The Greatest Works of Otis Adelbert Kline - 18 Books in One Edition. Otis Adelbert Kline

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The Greatest Works of Otis Adelbert Kline - 18 Books in One Edition - Otis Adelbert  Kline

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of his club.”

      “I did not know it was Rorg who pushed me,” replied Urg.

      “Why do you hesitate before this little food-man?” asked Rorg. “Do you fear him?”

      “Of course not,” answered Urg. “I was playing with him. I was about to kill him when you came up.”

      “I believe you fear him,” continued Rorg. “I notice he slew your brother, Arg, who was as good a fighter as you. This is unusual for a food-man. He must be a mighty warrior among his people. It shall be for Rorg, mightiest of the cave-apes, to slay him.”

      “It is my right to kill him,” growled Urg, “for he slew my brother.”

      “He will be killed when and how I ordain, for I am king.” He swung on me once more. “Who are you, food-man,” he asked, “and how did you slay my people?”

      “I am Zinlo,” I replied, “and I slew your people with the weapons of Chixa which I took from her.”

      “How could you take Chixa’s weapons from her?” asked Rorg incredulously. “Why, she is ten times as strong as you. I do not believe it. Chixa gave you her weapons, so Chixa shall be slain.”

      “Chixa lies unconscious on the ground, Rorg,” clucked a female. “This food-man must have taken her weapons by force.”

      “Chixa is feigning and shall be slain,” said Rorg. “Such a thing would not be possible. Go and slay her, Urg.”

      All this time I had been standing guardedly, saying nothing; but when it became apparent that the female ape was about to be killed through no fault of her own, but because of something I had done, I felt a wave of pity for her. Brute and man-eater though she was, she had been considerate of me. After all, she was something like a woman.

      “Rorg,” I said, “I did not lie about taking her weapons from her, and I can prove it.”


      “By taking the weapons from your strongest warrior in the same manner.”

      “Can you take Urg’s weapons from him?” asked Rorg.

      “Of course.”

      “Then you must be very strong or very clever. I like clever food-men. Sometimes I keep them for a long while when they are exceedingly clever. When they fail to amuse me they die. Let me see you take Urg’s weapons, and I will spare your life for today, at least.”

      “But what of Chixa?”

      “I will spare her life, also.”

      “Good. I will need plenty of room, and I demand your promise that I will not be attacked by any one other than Urg.”

      “You will have plenty of room, and you have my word that you will not be attacked or interfered with,” said Rorg.

      “Move back, then, all of you,” I said, “until I tell you to stop.”

      The crowd drew back until the front line was a hundred feet from the rock in all directions.

      “That is enough. Now, Urg, come here and I will take your weapons. I will go unarmed, and you must not have your weapons in your hands. You will walk beside me as if I were your prisoner fastened to a tether.” With this I dropped weapons to the ground.

      “It is a trick,” growled Urg, but at Rorg’s command he hung his flint knife around his neck, and hooked his club in the string around his waist. As the brute lumbered up beside me, and I saw what a mighty tower of strength he was, I must confess that I felt considerable doubt about being able to knock him out.

      He strode along beside me, his great arms swinging at his sides. I timed my swing for the instant when the great paw nearest me was back, leaving the abdomen unguarded. Then I pivoted, landing my right fist in his solar plexus —all the force I could muster behind it.

      With a grunt of surprise, he doubled forward as Chixa had done; but before I could swing for his jaw, he stood erect once more and reached for his club. His chin, by this time, was so high in the air that I could not reach it, and he had his plexus covered by his great forearm; there was nothing I could do with my fists. His shins; however, were exposed; I kicked the right one with my sandaled foot.

      Uttering a howl of pain, he raised his foot and launched it at me, whereupon I grasped it with both hands, and twisting it with a sudden jerk that caused the bones to creak, turned his toes downward and his heel upward at the same time. This turned him completely around, and a quick push sent him on his face.

      Before he could scramble erect, I leaped on his back, planting a heavy blow just beneath his ear. He shook himself in an effort to dislodge me, but I grasped one of his tusks with my left hand, and with my legs wrapped around him, continued to hammer him behind the furry ear.

      Standing erect, he bellowed angrily, and releasing his grip on his club, grasped my left arm in his huge right hand. Wrenching my hand away from his tusk, he jerked me forward over his left shoulder and threw me to the ground fully twenty feet away. Fortunately for me, I alighted on my feet, and although I stumbled and fell, was unhurt.

      I saw Urg coming toward me, but he reeled drunkenly.

      Quickly springing to my feet, I leaped forward, whereupon he jerked his club from his belt and made a wild swing for my head. As his momentum bent him forward, I dodged, and leaping in, planted a blow in his right eye. He straightened, and I struck him in the solar plexus once more.

      This time he doubled up, exposing his jaw, on which I planted a crashing right hook. Once more he stood erect, tottering unsteadily, and once more I doubled him up with a plexus blow, getting in a left to the jaw. He fell on his face as I sprang out of his way, finishing him with a blow behind the ear.

      I slipped the knife cord from around his neck, and picked up the great saw-edged club which he had dropped. Then I leaped upon his back, and with one foot on his neck, brandished the weapons aloft, while a great howl went up from the mob around me.

      From his place in the center of the line, Rorg walked slowly toward me, attended only by the female with the fern frond. I stepped down from the prostrate body of Urg as he approached, and slung the knife about my neck, also hooking the club in my belt. “Are you convinced?” I asked.

      “I am convinced,” replied Rorg. “You are clever enough to be kept alive for a while, and Chixa shall be spared.”

      It was then I noticed a gold bangle about Rorg’s wrist. I saw that it was stamped with the coat of arms of Taliboz, and it followed that this must have belonged to one of his retainers.

      “Where did you get the man who wore that bangle?” I asked.

      “My warriors captured him with twelve other food-men, and a food-woman. We have eaten them all, except one man who is very clever, and the woman, who is very beautiful.”

      “Do you know the name of this clever food-man?” I asked.

      “His servants called him Lord Taliboz,” was the reply.

      “And the food-woman?”

      “A royal princess, fit only for royalty. I intend to wed her at the beginning of the next endir. Although I should like to wed her sooner, I will not depart from the customs and traditions of my forefathers, who married but one wife at a time and her at the beginning of each endir, thus taking but ten mates a year. I had intended Chixa for my next wife, but now she will have to wait for another endir.”

      “Is it customary for cave-apes to mate with food-people?”

      “It is not,” replied Rorg, “but we have no old law against it. I make all the new laws, and I have decreed that, hereafter, all Rogos of the Cave-Apes may marry food-women if they choose to do so.”

      “I have a great curiosity to see this food-man who is so clever and this beautiful food-woman,” I said.

      “You shall see them,” replied Rorg. “Come with me. I want you to do some more

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