Shadow Lane Volume 9: The History of Hugo Sands and other Stories of Spanking and Love. Eve Howard

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Shadow Lane Volume 9: The History of Hugo Sands and other Stories of Spanking and Love - Eve Howard

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he said, placing her hand against the rampant bar of iron in his jeans and causing it to theatrically throb as she touched it. “Don’t worry, he’s waiting for you. But tell me, when was the last time you indulged in anything like serious petting, junior high?”

      “You’re right, Hugo,” she smiled ruefully. “You seem to know all my secrets.” Garda stroked Hugo’s erection through his jeans then tried to unzip them. “Don’t you think it’s very submissive for a girl to give a man head?” she asked. He captured her hands in his own and kissed them.

      “Yes, very. But that’s not what we’re doing right now,” he told her firmly, pulling his belt from the loops of his jeans. “Because I have a habit that I doubt I will ever give up.” He placed her two pillows in the center of her single bed and summarily bent her over them thus elevating her bottom. Then he went in front of her and bound her wrists by looping and buckling the belt around them and then securing it to the shiny black wrought iron rail at the foot of her bed. “When I have to do with a girl I really like, it’s a compulsion with me to get her off first.”

      Once Hugo had Garda face down on her little bed, over her little pillows, all the resistance left her and she surrendered herself to his whims.

      The potent psychedelics still at work, Hugo was touched beyond expression at her complete and charming passivity. “She must really trust me,” he thought, but at least had the presence of mind not to sob aloud at the gift of her delicate pre-Raphaelite beauty spread out before him like a sacrifice. Coming to, he remembered that he was not there to stroke her bottom as though it were a kitten’s head. Her one request, that uncompromising demand, that he be harsh, reasserted its dominance in his brain.

      Hugo scolded Garda for being arrogant and unapproachable at work while slapping her bare bottom vigorously. Then he forced her thighs apart and inserted the larger dildo into her vagina, while holding her down by the waist. Garda whimpered and squirmed but Hugo ignored this and let her feel her own, small, wooden hairbrush on her bottom while her pussy was filled. Garda yipped and wriggled. Hugo took the dildo out of her pussy and replaced it with the smaller one, but only long enough to lubricate it for her bottom, into which it then was inserted. Garda whimpered and squirmed even more violently. Knowing from experience that her climax was only moments away, Hugo untied her hands to have use of his belt, doubled it and began to first lightly, then harder, strike her across the exact center of her filled bottom with it.

      “And another thing,” he told her, bringing the strap down harder, in order to leave light pink marks, “you should never be rude about another person’s record collection, to their face.”

      Hugo held her down with his hand in the small of her back and strapped her bottom just a little harder than he had ever strapped any other girl friend before. He would have gone on a good deal longer as well, had she not succumbed, as predicted, to an intense orgasm. After which she was embarrassed enough to die during the delicate extraction of toys from her ultra tight and still pulsating orifices. For Garda it was too humiliating. The last twelve strokes of the strap had been effective enough, post-climax and three minutes later to cause her to cry several real tears. Of course, from such a poignant punishment, her eyes could only be expected to fill up once or twice. But those six or seven tears thrilled Hugo madly. He touched her face just to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating and found they were adorably real. Hugo thanked his ruling planet Venus for helping him to make her come so fast. Now she wouldn’t notice just how fast he was about to climax while fucking her for the first time, as he could never remember being quite so excited in his life.

      Hugo cleared the bed, efficiently unbuckled her corset and had her naked and up on all fours in a minute.

      “No head?” she asked, turning to see his impressive erection emerge from his jeans then become quickly sheathed in a condom.

      “Some other time, darling,” he gently pushed her head down, took her by the waist and proceeded to enter her tight, creamy vagina, still faintly throbbing from her own strapping induced climax. He nudged his large cock in slowly, gratified to feel her instantly clamping him tightly inside her. She was squeezing him so tightly he almost came at the moment of entry.

      “Relax, Garda,” he told her, “or I’ll have to spank you some more.” He smacked her once on each cheek. She loosened slightly, allowing him to penetrate her more deeply and finally, fully. “Good girl,” he told her, pistoning his cock in and out, for she was wet as a young girl can be and the additional spanks set her afire afresh. She looked back at him, with a coquettish pout he would not have thought her capable of, as much as to say, there is my bottom, right in front of you, are you going to waste this opportunity to spank me? “Or should I say, bad girl?” Hugo spanked her rhythmically as he thrust his cock into her pussy. She virtually melted at this, coming a second time, as he achieved his first effusion in Garda’s honor.

      Then he was enormously hungry and they went back to his kitchen to cook. After which they saw The Damned and The Cramps and Hugo spanked and fucked her two more times that night.

      After that, they were inseparable for the next ten months. They did everything that young cosmopolitans couples do, plus spanking; and never quarreled, unless Garda became unreasonably jealous. That was when the disagreeable side of the restrained beauty emerged to the full and Hugo felt compelled to beat her for it, which of course made her that much more his slave. But the idyllic relationship came to an abrupt though not unfriendly end when Garda was accepted to law school the following year and returned to California to complete her education. And that was pretty much the last he heard from her.

      Then, one windy winter afternoon, twenty-two years later, Hugo Sands was standing behind the counter in his shop, about to make some phone calls, when he noticed a tall redhead enter through the front door and pause to look at him.

      “My god, is that Garda?” he cried, coming from behind the counter to meet her, his heart contracting with excitement.

      “You actually recognize me?” Garda cried, astonished. She was still slim to a fault, with pale lips, no jewelry, a smart suit and expensive shoes. “Hugo, your flaxen hair -- it’s gone all sandy!” She allowed herself to be squeezed tightly and hugged him back hard. “But how handsome and urbane you’ve become!”

      “How dare you not write me?” he asked, pulling away. “I should spank you for that right now. And hard!”

      Garda put her hand to her throat. “Hugo, don’t start with me the first second.”

      “What? You felt something just then, didn’t you? Something here?” Hugo pressed his palm against her tummy.

      “Hugo, how could you be just the same after all these years?” she laughed and let herself continue to be hugged.

      “You found me by accident, didn’t you?” he asked, releasing her and enjoying the delicate blush that suffused her cheeks. “God, you’re still beautiful. But I don’t like the pale lips. I remember that dark red lipstick you used to wear. So sexy.”

      “Yes, I found you by accident. I’m in town on business and I found your lovely little B&D journal in my room at the Inn. Naturally I devoured it and was agog to see you were the publisher, and right here in the village. Too good to be true!”

      “See, I told you I’d make a magazine.”

      “I think I need to put an ad in it.”

      “Let me put up the sign and we’ll have lunch.”

      “You own this place too?” she asked as he ushered her out.

      “Yes, shortly after you departed I had a favorite aunt leave me some money and I used it to go into the antique business. The magazine is just a sideline. It barely pays for itself.”

      “You should charge more for it.”

      “Everyone’s going on-line these days.”

      “I got off to some of the stories and illustrations last night in my room.”

      “Naughty girl!”


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