Shadow Lane Volume 7: How Cute Is That? A Novel of Spanking, Sex and Love. Eve Howard

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Shadow Lane Volume 7: How Cute Is That? A Novel of Spanking, Sex and Love - Eve Howard

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till you feel how hard I spank you once your little tummy has been filled.”

      “No!” she murmured, nevertheless arching to his hand and spreading her thighs as much as the binding briefs would allow.

      “What did I say about keeping your tummy pressed to the table?” he asked, smacking her a little harder. Zoe subsided again and almost climaxed from the sensation of cool leather pressed under her swollen clit. “Can’t you obey the simplest command?”

      “I’m sorry,” she cried, wriggling so cutely that he paused to place a kiss behind her ear.

      “Never mind. Since you’re so impatient to show off, we’ll proceed immediately,” said Julian, pulling her panties off entirely now. “Up on your knees, young lady, but keep your elbows on the table.”

      When Zoe’s bottom was uppermost, Julian separated her knees as far as they would go, leaving her upturned and spread, with her tiny bottom hole completely accessible to his view and touch.

      Slipping a palm under her pussy, Julian felt her very wet curls. The next thing he did was to don a pair of gloves, open a tube of KY and spread her cheeks apart to apply it liberally to her anus. Lubricating Zoe made her nearly dizzy.

      “Keep your legs apart and don’t move until I return,” he warned her, spanking her low on her bottom, just above her pussy several times before going away to fill the bag with very warm water.

      “Have you ever had an enema, Miss Miller?” he asked, returning and affixing the hot water bottle to the I.V. stand.

      “No, sir,” she murmured, trembling in every cell as she watched his movements in a mirror opposite the table. Deftly he squeezed the excess air out of the hose and lubricated the long, white nozzle.

      “It may feel a bit uncomfortable at first, but you’ll get used to it.”

      He pressed the nozzle against her slick anus lightly, pulling her apart as he did so, until the tip eased in. She groaned at the gentle intrusion, humiliated to her soul but in a kind of ecstasy. “You know, Zoe, you’re not really here for a detox,” he told her firmly. “You’re here to be disciplined.”

      “Oh!” she replied, thrilled and afraid.

      “That’s why this will be a retention enema,” he informed her, inserting the nozzle slowly and deeply into her bottom. “You need to be humbled for your willfulness.”

      The girl who refused utterly to stand in the corner, submitted unreservedly to the sentence that he had pronounced, feverishly excited by the nozzle penetrating her bottom.

      “Ready, Zoe?” he asked. When she murmured her assent, he released the clamp on the hose and began the flow of hot water. It did feel slightly uncomfortable at first, and very warm. She almost cried out in fear of the sensation. But the next moment intensely erotic sensations began to flow through her entire sex. The ticklish hose in her bottom brought her to the edge of orgasm again and again as the warm water filled her. Julian was aroused by her tender passivity.

      “You are a stubborn girl, aren’t you?” he demanded, placing one hand under her satiny belly. A tremor passed through her at this exquisite touch.

      “No, sir!” she assured him, with eyes shut tightly.

      “I know a stubborn girl when I meet one,” he told her, slipping one finger up into her slippery sex.

      “Oh!” she cried in surprise. He played with her for a minute or two then took away his hand. Zoe was once again on the edge of a climax, she, who almost never came!

      “Think of it, Zoe, for the first time in your life, you’re getting a punishment enema. And from a qualified physician.”

      Zoe could hardly think of anything else at the moment-–except for how handsome Julian looked with his sleeves rolled up. He stopped the flow of the water momentarily, to let her get used to the fullness of her belly and get his fingers wet in her pubic curls. Then he resumed filling her until the bag was empty.

      “There,” he said, carefully removing the nozzle from her bottom and patting away the stray water droplets with a towel, “now don’t move.”

      Zoe didn’t dare move.

      Suddenly he was in front of her, calmly opening a medical bag to withdraw a medium sized rubber retention plug.

      “See this?”


      “This is going in you now,” he told her, then went behind her again, spread her bottom and inserted the 5” plug deeply into her rectum. This elicited a charming whimper from Zoe, who again nearly came from the indescribable sensations of pleasure and shame this new intrusion produced.

      The next object Julian removed from the bag was a medium-sized rectangular wooden paddle, which he immediately laid against the rubber plug. He then proceeded to lightly paddle the plug into her bottom while cradling her public mound in his hand.

      When Zoe began to whimper he pulled back and laid the paddle against her bottom cheeks, spanking her firmly with it. Then he alternately paddled the butt of the plug and the fleshiest portion of her buttocks, until she sobbed with emotion.

      “You’re a bad girl,” he told her firmly and was gratified by the tremor that passed through her at these words. He smacked her hard across both cheeks with the shiny maple paddle. “I’m going to train you to take even more stringent forms of discipline before too long, Zoe,” he promised. “If I only had a vibrator here, I’d show you. I’d take you across my knee, full as you are, and keeping the plug in your bottom, I’d insert the vibrator into your pussy as far as it would go, and turn it on while I was spanking you.” Smack! The paddle came down hard across both plug and spread cheeks. “I’ll do that next time,”

      Julian promised, causing Zoe to finally succumb to the most euphoric climax of her life.

      For a couple of weeks, Zoe was in heaven. To finally have a lover into spanking and anal humiliation was too much joy. Her work suffered and her straight relationship disintegrated like sugar in water.

      She was on the brink of being fired for spending half her time writing love letters and erotic fantasies to Julian. Then cold reality hit her in the face.

      It was a Friday night and she had driven straight from work to Julian’s house intending to await his arrival. She was passing through the main hall when her eye strayed to the overflow of mail coming through the slot in the wall. She approached the pile of mail and fell to her knees on the floor with a pounding heart. There were several colored and/or scented envelopes, addressed in feminine hands, and a number of other plain white ones, all with the return addresses of women.

      It had happened. The thing she had resisted considering, yet feared would separate her from Julian. His ad was out. And sure enough, also in the mail was the very first issue of the Matchmakers club publication. Frenzied with curiosity, Zoe worked open the brown envelope to pull out the thick digest. There, on page 16, in a full-page ad, was Julian’s handsome, suited portrait. The ad had been submitted to The Matchmakers before meeting Zoe. And there had been no way to pull the ad in a timely manner. But now it was out for all to see, and witness the response! The first day and already he had a mailbox full of letters.

      She sat on the carpet reading over his ad many times. It reiterated much of what had been in the tape, which she hadn’t watched again since first meeting him. As Zoe read of how he sought a true submissive for esoteric B&D, she wondered how many of the girls who had responded to his ad fulfilled Julian’s requirements better than she. Suppose eight out of ten were eager and willing to stand in the corner, for instance? And three of those were pretty? And one brilliant?

      She was still sitting on the floor and staring at the letters when

      Julian walked in. She sprung to her feet guiltily, allowing the Matchmakers booklet to fall on the floor. A deep blush suffused her cheeks as he eyed her and the digest.

      “Hi,” he said, stooping to pick up the

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