The Summer Villa. Melissa Hill

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The Summer Villa - Melissa  Hill

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      She read a little way through some of the comments, before one in particular stopped her in her tracks.

       The Sweet Life? That’s a joke, considering. Don’t you mean The FAKE Life?

      Kim frowned.

      Since the villa project had ramped up, lately she seemed to be getting some negative and downright nasty comments from people (although possibly even the same person using different identities, as online trolls often did).

      Par for the course with social media, she knew, especially for an account with a following in the hundreds of thousands, and while Kim didn’t usually pay too much attention, she didn’t like the sound of this one.

       The Fake Life …

      It was unsettling, as it suggested something more sinister – personal, even – and because in truth, it tapped into Kim’s own deeply held insecurities.

      ‘Are you OK, bella?’ Antonio asked, frowning as he came back out with a decanter of rich amber that he’d stolen from the villa’s freshly stocked kitchen.

      ‘I’m … fine.’

      He studied her face and then his brows furrowed slightly as he noticed her faraway expression. He set the whiskey down on the patio table.

      ‘OK, maybe this is something that should be spirit-free,’ he decided. He lowered himself onto the seat beside her, his knees pointed towards her. ‘Tell me what’s going on.’

      Kim exhaled and looked out over the water. She wasn’t going to tell Antonio about the comments; not until she could get a proper handle on it all herself.

      Not to mention that he didn’t really get social media, routinely joking that it was ‘not of his generation’.

      ‘You asked me earlier about Gabriel …’ she began, though the strain to get the words out was considerable.

      Antonio didn’t interrupt. He sat quietly, his expression still, as he allowed her the time and comfort to say what she needed to.

      ‘When I met Gabe, I really thought I’d hit the jackpot, that everything I’d ever dreamed about was actually happening. A kind, accomplished, wonderful man wanted me by his side and it had nothing to do with my parents. It was a bit surreal. He was so good to me, genuinely kind and caring. He understood my passion for what you, Emilia, and I had started. Eventually, he became my best friend.’ Kim could feel sadness start to rise up as she spoke and her eyes began to sting.

      ‘You are speaking in the past tense, bella. Did that change? Did he stop being good to you?’ Antonio queried hesitantly, as he placed a comforting hand on top of hers.

      ‘No,’ Kim answered. ‘The very opposite, actually. Once we were married, he remained all those things and more. My biggest champion and supporter. I was so happy and felt I could take on the world with him at my side. We had everything, the rest of our lives to look forward to. Then I got pregnant.’

      She noted how her words affected Antonio. He shifted slightly, a disapproving expression passing over his face. She knew his view on children. He adored them, believed them a gift from God, something to cherish. Kim didn’t get that line of thinking. Her parents obviously hadn’t, either.

      ‘When I found out I was going to have a baby, I was scared out of my wits. I didn’t know how to be a parent. I didn’t even know where to start. Having a child had never been a consideration for me. Everything with the business was going so well and I was happier than I’d ever been in my life. Then there was this baby in the mix and I was supposed to be over the moon about it. Everyone else was. Gabriel was beside himself with joy.’ She shook her head as her eyes glassed over at the memory.

      ‘Kim—’ Antonio began but she stopped him.

      ‘I know what you’re going to say, but please hear me out,’ she pleaded. ‘I didn’t really want the baby.’

      The words were horrible to say out loud, but nonetheless true. Kim hadn’t wanted her own child. She felt terrible for it, but it didn’t change what was. She might not have wanted Lily, but not having her wasn’t an option either. Gabriel would never have forgiven her (nor could she have forgiven herself), and he assured her every day that she would be a great mother. Her fears would pass and she would see that she could do it.

      But it hadn’t happened.

      ‘I carried Lily for all those months and every day I hoped to feel the excitement and happiness everyone said I would, but I didn’t. The closer I got to her birth, the more scared I became. When she finally arrived, it was almost a confirmation that I shouldn’t be a mother. She refused to nurse and cried whenever I picked her up. It was almost as if she didn’t want me either.’ Kim took a deep breath as emotion began to overwhelm her. ‘It’s like she knew.’

      ‘It is all right. Let it out.’ Antonio spoke gently, like a father to his child.

      ‘She had colic. She’d cry and cry but nothing I did helped. Only Gabriel could get her to stop. He’d hold her in a special way and she’d just go quiet and fall asleep. It never worked for me, no matter how many times I tried. Eventually, I stopped trying and just left him to it.’

      ‘You let him take over caring for her because you felt you couldn’t, and he would be better?’

      Kim nodded solemnly.

      ‘Babies sometimes reject breastfeeding. It is nothing strange and it certainly isn’t personal,’ Antonio assured her.

      ‘It felt like it.’

      ‘I can’t imagine. I can, however, imagine a colicky child. I had one myself. Nothing worked. Nothing Emilia or I did worked, but we got past that. It wasn’t us, it wasn’t the baby. It was just a simple condition that Giuseppe got over, and I am sure Lily got over, too.’

      ‘After a while,’ Kim said with a sniffle.

      ‘Did you try with her after that?’ he asked gently.

      ‘Not really,’ she replied with a shake of her head. ‘Things started getting even better with work, the collaboration offers were flying in, and Gabriel seemed happy to do it all, so I let him. I let him be mother and father to her. She doesn’t need me, even now.’

      The soothing strokes on her back stopped as firm hands gripped her shoulders and Antonio turned her to face him. ‘Now that is nonsense. I have never heard a more foolish remark. Your daughter needs you, Kim. Your husband needs you. You can’t just run away again and turn to work to escape what doesn’t go according to plan in your life.’

      ‘But …’

      He raised a finger to silence her. ‘No. Maybe I can understand that you didn’t have an example to follow, and you felt lost and incapable because of it, but the Kim I know is not a quitter. Six years ago she did whatever she could to free herself of her parents’ hold and established a thriving business all on her own.’

      ‘Not exactly. I had a lot of help,’ she interjected.

      ‘I did very little,’ Antonio responded. ‘And Emilia simply opened your eyes to the potential of what you already had inside you. Yes, she might have got you some introductions in the beginning, but it was you who had your wonderful ideas and brought them to life in the first place. We had no part in that.’

      ‘I wouldn’t say that …’

      ‘I would. I would also say that you can’t let your fears keep you from your happiness. Follow your own advice: take a chance. If you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wise.’

      ‘Well, something like that,’ Kim replied with a smile, as he lobbed one of her very own quotes at her.

      ‘You get my meaning,’ he continued. ‘You need to be that person now. It can’t only be for some time but all of the time, or else you will never have the happiness you want to help others achieve. You’ll forever

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