Rámáyan of Válmíki (World's Classics Series). Valmiki

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Rámáyan of Válmíki (World's Classics Series) - Valmiki

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yoke a chariot now for me,

      That so we part without delay:

      These envoys hasten me away.”

      So fared he forth. That host, with speed,

      Quadruple, as the king decreed,

      With priests to head the bright array,

      Followed the monarch on his way.

      Four days they travelled on the road,

      And eve Videha’s kingdom showed.

      Janak had left his royal seat

      The venerable king to greet,

      And, noblest, with these words addressed

      That noblest lord, his happy guest:

      “Hail, best of kings: a blessed fate

      Has led thee, Monarch, to my state.

      Thy sons, supreme in high emprise,

      Will gladden now their father’s eyes.

      And high my fate, that hither leads

      Vaśishṭha, bright with holy deeds,

      Girt with these sages far-renowned,

      Like Indra with the Gods around.

      Joy! joy! for vanquished are my foes:

      Joy! for my house in glory grows,

      With Raghu’s noblest sons allied,

      Supreme in strength and valour’s pride.

      To-morrow with its early light

      Will shine on my completed rite.

      Then, sanctioned by the saints and thee,

      The marriage of thy Ráma see.”

      Then Daśaratha, best of those

      Whose speech in graceful order flows,

      With gathered saints on every side,

      Thus to the lord of earth replied:

      “A truth is this I long have known,

      A favour is the giver’s own.

      What thou shalt bid, O good and true,

      We, as our power permits, will do.”

      That answer of the truthful lord,

      With virtuous worth and honour stored,

      Janak, Videha’s noble king,

      Heard gladly, greatly marvelling.

      With bosoms filled with pleasure met

      Long-parted saint and anchoret,

      And linked in friendship’s tie they spent

      The peaceful night in great content.

      Ráma and Lakshmaṇ thither sped,

      By sainted Viśvámitra led,

      And bent in filial love to greet

      Their father, and embraced his feet.

      The aged king, rejoiced to hear

      And see again his children dear,

      Honoured by Janak’s thoughtful care,

      With great enjoyment rested there.

      King Janak, with attentive heed,

      Consulted first his daughters’ need,

      And ordered all to speed the rite;

      Then rested also for the night.

      Canto 70. The Maidens Sought.

      Then with the morn’s returning sun.

      King Janak, when his rites were done,

      Skilled all the charms of speech to know,

      Spoke to wise Śatánanda so:

      “My brother, lord of glorious fame,

      My younger, Kuśadhwaj by name,

      Whose virtuous life has won renown,

      Has settled in a lovely town,

      Sánkáśyá, decked with grace divine,

      Whose glories bright as Pushpak’s shine,

      While Ikshumatí rolls her wave

      Her lofty rampart’s foot to lave.

      Him, holy priest, I long to see:

      The guardian of my rite is he:

      That my dear brother may not miss

      A share of mine expected bliss.”

      Thus in the presence of the priest

      The royal Janak spoke, and ceased.

      Then came his henchmen, prompt and brave,

      To whom his charge the monarch gave.

      Soon as they heard his will, in haste

      With fleetest steeds away they raced,

      To lead with them that lord of kings,

      As Indra’s call Lord Vishṇu brings.

      Sánkáśyá‘s walls they duly gained,

      And audience of the king obtained.

      To him they told the news they brought

      Of marvels past and Janak’s thought.

      Soon as the king the story knew

      From those good envoys swift and true,

      To Janak’s wish he gave assent,

      And swift to Míthilá he went.

      He paid to Janak reverence due,

      And holy Śatánanda too,

      Then sate him on a glorious seat

      For kings or Gods celestial meet.

      Soon as the brothers, noble pair

      Peerless in might, were seated there,

      They gave the wise Sudáman, best

      Of councillors, their high behest:

      “Go, noble councillor,” they cried,

      “And hither to our presence guide

      Ikshváku’s son, Ayodhyá‘s lord,

      Invincible by foeman’s sword,

      With both his sons, each holy seer,

      And every minister and peer.”

      Sudáman to the palace flew,

      And saw the mighty king who threw

      Splendour on Raghu’s splendid race,

      Then bowed his head with seemly grace:

      “O King, whose hand Ayodhyá sways,

      My lord, whom Míthilá obeys,

      Yearns with desire, if thou agree,

      Thee with thy guide and priest to see.”

      Soon as the councillor had ceased,

      The king, with saint and peer and priest,

      Sought, speeding through the palace gate,

      The hall where Janak held his state.

      There, with his nobles round him spread,

      Thus to Videha’s lord be said:

      “Thou knowest, King, whose aid divine


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