The Lives & Times of the True Buccaneers (Authentic Records, Accounts & Popular Legends of the Original Sea-Wolves). Даниэль Дефо

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The Lives & Times of the True Buccaneers (Authentic Records, Accounts & Popular Legends of the Original Sea-Wolves) - Даниэль Дефо

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which their Hands being in, they took, and having rifled the Vessel, let her go.

      They went away to Jamaica with their Booty, and were followed in View of the Port, by the Spaniards, who having seen them thither, went back to the Governor of the Havana, with the Account of it, who immediately sent a Vessel to the Governor of Jamaica to complain of this Robbery, and to reclaim the Goods.

      As it was in full Peace, and contrary to all Justice and Right, that this Fact was committed, they were soon made sensible that the Government at Jamaica would not suffer them to go unpunished, much less protect them. Therefore they saw a Necessity of shifting for themselves; so, to make bad worse, they went to Sea again, tho’ not without disposing of their Cargo to good Advantage, and furnishing themselves with Ammunition, Provisions, &c. and being thus made desperate, they turn'd Pyrates, robbing not the Spaniards only, but their own Countrymen, and any Nation they could lay their Hands on.

      It happened about this Time, that the Spaniards, with three or four small Men of War, fell upon our Logwood Cutters, in the Bay of Campeachy, and Bay of Honduras; and after they had made Prizes of the following Ships and Vessels, they gave the Men belonging to them, three Sloops to carry them home, but these Men being made desperate by their Misfortunes, and meeting with the Pyrates, they took on with them, and so encreas'd their Number.

      The LIST of Ships and Vessels taken by the Spanish Men of War in the Year 1716.

      The Stafford, Captain Knocks, from New-England, bound for London.

      Anne, —— Gernish, for London. Dove —— Grimstone, for New-England. A Sloop, —— Alden, for New-England. A Brigantine, —— Mosson, for New-England. A Brigantine, —— Turfield, for New-England. A Brigantine, —— Tennis, for New-England. A Ship, ———— Porter, for New-England. Indian Emperor, Wentworth, for New-England. A Ship, —— Rich, Master. A Ship, —— Bay. A Ship, —— Smith. A Ship, —— Stockum. A Ship, —— Satlely. A Sloop, ———— Richards, belonging to New-England. Two Sloops, ———— belonging to Jamaica. One Sloop ———— of Barbadoes. Two Ships ———— from Scotland. Two Ships ———— from Holland.

      The Rovers being now pretty strong, they consulted together about getting some Place of Retreat, where they might lodge their Wealth, clean and repair their Ships, and make themselves a kind of Abode. They were not long in resolving, but fixed upon the Island of Providence, the most considerable of the Bahama Islands, lying in the Latitude of about 24 Degrees North, and to the Eastward of the Spanish Florida.

      This Island is about 28 Miles long, and eleven where broadest, and has a Harbour big enough to hold 500 Sail of Ships; before which lies a small Island, which makes two Inlets to the Harbour; at either Way there is a Bar, over which no Ship of 500 Tun can pass. The Bahama Islands were possess'd by the English till the Year 1700, when the French and Spaniards from Petit Guavus, invaded them, took the Fort and Governor in the Island of Providence, plunder'd and destroy'd the Settlements, &c. carried off half the Blacks, and the rest of the People, who fled to the Woods, retired afterwards to Carolina.

      In March 1705-6, the House of Lords did in an Address to her late Majesty, set forth, ‘That the French and Spaniards had twice, during the Time of the War, over run and plundered the Bahama Islands, that there was no Form of Government there: That the Harbour of the Isle of Providence, might be easily put in a Posture of Defence, and that it would be of dangerous Consequence, should those Islands fall into the Hands of the Enemy; wherefore the Lords humbly besought her Majesty to use such Methods as she should think proper for taking the said Island into her Hands, in order to secure the same to the Crown of this Kingdom, and to the Security and Advantage of the Trade thereof.

      But, however it happened, no Means were used in compliance to that Address, for securing the Bahama Islands, till the EnglishPyrates had made Providence their Retreat and general Recepticle; then ’twas found absolutely necessary, in order to dislodge that troublesome Colony; and Information being made by the Merchants to the Government, of the Mischief they did, and were likely to do, his Majesty was pleased to grant the following Order.

      Whitehall September 15, 1716.

      ‘Complaint having been made to his Majesty, by great Number of Merchants, Masters of Sh ps and others, as well as by several Governors of his Majesty's Islands and Plantations in the West-Indies; that the Pyrates are grown so numerous, that they infest not only the Seas near Jamaica, but even those of the Northern Continent of America; and that, unless some effectual Means be used, the whole Trade from Great Britain to those Parts, will not be only obstructed, but in imminent Danger of being lost: His Majesty has, upon mature Deliberation in Council, been pleased, in the first Place, to order a proper Force to be employ'd for the suppressing the said Pyrates, which Force so to be employed, is as follows.

      ‘A List of his Majesty's Ships and Vessels employed, and to be employed, at the British Governments and Plantations in the West-Indies.

Place where. Rates, Ships, Guns.
Jamaica, 5 Adventure, 40 Now there.
Jamaica, Diamond, 40 Sail'd from hence thither 5th of last Month.
Jamaica, Ludlow Castle, 40 To carry the Governor.
Jamaica, Swift Sloop, Now there.
Jamaica, 6 Winchelsea, 20 Surveying the Coast of the West-Indies, and then to return Home; but, during her being at Jamaica, is to join the others, for Security of the Trade, and intercepting Pyrates.
Barbadoes, 5 Scarborough, 30 Now there.
Leeward Islands, 6 Seaford, Now there.
Tryal Sloop, 6
Virginia, 6 Lime, 20 Now there.
Virginia, 5 Shoreham, 30 Order'd Home.
Virginia, Pearl, 40 Sailed thither from Home the 7th of last Month, and is to cruise about the Capes.
New-York, 6
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