Биография Бога: Все, что человечество успело узнать. Карен Армстронг

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Биография Бога: Все, что человечество успело узнать - Карен Армстронг

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Homo Necans, 16—22.


      Burkert, Structure and History in Greek Mythology and Ritual, 54—56; Homo Necans, 42—45.


      Campbell, Historical Atlas, I, 2, xiii.


      Ibid., I, 1, 93.


      Campbell, Primitive Mythology, 66.


      Eliade, The Myth of the Eternal Return or Cosmos and History, 1–34.


      Huston Smith, The World ’ s Religions, rev. ed. (New York, 1991), 367.


      Eliade, A History of Religious Ideas, I, 17.


      Eliade, Birth and Rebirth; Myths, Dreams and Mysteries, 194—226; Campbell, Power of Myth, 81—85.


      Eliade, Myths, Dreams and Mysteries, 225.


      Herbert Kuhn, Auf den Spuren des Eiszeitmenschen (Wiesbaden, 1953), 88—89; trans. Campbell, Primitive Mythology, 307—308.


      Breuil, Four Hundred Centuries of Cave Art, 170—171.


      Campbell, Primitive Mythology, 311.


      Burkert, Homo Necans, 27—34.


      Eliade, Patterns of Comparative Religion, 331—343.


      Alexander Marshack, “Lunar Notations on Upper Palaeolithic Remains,” Scientia, 146; 1984.


      Eliade, Patterns of Comparative Religion, 146—185.


      Burkert, Homo Necans, 78—82.


      Eliade, Patterns of Comparative Religion, 1–124, 216—239.


      Mary Boyce, Zoroastrians: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices, 2nd ed. (London & New York, 2001), 2; Peter Clark, Zoroastrians: An Introduction to an Ancient Faith (Brighton & Portland., Ore., 1998), 18.


      Mary Boyce, Zoroastrians, 9–11.


      Jan Gonda, Change and Continuity in Indian Religion (The Hague, 1965), 200; Louis Renou, “Sur la notion de brahman,” Journal asiatique, 237; 1949.


      Louis Renou, Religions of Ancient India (London, 1953), 10, 16—18; Michael Witzel, “Vedas and Upanishads,” in Gavin Flood, ed., The Blackwell Companion to Hinduism (Oxford, 2003), 70—71.


      J.C. Heesterman, The Inner Conflict of Tradition: Essays in Indian Ritual, Kingship and Society (Chicago & London, 1985), 70—72, 126.


      Чжуан-цзы 6.29—31.


      Mark S. Smith, The Origins of Biblical Monotheism, 41—79.


      Eliade, Patterns of Comparative Religion, 367—388; The Sacred and the Profane, 50—54, 64; Image and Symbols, 37—56.


      Eliade, Patterns of Comparative Religion, 38—63; Myths, Dreams and Mysteries, 172—178; Wilhelm Schmidt, The Origin of the Idea of God (New York, 1912) passim.


      Eliade, The Sacred and the Profane, 120—125.


      Ригведа 10.129.


      Ibid., 10.90.


      Gwendolyn Leick, Mesopotamia: The Invention of the City (London, 2001), 268.


      Thorkild Jacobsen, “The Cosmos as State,” in H. & H.A. Frankfort, eds., The Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man, An Essay on the Speculative Thought in the Ancient Near East (Chicago, 1946), 186—197.


      Энума Элиш 1.1. [Здесь и далее цит. по пер. В.К.Афанасьевой. – Прим. пер.]


      Ibid., 6.19.


      E.O.James, The Ancient Gods (London, 1960), 87—90.


      Пс 89:10—13; 93:1–4; Ис 27:1; Иов 7:12; 9:8; 26:12; 38:7.


      Eliade, Myths, Dreams and Mysteries, 80—81.


      Чхандогья Упанишада 6:13. [Здесь и далее цит. по пер. А.Я.Сыркина. – Прим. пер.]


      Ibid., 6:11—12.


      Ibid., 6:10.


      Брихадараньяка Упанишада 4.5.15. [Здесь и далее цит. по пер. А.Я.Сырки-на. – Прим. пер.]


      Ibid., 3.4.


      Ibid., 4.5.13—15.


      Ibid., 3.5.1.


      Eliade, Yoga, Immortality and Freedom.



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