J. M. BARRIE: Complete Peter Pan Books, Novels, Plays, Short Stories, Essays & Autobiography. J. M. Barrie

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J. M. BARRIE: Complete Peter Pan Books, Novels, Plays, Short Stories, Essays & Autobiography - J. M.  Barrie

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Naught's left upon your bones when you.

       Have shaken hands with Hook!

      (Frightened by a tug at his hand, SMEE is joining in the chorus when another sound stills them both. It is a tick, tick as of a clock, whose significance HOOK is, naturally, the first to recognise, 'The crocodile!' he cries, and totters from the scene. SMEE follows. A huge crocodile, of one thought compact, passes across, ticking, and oozes after them. The wood is now so silent that you may be sure it is full of redskins. TIGER LILY comes first. She is the belle of the Piccaninny tribe, whose braves would all have her to wife, but she wards them off witha hatchet. She puts her ear to the ground and listens, then beckons, and GREAT BIG LITTLE PANTHER and the tribe are around her, carpeting the ground. Far away some one treads on a dry leaf.')

      TIGER LILY. Pirates! (They do not draw their knives) the knives slip into their hands.) Have um scalps? What you say?

      PANTHER. Scalp um, oho, velly quick.

      THE BRAVES (in corroboration). Ugh, ugh, wah.

      (A fire is lit and they dance round and over it till they seem part of the leaping flames. TIGER LILY invokes Manitou; the pipe of peace is broken; and they crawl off like a long snake that has not fed for many moons. TOOTLES peers after the tail and summons the other boys, who issue from their holes.)

      TOOTLES. They are gone.

      SLIGHTLY (almost losing confidence in himself). I do wish Peter was here.

      FIRST TWIN. H'sh! What is that? (He is gazing at the lagoon and shrinks back.) It is wolves, and they are chasing Nibs!

      (The baying wolves are upon them quicker than any boy can scuttle down his tree.)

      NIBS (falling among his comrades). Save me, save me!

      TOOTLES. What should we do?

      SECOND TWIN. What would Peter do?

      SLIGHTLY. Peter would look at them through his legs; let us do what Peter would do.

      (The boys advance backwards, looking between their legs at the snarling red-eyed enemy, who trot away foiled.)

      FIRST TWIN (swaggering). We have saved you, Nibs. Did you see the pirates?

      NIBS (sitting up, and agreeably aware that the centre of interest is now to pass to him). No, but I saw a wonderfuller thing, Twin. (All mouths open for the information to be dropped into them.) High over the lagoon I saw the loveliest great white bird. It is flying this way. (They search the firmament.)

      TOOTLES. What kind of a bird, do you think?

      NIBS (awed). I don't know; but it looked so weary, and as it flies it moans 'Poor Wendy.'

      SLIGHTLY (instantly). I remember now there are birds called Wendies.

      FIRST TWIN (who has flown to a high branch). See, it comes, the Wendy! (They all see it now.) How white it is! (A dot of light is pursuing the bird malignantly.)

      TOOTLES. That is Tinker Bell. Tink is trying to hurt theWendy. (He makes a cup of his hands and calls) Hullo,Tink! (A response comes down in the fairy language.) She says Peter wants us to shoot the Wendy.

      NIBS. Let us do what Peter wishes.

      SLIGHTLY. Ay, shoot it; quick, bows and arrows.

      TOOTLES (first with his bow). Out of the way, Tink; I'll shoot it. (His bolt goes home, and WENDY, who has been fluttering among the tree-tops in her white nightgown, falls straight to earth. No one could be more proud than TOOTLES.) I have shot the Wendy; Peter will be so pleased. (From some tree on which TINK is roosting comes the tinkle we can now translate, 'You silly ass.' TOOTLES falters.) Why do you say that? (The others feel that he may have blundered, and draw away from TOOTLES.)

      SLIGHTLY (examining the fallen one more minutely). This is no bird; I think it must be a lady.

      NIBS (who would have preferred it to be a bird). And Tootles has killed her.

      CURLY. Now I see, Peter was bringing her to us. (They wonder for what object.)

      SECOND TWIN. To take care of us? (Undoubtedly for some diverting purpose.)

      OMNES (though every one of them had wanted to have a shot at her). Oh, Tootles!

      TOOTLES (gulping). I did it. When ladies used to come to me in dreams I said 'Pretty mother,' but when she really came I shot her! (He perceives the necessity of a solitary life for him.) Friends, good-bye.

      SEVERAL (not very enthusiastic). Don't go.

      TOOTLES. I must; I am so afraid of Peter.

      (He has gone but a step toward oblivion when he is stopped by a crowing as of some victorious cock.)

      OMNES. Peter!

      (They make a paling of themselves in front of WENDY as PETER skims round the tree-tops and reaches earth.)

      PETER. Greeting, boys! (Their silence chafes him.) I am back; why do you not cheer? Great news, boys, I have brought at last a mother for us all.

      SLIGHTLY (vaguely). Ay, ay.

      PETER. She flew this way; have you not seen her?

      SECOND TWIN (as PETER evidently thinks her important).Oh mournful day!

      TOOTLES (making a break in the paling). Peter, I will show her to you.

      THE OTHERS (closing the gap). No, no.

      TOOTLES (majestically). Stand back all, and let Peter see.

      (The paling dissolves, and PETER sees WENDY prone on the ground.)

      PETER. Wendy, with an arrow in her heart! (He plucks it out.) Wendy is dead. (He is not so much pained as puzzled.)

      CURLY. I thought it was only flowers that die.

      PETER. Perhaps she is frightened at being dead? (Noneof them can say as to that.) Whose arrow? (Not one of them looks at TOOTLES.)

      TOOTLES. Mine, Peter.

      PETER (raising it as a dagger). Oh dastard hand!

      TOOTLES (kneeling and baring his breast). Strike, Peter; strike true.

      PETER (undergoing a singular experience). I cannot strike; there is something stays my hand.

      (In fact WENDY'S arm has risen.)

      NIBS. 'Tis she, the Wendy lady. See, her arm. (To help a friend) I think she said 'Poor Tootles.'

      PETER (investigating). She lives!

      SLIGHTLY (authoritatively). The Wendy lady lives.(The delightful feeling that they have been cleverer than they thought comes over them and they applaud themselves.)

      PETER (holding up a button that is attached to her chain). See, the arrow struck against this. It is a kiss I gave her; it has saved her life.

      SLIGHTLY. I remember kisses; let me see it. (He takes it in his hand.) Ay, that is a kiss.

      PETER. Wendy, get better quickly and I'll take you to see the mermaids. She is awfully anxious to see a mermaid.

      (TINKER BELL, who may have been off visiting her relations, returns to the wood and, under the impression thatWENDY has been got rid of, is whistling as gaily as a canary. She is not wholly heartless, but is so small that she has only room for one feeling at a time.)

      CURLY. Listen to Tink rejoicing because she thinks theWendy is dead! (Regardless of spoiling another's pleasure) Tink, the Wendy lives.

      (TINK gives expression to fury.)

      SECOND TWIN (tell-tale). It was she who said that you wanted us to shoot the Wendy.

      PETER. She said that? Then listen, Tink, I am your friend no more. (There is a note of acerbity in TINK'S reply; it may mean 'Who wants you?') Begone from me forever. (Now it is a very wet tinkle.)

      CURLY. She is crying.

      TOOTLES. She says she is your fairy.


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