stalin, January 15, 1945,” no. 176/5, January 11–16, 1945, Averell Harriman Papers; Molotov Remembers, 45.


      “Memorandum of Conference with Marshal Stalin, January 15, 1945,” Averell Harriman Papers; FRUS: Yalta, 575, 579–80; Крымская конференция, 57, 62–64; Cunningham, A Sailor’s Odyssey,627–28.

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