J. M. BARRIE: Complete Peter Pan Books, Novels, Plays, Short Stories, Essays & Autobiography. J. M. Barrie

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J. M. BARRIE: Complete Peter Pan Books, Novels, Plays, Short Stories, Essays & Autobiography - J. M.  Barrie

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is hurled across the deck. PETER remains sitting in the air still playing upon his pipes. At this sight the great heart of HOOK breaks. That not wholly unheroic figure climbs the bulwarks murmuring 'Floreat Etona,' and prostrates himself into the water, where the crocodile is waitingfor him open-mouthed. HOOK knows the purpose of this yawning cavity, but after what he has gone through he enters it like one greeting a friend.

      The curtain rises to show PETER a very Napoleon on his ship. It must not rise again lest we see him on the poop in HOOK'S hat and cigars, and with a small iron claw.)

      SCENE 2


      The old nursery appears again with everything just as it was at the beginning of the play, except that the kennel has gone and that the window is standing open. So Peter was wrong about mothers; indeed there is no subject on which he is so likely to be wrong.

      Mrs. Darling is asleep on a chair near the window, her eyes tired with searching the heavens. Nana is stretched out listless on the floor. She is the cynical one, and though custom has made her hang the children's night things on the fire-guard for an airing, she surveys them not hopefully but with some self-contempt.

      MRS. DARLING (starting up as if we had whispered to her that her brats are coming back). Wendy, John, Michael! (NANA lifts a sympathetic paw to the poor soul's lap.) I see you have put their night things out again, Nana! It touches my heart to watch you do that night after night. But they will never come back.

      (In trouble the difference of station can be completely ignored, and it is not strange to see these two using the same handkerchief. Enter LIZA, who in the gentleness with which the house has been run of late is perhaps a little more masterful than of yore.)

      LIZA (feeling herself degraded by the announcement). Nana's dinner is served.

      (NANA, who quite understands what are LIZA'S feelings, departs for the dining-room with our exasperating leisureliness, instead of running, as we would all do if we followed our instincts.)

      LIZA. To think I have a master as have changed places with his dog!

      MRS. DARLING (gently). Out of remorse, Liza.

      LIZA (surely exaggerating). I am a married woman myself. I don't think it's respectable to go to his office in a kennel, with the street boys running alongside cheering. (Even this does not rouse her mistress, which may have been the honourable intention.) There, that is the cab fetching him back! (Amid interested cheers from the street the kennel is conveyed to its old place by a cabby and friend, and MR.DARLING scrambles out of it in his office clothes.)

      MR. DARLING (giving her his hat loftily). If you will be so good, Liza. (The cheering is resumed.) It is very gratifying!

      LIZA (contemptuous). Lot of little boys.

      MR. DARLING (with the new sweetness of one who has sworn never to lose his temper again). There were several adults to-day.

      (She goes off scornfully with the hat and the two men, but he has not a word of reproach for her. It ought to melt us when we see how humbly grateful he is for akiss from his wife, so much more than he feels he deserves. One may think he is wrong to exchange into the kennel, but sorrow has taught him that he is the kind of man who whatever he does contritely he must do to excess; otherwise he soon abandons doing it.)

      MRS. DARLING (who has known this for quite a long time).What sort of a day have you had, George?

      (He is sitting on the floor by the kennel.)

      MR. DARLING. There were never less than a hundred running round the cab cheering, and when we passed the Stock Exchange the members came out and waved.

      (He is exultant but uncertain of himself, and with a word she could dispirit him utterly.)

      MRS. DARLING (bravely). I am so proud, George.

      MR. DARLING (commendation from the dearest quarter ever going to his head). I have been put on a picture postcard, dear.

      MRS. DARLING (nobly). Never!

      MR. DARLING (thoughtlessly). Ah, Mary, we should not be such celebrities if the children hadn't flown away.

      MRS. DARLING (startled). George, you are sure you are not enjoying it?,

      MR. DARLING (anxiously). Enjoying it! See my punishment: living in a kennel.

      MRS. DARLING. Forgive me, dear one.

      MR. DARLING. It is I who need forgiveness, always I, never you. And now I feel drowsy. (He retires into the kennel.) Won't you play me to sleep on the nursery piano? And shut that window, Mary dearest; I feel a draught.

      MRS. DARLING. Oh, George, never ask me to do that. The window must always be left open, for them, always, always.

      (She goes into the day nursery, from which we presently hear her playing the sad song of Margaret. She little knows that her last remark has been overheard by a boy crouching at the window. He steals into the room accompanied by a ball of light.)

      PETER. Tink, where are you? Quick, close the window. (It closes.) Bar it. (The bar slams down.) Now whenWendy comes she will think her mother has barred her out, and she will have to come back to me! (TINKER BELL sulks.) Now, Tink, you and I must go out by the door. (Doors, however, are confusing things to those who are used to windows, and he is puzzled when he finds that this one does not open on to the firmament. He tries the other, and sees the piano player.) It is Wendy's mother! (TINK. pops on to his shoulder and they peep together.) She is a pretty lady, but not so pretty as my mother. (This is a pure guess.) She is making the box say 'Come home, Wendy.' You will never see Wendy again, lady, for the window is barred! (He flutters about the room joyously like a bird, but has to return to that door.) She has laid her head down on the box. There are two wet things sitting on her eyes. As soon as they go away another two come and sit on her eyes. (She is heard moaning 'Wendy, Wendy, Wendy.') She wants me to unbar the window. I won't! She is awfully fond of Wendy. I am fond of her too. We can't both have her, lady! (A funny feeling comes over him.) Come on, Tink; we don't want any silly mothers.

      (He opens the window and they fly out.

      It is thus that the truants find entrance easy when they alight on the sill, JOHN to his credit having the tired MICHAEL on his shoulders. They have nothing else to their credit; no compunction for what they have done, not the tiniest fear that any just person may be awaiting them with a stick. The youngest is in a daze, but the two others are shining virtuously like holy people who are about to give two other people a treat.)

      MICHAEL (looking about him). I think I have been here before.

      JOHN. It's your home, you stupid.

      WENDY. There is your old bed, Michael.

      MICHAEL. I had nearly forgotten.

      JOHN. I say, the kennel!

      WENDY. Perhaps Nana is in it.

      JOHN (peering). There is a man asleep in it.

      WENDY (remembering him by the bald patch). It's father!

      JOHN. So it is!

      MICHAEL. Let me see father. (Disappointed) He is not as big as the pirate I killed.

      JOHN (perplexed). Wendy, surely father didn't use to sleep in the kennel?

      WENDY (with misgivings). Perhaps we don't remember the old life as well as we thought we did.

      JOHN (chilled). It is very careless of mother not to be here when we come back.

      (The piano is heard again.)

      WENDY. H'sh! (She goes to the door and peeps.) That is her playing! (They all have a peep.)

      MICHAEL. Who is that lady?

      JOHN. H'sh! It's mother.

      MICHAEL. Then are you not really our mother, Wendy?

      WENDY (with conviction).

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