FANTASTICAL ADVENTURES – L. Frank Baum Edition (Childhood Essentials Library). Лаймен Фрэнк Баум

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FANTASTICAL ADVENTURES – L. Frank Baum Edition (Childhood Essentials Library) - Лаймен Фрэнк Баум

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those enemies,” suggested the Wizard. “Just now, my dear, there is not a single warrior in your company.”

      “Oh, I guess Zeb could fight if he had to. Couldn’t you, Zeb?” asked the little girl.

      “Perhaps; if I had to,” answered Zeb, doubtfully.

      “And you have the jointed sword that you chopped the veg’table Sorcerer in two with,” the girl said to the little man.

      “True,” he replied; “and in my satchel are other useful things to fight with.”

      “What the Gargoyles most dread is a noise,” said the man’s voice. “Our Champion told me that when he shouted his battle-cry the creatures shuddered and drew back, hesitating to continue the combat. But they were in great numbers, and the Champion could not shout much because he had to save his breath for fighting.”

      “Very good,” said the Wizard; “we can all yell better than we can fight, so we ought to defeat the Gargoyles.”

      “But tell me,” said Dorothy, “how did such a brave Champion happen to let the bears eat him? And if he was invis’ble, and the bears invis’ble, who knows that they really ate him up?”

      “The Champion had killed eleven bears in his time,” returned the unseen man; “and we know this is true because when any creature is dead the invisible charm of the dama-fruit ceases to be active, and the slain one can be plainly seen by all eyes. When the Champion killed a bear everyone could see it; and when the bears killed the Champion we all saw several pieces of him scattered about, which of course disappeared again when the bears devoured them.”

      They now bade farewell to the kind but unseen people of the cottage, and after the man had called their attention to a high, pyramid-shaped mountain on the opposite side of the Valley, and told them how to travel in order to reach it, they again started upon their journey.

      They followed the course of a broad stream and passed several more pretty cottages; but of course they saw no one, nor did any one speak to them. Fruits and flowers grew plentifully all about, and there were many of the delicious damas that the people of Voe were so fond of.

      About noon they stopped to allow Jim to rest in the shade of a pretty orchard, and while they plucked and ate some of the cherries and plums that grew there a soft voice suddenly said to them:

      “There are bears near by. Be careful.”

      The Wizard got out his sword at once, and Zeb grabbed the horse-whip. Dorothy climbed into the buggy, although Jim had been unharnessed from it and was grazing some distance away.

      The owner of the unseen voice laughed lightly and said:

      “You cannot escape the bears that way.”

      “How CAN we ‘scape?” asked Dorothy, nervously, for an unseen danger is always the hardest to face.

      “You must take to the river,” was the reply. “The bears will not venture upon the water.”

      “But we would be drowned!” exclaimed the girl.

      “Oh, there is no need of that,” said the voice, which from its gentle tones seemed to belong to a young girl. “You are strangers in the Valley of Voe, and do not seem to know our ways; so I will try to save you.”

      The next moment a broad-leaved plant was jerked from the ground where it grew and held suspended in the air before the Wizard.

      “Sir,” said the voice, “you must rub these leaves upon the soles of all your feet, and then you will be able to walk upon the water without sinking below the surface. It is a secret the bears do not know, and we people of Voe usually walk upon the water when we travel, and so escape our enemies.”

      “Thank you!” cried the Wizard, joyfully, and at once rubbed a leaf upon the soles of Dorothy’s shoes and then upon his own. The girl took a leaf and rubbed it upon the kitten’s paws, and the rest of the plant was handed to Zeb, who, after applying it to his own feet, carefully rubbed it upon all four of Jim’s hoofs and then upon the tires of the buggy-wheels. He had nearly finished this last task when a low growling was suddenly heard and the horse began to jump around and kick viciously with his heels.

      “Quick! To the water or you are lost!” cried their unseen friend, and without hesitation the Wizard drew the buggy down the bank and out upon the broad river, for Dorothy was still seated in it with Eureka in her arms. They did not sink at all, owing to the virtues of the strange plant they had used, and when the buggy was in the middle of the stream the Wizard returned to the bank to assist Zeb and Jim.

      The horse was plunging madly about, and two or three deep gashes appeared upon its flanks, from which the blood flowed freely.

      “Run for the river!” shouted the Wizard, and Jim quickly freed himself from his unseen tormenters by a few vicious kicks and then obeyed. As soon as he trotted out upon the surface of the river he found himself safe from pursuit, and Zeb was already running across the water toward Dorothy.

      As the little Wizard turned to follow them he felt a hot breath against his cheek and heard a low, fierce growl. At once he began stabbing at the air with his sword, and he knew that he had struck some substance because when he drew back the blade it was dripping with blood. The third time that he thrust out the weapon there was a loud roar and a fall, and suddenly at his feet appeared the form of a great red bear, which was nearly as big as the horse and much stronger and fiercer. The beast was quite dead from the sword thrusts, and after a glance at its terrible claws and sharp teeth the little man turned in a panic and rushed out upon the water, for other menacing growls told him more bears were near.

      On the river, however, the adventurers seemed to be perfectly safe. Dorothy and the buggy had floated slowly down stream with the current of the water, and the others made haste to join her. The Wizard opened his satchel and got out some sticking-plaster with which he mended the cuts Jim had received from the claws of the bears.

      “I think we’d better stick to the river, after this,” said Dorothy. “If our unknown friend hadn’t warned us, and told us what to do, we would all be dead by this time.”

      “That is true,” agreed the Wizard, “and as the river seems to be flowing in the direction of the Pyramid Mountain it will be the easiest way for us to travel.”

      Zeb hitched Jim to the buggy again, and the horse trotted along and drew them rapidly over the smooth water. The kitten was at first dreadfully afraid of getting wet, but Dorothy let her down and soon Eureka was frisking along beside the buggy without being scared a bit. Once a little fish swam too near the surface, and the kitten grabbed it in her mouth and ate it up as quick as a wink; but Dorothy cautioned her to be careful what she ate in this valley of enchantments, and no more fishes were careless enough to swim within reach.

      After a journey of several hours they came to a point where the river curved, and they found they must cross a mile or so of the Valley before they came to the Pyramid Mountain. There were few houses in this part, and few orchards or flowers; so our friends feared they might encounter more of the savage bears, which they had learned to dread with all their hearts.

      “You’ll have to make a dash, Jim,” said the Wizard, “and run as fast as you can go.”

      “All right,” answered the horse; “I’ll do my best. But you must remember I’m old, and my dashing days are past and gone.”

      All three got into the buggy and Zeb picked up the reins, though Jim needed no guidance of any sort. The horse was still smarting from the sharp claws of the invisible bears, and as soon as he was on land and headed toward the mountain the thought that more of those fearsome creatures might be near acted as a spur and sent him galloping along in a way that made Dorothy catch her breath.

      Then Zeb, in a spirit of mischief, uttered a growl like that of the bears, and Jim pricked up his ears and fairly flew. His boney legs moved so fast they could scarcely be seen, and the Wizard clung fast to the seat and yelled “Whoa!” at the top of his voice.

      “I—I’m ‘fraid he’s—he’s

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