The Gospel of Buddha, Compiled from Ancient Records. Paul Carus

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The Gospel of Buddha, Compiled from Ancient Records - Paul Carus

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The Widow's Two Mites and the Parable of the Three Merchants LXIV. The Man Born Blind LXV. The Lost Son LXVI. The Giddy Fish LXVII. The Cruel Crane Outwitted LXVIII. Four Kinds of Merit LXIX. The Light of the World LXX. Luxurious Living LXXI. The Communication of Bliss LXXII. The Listless Fool LXXIII. Rescue in the Desert LXXIV. The Sower LXXV. The Outcast LXXVI. The Woman at the Well LXXVII. The Peacemaker LXXVIII. The Hungry Dog LXXIX. The Despot LXXX. Vāsavadattā LXXXI. The Marriage-Feast in Jambūnada LXXXII. A Party in Search of a Thief LXXXIII. In the Realm of Yamarāja LXXXIV. The Mustard Seed LXXXV. Following the Master Over the Stream LXXXVI. The Sick Bhikkhu LXXXVII. The Patient Elephant THE LAST DAYS. LXXXVIII. The Conditions of Welfare LXXXIX. Sāriputta's Faith XC. Pātaliputta XCI. The Mirror of Truth XCII. Ambapālī XCIII. The Buddha's Farewell Address XCIV. The Buddha Announces His Death XCV. Chunda, the Smith XCVI. Metteyya XCVII. The Buddha's Final Entering Into Nirvāna CONCLUSION. XCVIII. The Three Personalities of the Buddha XCIX. The Purpose of Being C. The Praise of All the Buddhas Table of Reference Abbreviations in the Table of Reference Glossary of Names and Terms Index Remarks on the illustrations of the Gospel of Buddha

       Table of Contents



       Table of Contents

      Rejoice at the glad tidings! The Buddha, our Lord, has found the root of all evil; he has shown us the way of salvation. 1

      The Buddha dispels the illusions of our mind and redeems us from the terror of death. 2

      The Buddha, our Lord, brings comfort to the weary and sorrow-laden; he restores peace to those who are broken down under the burden of life. He gives courage to the weak when they would fain give up self-reliance and hope. 3

      Ye that suffer from the tribulations of life, ye that have to struggle and endure, ye that yearn for a life of truth, rejoice at the glad tidings! 4

      There is balm for the wounded, and there is bread for the hungry. There is water for the thirsty, and there is hope for the despairing. There is light for those in darkness, and there is inexhaustible blessing for the upright. 5

      Heal your wounds, ye wounded, and eat your fill, ye hungry. Rest, ye weary, and ye who are thirsty quench your thirst. Look up to the light, ye that sit in darkness; be full of good cheer, ye that are forlorn. 6

      Trust in truth, ye that love the truth, for the kingdom of righteousness is founded upon earth. The darkness of error is dispelled by the light of truth. We can see our way and take firm and certain steps. 7

      The Buddha, our Lord, has revealed the truth. 8

      The truth cures our diseases and redeems us from perdition; the truth strengthens us in life and in death; the truth alone can conquer the evils of error. 9

      Rejoice at the glad tidings! 10



       Table of Contents

      Look about and contemplate life! 1

      Everything is transient and nothing endures. There is birth and death, growth and decay; there is combination and separation. 2

      The glory of the world is like a flower: it stands in full bloom in the morning and fades in the heat of the day. 3

      Wherever you look, there is a rushing and a struggling, and an eager pursuit of pleasure. There is a panic flight from pain and death, and hot are the flames of burning desires. The world is vanity fair, full of changes and transformations. All is Samsāra. 4

      Is there nothing permanent in the world?

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