Hot Crossed Buns: Spanking short stories of erotic, play and discipline. Susan Kohler

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Hot Crossed Buns: Spanking short stories of erotic, play and discipline - Susan Kohler

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You are fine.” Suzanne told her, “Also we have members from very thin to much heavier than you are, and no one judges them by size. Don’t get me wrong, some people prefer to play with a certain type, but they are friendly and respectful to everyone. Also you, my dear, would be very popular because of your curves, not in spite of them, and for your personality. Most of our men like a woman with a booty.”

      At Marti’s laugh, Suzanne continued, “Of course, if we do play, you don’t have to go bare bottom unless you want to. You can play over your panties, or keep your skirt up. Voluntary means just that,” Suzanne grinned at Marti. “About the dirty trick Russ pulled on you tonight, I think you should take the crop to his backside for it, and I mean hard. Don’t you?”

      Marti was shocked. “What? Crop him? How?”

      “Well, he sits on something doesn’t he? Just get that part of him naked and apply the crop to it.”

      “To Russ!” Marti squeaked.

      “To Russ!” Suzanne nodded. “I know I’d like to. And I will, after dinner.” She picked up two of the glasses of iced tea. “Did he at least tell you he had pizza coming?”

      When she shook her head, Suzanne laughed and said, “Men!” in such an exasperated tone that Marti laughed too.

      “Ready?” Suzanne looked back over her shoulder at Marti.

      Marti nodded; it was hard not to feel better after talking to Suzanne who is such an open and friendly woman.

      “Russ?” Suzanne said sweetly, “You are going to get it first. Right after the food comes. You deserve it. You didn’t explain things to her well enough and let her get upset and confused.”

      At almost that exact moment the doorbell rang and the pizza was delivered. The four sat and ate their pizza, chatting and relaxing. Marti was surprised at how much she liked these people. She already saw Suzanne as a friend. James was jovial, polite and like Suzanne, he seemed open and warm.

      After the pizza was gone, the paper plates tossed and more ice tea poured, Suzanne turned to Russ. “As I said Russ, you first. Drop ‘em and bend over! Marti, find that riding crop Russ told you to buy and use it!”

      Russ was surprised but not shocked. He lowered his pants and bent over, his hands on the seat of a straight back chair. Marti used the crop on his bottom timidly, over his jockeys, but she did use it.

      Suzanne walked over and pulled the jockeys down. “Now, go for it. A lot harder.” Marti tried but she was still timid and filled with hesitation. She handed the crop to Suzanne.

      “Now you’re gonna get it,” she said to Russ. “I won’t be as easy on you as she was.” Suzanne took over and made Russ’s behind red but she never made him squirm or make a sound.

      James took care of that however; he took the next turn with the crop and made Russ squirm and gasp, quite easily.

      He didn’t usually play with men but Suzanne had whispered to him that he should, just to help Marti relax.

      Then James himself got the crop used on him. Again Marti did the honors first. She was a little harder with James. Then Suzanne tormented him because she knew his spots and secrets. Russ was just plain severe.

      Suzanne was next. First she got an over the knee spanking from both men and then she had Marti use a paddle on her. She coached and nagged Marti until she used the paddle quite hard. Then she knelt over a footstool while Russ caned her. James sat in front of her, kissing her and talking to her in loving tones.

      Then it was Marti’s turn. James spanked her just a bit harder and faster than Russ ever had, over his knees with his hand. When Marti yelped, he stopped instantly.

      “Stop or Go?” he asked.

      She never knew why she said, “Go!”

      He stepped up the pace just a bit until she said, “Stop!”

      After a short break Suzanne introduced Marti to both sides of a hairbrush. Next, Russ used a heavy paddle. James put on a masterful demonstration with Suzanne as his victim, showing his proficiency with a crop, brush, paddle, tawse, cane and rod. He pushed Suzanne to her considerable limits.

      “Now Marti, just a taste.” James pulled her over his knees for a few from the tawse then had her bend over the desk beside Suzanne for a few sharp cuts of the cane and a few of the rod. He would give her a cut, and then Suzanne next to her a harder whistling cut. Again and again he alternated, letting Marti feel the force of the blows Suzanne received without feeling the sharp, stinging pain.

      Everything he did was for her pleasure so that she’d learn to love the sensations and be willing to go a little farther the next time.

      Before they finished, James had shown Russ how to use a few other implements on Marti. Implements she loved. He played with ice, fur gloves and feathers, and Suzanne gently ran her acrylic nails over Marti’s tender bottom. Each sensation was different, and each one was used between spanks so that her bottom was very sensitive. Finally Russ rubbed lotion over her bottom, stroking and petting for a long, long time.

      The two couples sat and talked some more. This time when they mentioned the club, Marti agreed to give it a try.

      James and Suzanne invited Russ and Marti over to their house the following week. James offered to show Russ and Marti some rope tricks.

      James’ parting remark to Marti was, “Next week I’ll take you over my knee and spank you, then strip you naked and tie you up before I cane you.” When Marti gasped in surprise, he continued, “And you can do the same to me.”

      “We’ll show you how to play safely, even if you’re all tied up.” Suzanne smiled at Marti’s surprise.

      Russ and Marti made love long into the night. Just before she went to sleep she said, “Tied up?”

       I had already learned a lot by experimentation before I met any spanking friends. Now I know several couples like Suzanne and James. Open, friendly and the best people on Earth, bar none. And I’ll refuse to spank anyone who disagrees.

       Four Gee, Thanks Boss

       What do you do with an employee who you really like if she just can’t seem to do a good job? Do you find someone who can teach her discipline? Do you enjoy the thought of her over a man’s knees? Would you want to watch? Or would it only bring back painful memories?

      “Rick,” Cheryl asked softly, looking down as she always did when she was in his special room. “Can I speak to you for a minute?”

      “You know what happens when you try to stall or talk me out of the punishment you so richly deserve,” he said softly. It was a warning. “Do you really want to do that?”

      “No!” Cheryl looked up, a trace of fear in her hazel eyes. “I meant after, I guess, I just have something I want to discuss with you. Really.”

      “All right, we’ll talk after your punishment.” Rick paused, then said firmly, “You do know why you’re here today, don’t you?”

      She had really gotten herself into trouble this time. She’d been good for so long now, that she got complacent. It wasn’t just that she’d gone shopping and spent a lot of money. Cheryl’s husband Gary wasn’t one to worry too much about details like that, as long as all the bills got paid on time without having to dip into their savings.

      That was the problem. She’d forgotten to pay the electric bill, the car note and the car insurance. When she looked at the balance on the checking statement and saw that there was quite a bit of money available, she did what any woman would do. She did the “back to school” shopping for the kids, bought some new winter clothes for herself, and even splurged on a sexy dress for an upcoming party she and Gary were going to.

      Everything was fine until the electricity was cut

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