Pronombres en inglés con ejemplos. Artsun Akopyan

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Pronombres en inglés con ejemplos - Artsun Akopyan

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Do you support them?

      22. I am a fan of them.

      This, that, these, those

      Las palabras this, that, these y those son pronombres demostrativos. También se pueden usar como adjetivos demostrativos.

      This/that woman

      Aprende las palabras:

      this – este/a

      that – ese/a

      the – el/la

      here – aquí

      there – allí

      another – otro/a

      Estudia los ejemplos:

      This is a woman.

      The woman is here.

      She is here.

      This woman is here.

      That is another woman.

      The woman is there.

      She is there.

      That woman is there.

      This/that dog

      Aprende las palabras:

      dog – perro

      Estudia los ejemplos:

      This is a dog.

      The dog is here.

      It is here.

      This dog is here.

      That is another dog.

      The dog is there.

      It is there.

      That dog is there.

      This/that ball

      Aprende las palabras:

      ball – pelota

      Estudia los ejemplos:

      This is a ball.

      The ball is here.

      It is here.

      This ball is here.

      That is another ball.

      The ball is there.

      It is there.

      That ball is there.

      These/those people

      Aprende las palabras:

      these – estos/as

      those – esos/as

      two – dos

      nearby – cerca

      run – correr

      running – corriendo

      other – otro/a

      far – lejos

      away – lejos

      far away – muy lejos

      walk – caminar

      walking – caminando

      Estudia los ejemplos:

      These are people.

      Two people are nearby.

      They are running.

      These people are running.

      Those are two other people.

      They are far away.

      They are walking.

      Those people are walking.

      These/those horses

      Aprende las palabras:

      horses – caballos

      stand – estar de pie

      standing – estar de pie

      Estudia los ejemplos:

      These are horses.

      The horses are nearby.

      They are running.

      These horses are running.

      Those are other horses.

      The horses are far away.

      They are standing.

      Those horses are standing.

      These/those books

      Aprende las palabras:

      book – libro

      books – libros

      on – sobre

      table – mesa

      on the table – sobre la mesa

      shelf – estantería

      shelves – estanterías

      on the shelves – sobre las estanterías

      Estudia los ejemplos:

      These are books.

      The books are here.

      They are on the table.

      These books are on the table.

      Those are other books.

      The books are there.

      They are on the shelves.

      Those books are on the shelves.

      Revisión: Unidades 15—20

      Usa this, that, thesethose para completar las oraciones.

      1. __________ ball is here.

      2. __________ people are running. They are nearby.

      3. __________ people are walking. They are far away.

      4. __________ dog is there.

      5. __________ horses are running. They are nearby.

      6. __________ woman is here.

      7. __________ ball is there.

      8. __________ horses are standing. They are far away.

      9. __________ dog is here.

      10. __________ books are on the table. They are here.

      11. __________ books are on the shelves. They are there.

      12. __________ woman is there.


      1. This ball is here.

      2. These people are running. They are nearby.

      3. Those people are walking. They are far away.

      4. That dog is there.

      5. These horses are running. They are nearby.


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