The Complete Thrums Trilogy: Auld Licht Idylls, A Window in Thrums & The Little Minister (Illustrated Edition). J. M. Barrie

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The Complete Thrums Trilogy: Auld Licht Idylls, A Window in Thrums & The Little Minister (Illustrated Edition) - J. M.  Barrie

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after Bell," said Eppie.

      "Am no sae sure o' that," said Sam'l, trying to leer. He was enjoying himself now.

      "Am no sure o' that," he repeated, for Eppie seemed lost in stitches.



      "Ye'll be speirin' her sune noo, I dinna doot?"

      This took Sam'l, who had only been courting Bell for a year or two, a little aback.

      "Hoo d'ye mean, Eppie?" he asked.

      "Maybe ye'll do't the nicht."

      "Na, there's nae hurry," said Sam'l.

      "Weel, we're a' coontin' on't, Sam'l."

      "Gae wa wi' ye."

      "What for no'?"

      "Gae wa wi' ye," said Sam'l again.

      "Bell's get an' fond o' ye, Sam'l."

      "Ay," said Sam'l.

      "But am dootin' ye're a fell billy wi' the lasses."

      "Ay, oh, I d'na kin, moderate, moderate," said Sam'l, in high delight.

      "I saw ye," said Eppie, speaking with a wire in her mouth, "gae'in on terr'ble wi Mysy Haggart at the pump last Saturday."

      "We was juist amoosin' oorsels," said Sam'l.

      "It'll be nae amoosement to Mysy," said Eppie, "gin ye brak her heart."

      "Losh, Eppie," said Sam'l, "I didna think o' that."

      "Ye maun kin weel, Sam'l, 'at there's mony a lass wid jump at ye."

      "Ou, weel," said Sam'l, implying that a man must take these things as they come.

      "For ye're a dainty chield to look at, Sam'l."

      "Do ye think so, Eppie? Ay, ay; oh, I d'na kin am onything by the ordinar."

      "Ye mayna be," said Eppie, "but lasses doesna do to be ower partikler."

      Sam'l resented this, and prepared to depart again.

      "Ye'll no tell Bell that?" he asked, anxiously.

      "Tell her what?"

      "Aboot me an' Mysy."

      "We'll see hoo ye behave yersel, Sam'l."

      "No 'at I care, Eppie; ye can tell her gin ye like. I widna think twice o' tellin her mysel."

      "The Lord forgie ye for leein', Sam'l," said Eppie, as he disappeared down Tammy Tosh's close. Here he came upon Henders Webster.

      "Ye're late, Sam'l," said Henders.

      "What for?"

      "Ou, I was thinkin' ye wid be gaen the length o' T'nowhead the nicht, an' I saw Sanders Elshioner makkin's wy there an oor syne."

      "Did ye?" cried Sam'l, adding craftily, "but it's naething to me."

      "Tod, lad," said Henders, "gin ye dinna buckle to, Sanders'll be carryin' her off."

      Sam'l flung back his head and passed on.

      "Sam'l!" cried Henders after him.

      "Ay," said Sam'l, wheeling round.

      "Gie Bell a kiss frae me."

      The full force of this joke struck neither all at once. Sam'l began to smile at it as he turned down the school-wynd, and it came upon Henders while he was in his garden feeding his ferret. Then he slapped his legs gleefully, and explained the conceit to Will'um Byars, who went into the house and thought it over.

      There were twelve or twenty little groups of men in the square, which was lit by a flare of oil suspended over a cadger's cart. Now and again a staid young woman passed through the square with a basket on her arm, and if she had lingered long enough to give them time, some of the idlers would have addressed her. As it was, they gazed after her, and then grinned to each other.

      "Ay, Sam'l," said two or three young men, as Sam'l joined them beneath the town clock.

      "Ay, Davit," replied Sam'l.

      This group was composed of some of the sharpest wits in Thrums, and it was not to be expected that they would let this opportunity pass. Perhaps when Sam'l joined them he knew what was in store for him.

      "Was ye lookin' for T'nowhead's Bell, Sam'l?" asked one.

      "Or mebbe ye was wantin' the minister?" suggested another, the same who had walked out twice with Chirsty Duff and not married her after all.

      Sam'l could not think of a good reply at the moment, so he laughed good-naturedly.

      "Ondoobtedly she's a snod bit crittur," said Davit, archly.

      "An' michty clever wi' her fingers," added Jamie Deuchars.

      "Man, I've thocht o' makkin' up to Bell mysel," said Pete Ogle. "Wid there be ony chance, think ye, Sam'l?"

      "I'm thinkin' she widna hae ye for her first, Pete," replied Sam'l, in one of those happy flashes that come to some men, "but there's nae sayin' but what she micht tak ye to finish up wi.'"

      The unexpectedness of this sally startled every one. Though Sam'l did not set up for a wit, however, like Davit, it was notorious that he could say a cutting thing once in a way.

      "Did ye ever see Bell reddin up?" asked Pete, recovering from his overthrow. He was a man who bore no malice.

      "It's a sicht," said Sam'l, solemnly.

      "Hoo will that be?" asked Jamie Deuchars.

      "It's weel worth yer while," said Pete, "to ging atower to the T'nowhead an' see. Ye'll mind the closed-in beds i' the kitchen? Ay, weel, they're a fell spoilt crew, T'nowhead's litlins, an' no that aisy to manage. Th' ither lasses Lisbeth's hae'n had a michty trouble wi' them. When they war i' the middle o' their reddin up the bairns wid come tumlin' about the floor, but, sal, I assure ye, Bell didna fash lang wi' them. Did she, Sam'l?"

      "She did not," said Sam'l, dropping into a fine mode of speech to add emphasis to his remark.

      "I'll tell ye what she did," said Pete to the others. "She juist lifted up the litlins, twa at a time, an' flung them into the coffin-beds. Syne she snibbit the doors on them, an' keepit them there till the floor was dry."

      "Ay, man, did she so?" said Davit, admiringly.

      "I've seen her do't mysel," said Sam'l.

      "There's no a lassie maks better bannocks this side o' Fetter Lums," continued Pete.

      "Her mither tocht her that," said Sam'l; "she was a gran' han' at the bakin', Kitty Ogilvy."

      "I've heard say," remarked Jamie, putting it this way so as not to tie himself down to anything, "'at Bell's scones is equal to Mag Lunan's."

      "So they are," said Sam'l, almost fiercely.

      "I kin she's a neat han' at singein' a hen," said Pete.

      "An' wi't a'," said Davit, "she's a snod, canty bit stocky in her Sabbath claes."

      "If onything, thick in the waist," suggested Jamie.

      "I dinna see that," said Sam'l.

      "I d'na care for her hair either," continued Jamie, who was very nice in his tastes; "something mair yallowchy wid be an improvement."

      "A'body kins," growled Sam'l, "'at black hair's the bonniest."

      The others chuckled.

      "Puir Sam'l!" Pete said.

      Sam'l not being certain whether this should be received with a smile or a frown, opened his mouth wide as a kind of compromise. This was position one with him for thinking things over.

      Few Auld Lichts, as I have said, went the length of choosing a helpmate for themselves. One day a young man's friends would see him mending the washing tub of a maiden's mother. They kept the joke until Saturday night, and then

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