Primitive islands. Michael KLYMOVITSRYI

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Primitive islands - Michael KLYMOVITSRYI

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them. They were especially friends with wolves who had grown up and accompanied them everywhere. The Son also had a wolf and a bear as friends. But recently a few small children disappeared and the hunters never found their corpses or remains.

                 From the side of the forest river flowing into the Dnieper River on the island there was a lake where spring waters flowed down. By the summer, the lake had warmed up and the children bathed in it. The son and his friends Wolf and the bear were heading towards the lake, where several children had recently disappeared.

      A few more girls and boys followed them.

      The son took a light boomerang to hunt ducks and geese nesting by the lake. This time there were no ducks and geese on the lake, and there were several swans in the middle of the lake. This alerted the Son, and he cried out to the younger children not to enter the water. Suddenly the swan shouted and started clapping his wings, trying to fly away. Then a bear growled and went into the lake. He was tied to a liana tree.

          Liana stood up and the bear howled louder, as if he had been torn to pieces. The girls ran to the village for help. Liana was strong and the oak was quite large.

      The hunters came running, Father and a few women came to get them. Everybody, holding on to the liana and dragging the bear to the shore, but on the other hand, he was pulling it harder!

       His father ordered him to bend a small tree and tie it to the vine on which the bear was held. By his order, the tree was lowered, the water column rose, and threw a huge one with a bear in his mouth with a big wave on the shore.

      Som tried to return to the water, hitting with his tail, but arrows and axes are already flying into the water. When the catfish calmed down, the bear was alive, its claws crawled and it got stuck in the throat of a fish whose head was bigger than that of a bear.

      Three hunters could lie along the entire length of the catfish.


      In the fall, when the leaf on the oaks turned yellow and acorns were ripening, harvesting began on the Island: women dried fish on willow twigs, gathered on the shore a chili water chestnut, similar to small hedgehogs, hazelnuts and cones. Squirrels and groundhogs also made reserves, although there was no snow on the island. But in winter, food was getting smaller. Therefore, the hunters decided to arrange a big hunt. They crossed the coast opposite a rocky cliff, waited above and, following the example of cave hunters, set fire to dry grass behind tarps and steppe antelopes grazing at the cliff. Frightened, they rushed to the cliff and fell down. When the fire went out, and it was possible to go down a yar to the bank of the river where the blood was bleeding, the hunters found that they themselves were ambushed. A large group of cave lions surrounded the ledge. Their yellow skins flickered in burnt bushes, and then, in the untouched steppe, ran from place to place a pack of hyenas and maned wolves. There were about forty hunters. They became a semicircle in two rows, closing the descent to the shore; they did not want to give up their prey. Here were the Father and the Son, and the leader. People did not have enough torches to hold the animals, and there was already nothing to burn. In the fight against the fang and claw, you must have a long arm. The monkeys realized this, throwing sticks and stones at the cats.

      People had boomerangs, but cave lions pressed low to the ground and crawled closer. The axes of the hunters had too short handles. For tribes with lions, African tribes successfully use long spears, more than one on one. The hunters slowly retreated to the oak forest, on the edge of the spring, along the trees of which there was a path to the rapids and to the Island.

      They wanted to take at least part of the booty, so the leader sent several people down to load the rafts. The rest were on the defensive. The son noticed that suddenly hyenas and wolves began to scatter away. And high above the grass appeared the monstrous heads of a pair of large hyenas from the Tertiary period (in Africa they were called the killers of elephants). Smelling blood, they rushed towards the hunters, and there was nothing to stop them, they were growth from a bull, and their mouths were half-meter. The hunters freed the passage and rushed to the trees.

      Wolves driven to a sand spit at the end of the island were starving and therefore began to hunt piglets and gilts in the reeds by the lake, although not always successfully. The general battle between wolves and swamp boars occurred in the spring. The son and his group first heard a very loud screech of the pig, which the wolves dragged, passing each other on the braid. People climbing up the oaks saw a pig run out of reeds, followed by a whole herd of gilts, and rushed off to the scythe. There was nowhere to retreat to the wolves; wild boars swam better than them. The deadly battle lasted an hour or two.

      Amazon father

      After the death of hunters, the number of women on the island amounted to three quarters. The leader was killed and there was no suitable gray-haired man for his role. The island came under the control of women and became the island of the Amazons. The son was 13 years old, and he was considered an adult hunter. There were no families as such on the island before, and now the Son had several women who spent the night in his hut. There weren’t enough hunters, and the Son taught a group of girls how to use weapons and went with them to scout to the shore. Father survived, but was severely limp after a lion bite.

      The role of women on the island intensified, and now they caught themselves, dried and harvested berries and fruits. Edible roots and other aquatic plants are collected on the lake and on the forest river. Women decided to expel the excess eaters – tamed wolves and bears and began to kill them. Shelter on the very edge of the island, on a sand spit and became aggressive. Another misfortune came, or rather, sailed. Swamp cabins moved to the island, settled in the reeds and lakes, and began to sketch in the village, the elderly were all contractors, and these were small children.

      Wild boars liked forest pigs, and they cut the forest cleaver for two rutting. Swamp boars were larger than forest boars, black, covered with reddish bristles (wire-hard) with a long snout, on which thick yellow fangs protruded from the bottom upwards, so that it was convenient to undermine and cut the roots of trees and dig up the rhizomes of swamp plants. Females had smaller fangs. It was impossible to defend against an angry boar with an ax or a boomerang, only bonfires kept it.

      Wolves driven to a sand spit at the end of the island were starving and therefore began to hunt piglets and gilts in the reeds by the lake, although not always successfully. The general battle between wolves and swamp boars occurred in the spring. The son and his group first heard a very loud screech of the pig, which the wolves dragged, passing each other on the braid. People climbing up the oaks saw a pig run out of reeds, followed by a whole herd of gilts, and rushed off to the scythe. There was nowhere to retreat to the wolves; wild boars swam better than them. The deadly battle lasted an hour or two, but in the end, the surviving pigs rushed to the Dnieper and sailed to the forest river. And only one Wolf, whom the Son tamed, returned to the village.

      Father went limp and aged (new people lived on average up to 30-35 years old, if they did not die). He began to manufacture hunting tools in a stone pit, hollowed out by people on top of the island. The long-armed youths, the grown children of cave hunters, helped him. They helped not only him, but were in the tribe in the role of slaves. He broke large stones and broke off branches and branches necessary for the manufacture of axes and other tools. The rest of the processing was done only by him. In addition, he now performed the role of a shaman, painted animal figures and hunting scenes on sand or large stones,

      and broke off the branches and branches necessary for the manufacture of axes and other tools. The rest of the processing was done only by him. In addition, he now performed the role of a shaman, painted animal figures and hunting scenes on sand or large stones.

      After the battle with the cave lions, the Father realized that the handle at the stone ax should be longer, and the sharp stone, which was fixed in the splinter, it is better to deploy the narrow part forward. Thus was born a heavy spear with a sharp and firm tip. The son understood everything and took the spear into service. He was now the Chief Hunter, and he had a group of girls. Spears allowed to kill an animal from a short distance or to point them against a predator.


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