The First Boke of Moses called Genesis. Anonymous
Читать онлайн книгу.had feders. And they came vnto Noe in to the arke by cooples/ of all flesh yt had breth of lyfe in it. And they that came/ came male ãd female of every flesh acordĩge as God cõmaunded hym: & ye LORde shytt the dore vppõ him
And the floud came .xl. dayes & .xl. nyghtes vppon the erth/ & the water increased and bare vp the arcke ãd it was lifte vp from of the erth And the water prevayled and increased exceadingly vppon the erth: and the arke went vppõ the toppe of the waters.
And the waters prevayled excedingly above mesure vppõ the erth/ so that all the hye hylles which are vnder all the partes of heaven/ were covered: evẽ .xv. cubytes hye prevayled the waters/ so that the hylles were covered.
And all fleshe that moved on the erth/ bothe birdes catell and beastes perisshed/ with al that crepte on the erth and all men: so that all that had the breth of liffe in the nostrels of it thorow out all that was on drye lond dyed.
Thus was destroyed all that was vppõ the erth/ both man/ beastes/ wormes and foules of the ayre/ so that they were destroyed from the erth: save Noe was reserved only and they that were wyth hym in the arke. And the waters prevayled vppon the erth/ an hundred and fyftye dayes.
The .viij. Chapter.
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