Shadow Lane Volume 6: Put to the Blush A Novel of Spanking, Sex and Love. Eve Howard

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Shadow Lane Volume 6: Put to the Blush A Novel of Spanking, Sex and Love - Eve Howard

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the most elusive g-spot. “Hazel, I’m going to start the flow of hot water. Are you ready?”

      “How hot is it going to be?”

      “Plenty hot.”

      Hazel couldn’t speak for mortification as the water began to fill her. It was very warm, but not unpleasantly so. The nozzle, however, could not but serve the function of a dildo, and felt maddeningly sexy.

      “How does that feel?” he asked her suddenly.

      “Uh...fine,” she replied, a little abashed at how true this was.

      “Not too uncomfortable yet?”


      “What are you going to say if something’s hurting you?”


      “You’re little tummy is becoming quite full,” he commented, patting it while twisting the nozzle slightly in her bottom. Hazel felt very warm and almost dizzy by the time the hot water bottle was empty. “Good girl,” he told her, slowly removing the nozzle from her bottom. “Don’t move,” he ordered and left her for a moment in uncertainty. When he returned he showed her a medium-sized rubber anal retention plug. Coating it with the pure, warm juice that bedewed her light brown Venus mound, he then poised it at her anus and attempted to insert it.

      “Unclench so I can put this in,” he told her.

      “I don’t dare.”

      “You’re fine.”

      “What if it pops out?”

      “Note the way it tapers then flares, it’s designed to stay in. Now open.”

      Hazel untensed for a fraction of a second. It was long enough for Robert to nudge the tip of the dildo through her anal ring.

      “Relax,” he ordered, smacking either cheek sharply. She whimpered and relaxed momentarily. He pushed the plug in all the way, patting it firmly into place. “You’re doing very well,” he complimented her, stroking her tummy and dewy muff. “Are you all right?”


      “I hope you haven’t forgotten that you have a good paddling coming for playing the trick at the house,” he reminded her, physically lifting her off the table, tucking her under one arm and carrying her across to the armless chair. Sitting down and putting her over his lap was the work of a moment.

      “Ashamed?” he asked, positioning her properly and pushing the plug in as deeply as it would go.

      “Yes,” she gasped as he began to spank her on as well as around the plug.

      “Uncomfortable yet?” he asked her, reaching under Hazel with one hand to lightly squeeze her tummy. Hazel moaned and twitched across his lap.

      “I’m okay,” she declared.

      “It’s remarkable how well you’re taking this,” he commented before resuming the spanking. “We’re going to do this again,” he promised. In a few seconds the confluence of sensations caused her to finally climax. Hazel sobbed with emotion as her shuddering subsided and he lifted her off his lap. Without further delay she fled to the commode and locked herself in.

      It was a half hour before she joined him in his bedroom. She’d attended to her needs, showered and wrapped herself in a navy cotton robe. Robert had stripped down to green plaid cotton boxers and was lying in his massive bed under the skylight, smoking. He offered her a cigarette but she shook her head with a smile.

      “No, I feel too clean.”

      “Do you feel okay?”

      “A little tired.”



      He put out his cigarette and pulled her against him so that she lay in his arms.

      “That was the most fun I ever had with a girl,” he admitted freely.

      “Even though we didn’t even do you-know-what yet?”

      “I figure we’ll be doing you-know-what in about twenty to forty minutes,” he told her, guiding her hand to his on-going erection. “You need a chance to recover first.”

      “Well, that was the most fun I ever had with a man too,” she declared.

      “Hazel, I want to do something for you now. Is there anything you want or need? How about that car of yours? Maybe I can get it fixed for you, or let you have a company car to drive.”

      Hazel pondered the notion of a material reward for a moment or two, then replied, “The best present I could get from you would be permission to write for the magazine the way I originally did, before you forced me to censor and amend the content of my stories.”

      Robert sat up and looked at her with astonishment. “What are you saying, now?”

      “The letters in response to my first issue have come in and they’re overwhelmingly positive,” she pressed, sitting up on her heels.

      “You know, Hazel, my father started Corning in the early sixties and for thirty years employed an all male staff to write confessions in the first person female. When I took over twelve years ago I retired all the old men and hired a female editorial staff. Our sales quadrupled. I think I know what I’m doing.”

      “Well, what’s the good of having an all female staff if you won’t listen to their suggestions?” Hazel replied, hurt at the dismissal of her request.

      “I suppose the letters have been encouraging,” he admitted.

      “They don’t have editorial restrictions at Augie Rose,” she suddenly remembered. “Maybe I’ll go and work for them!”

      “You’ll do nothing of the sort, young lady,” he said, taking her across his lap and giving her twelve of the best with the back of a wooden hairbrush through her robe.

      “I will if you don’t give me back editorial control of my magazine,” she stubbornly declared, simultaneously smarting and rushing from the spontaneous paddling.

      “Oh, very well, do as you please with the magazine!” he said, lifting her off his lap and scowling blackly. Hazel laughed and cuddled against him. He folded his arms and did not hug her, unable to believe that she had won such an important victory so easily. Hazel pulled back and looked at him.

      “You won’t be disappointed.”

      “Well, I suppose I haven’t been disappointed in you so far,” he unbent a little and even smiled. It was painful giving in, but now that he had done it he felt ready to move on to something more pleasant.

      “Oh, and I will take the car,” said Hazel gaily.

      Hugo Sands had all but forgotten that he had a niece until her letter arrived one early Spring day.

      “Dear Uncle Hugo,” it began, “You probably don’t remember me because the last time you saw me I was only 3. That was 15 years ago, at the last family Christmas dinner you attended.

       It’s too bad that you decided to dump the family, because you’re the most interesting person in it. My mother has told me repeatedly that you are Satan’s avatar. I finally think I understand why.

       I must tell you that I have always been into spanking. Ever since I can remember (about age 3 or 4) I have entertained spanking fantasies. The subject of spanking preoccupied me throughout my childhood and once puberty set in, nothing changed.

       I’ve been writing spanking stories for my own amusement since age 8. From ages 11 through 15, I would share them with my girlfriend and we would act them out. We’d pretend

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