Working Romance. Susan Kohler

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Working Romance - Susan Kohler

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was he?”

      She turned back to face him and gave up all pretense. “We ran into Bob Simmons. He invited us to lunch and if you’re nice you can come along.” She turned to Kate, “Go, call your mom, and then take a shower. I’ll go over and get the kids and something for you to wear, while you’re getting ready. Jack, don’t let her leave. I just know she’s going to turn chicken!”

      “Why can’t I go get my kids and meet you there?” Kate was looking for a way out. “And why can’t I wear these?”

      “Because I know you, you’ll try to escape,” Laura said, “and because I can think of about a dozen things you have that look better on you, so stop arguing and get going. Go!”

      “Okay, you wicked witch, I’ll be good.” But there was a hint of the devil in Kate’s eyes.

      “Why would Kate be so upset just because you ran into Bob at the beach?” Jack asked, then realized the answer. “Oh, forget I asked, Miss Modesty. Man, I wish I’d been there. I can see it all now. Wow Kate! What a place for you to get the first glimpse of your new boss.” He said with a laugh, “My wife strikes again. Okay. Laura, you go get the kids. I’ll keep Kate from escaping. Kate, call your mom, then start getting ready. I’ll finish this car and put my tools away. Don’t use up all the hot water.” Jack ducked back under the hood.

      “Masterful, ain’t he?” Laura remarked, rolling her eyes as the two women went into the house.

      “Laura, I should go get the kids myself, then I can shower and change at home,” Kate pleaded, giving it one more try.

      “No way!” Laura protested, “I’m not letting you out of my sight without Jack guarding you. No joke, you really would chicken out.”

      The two women stopped in Laura’s kitchen while Kate called her mother. She told her mom that Laura was driving over to pick up the kids. Before she had a chance to hang up, Laura grabbed the phone away from her.

      “Hold on a second, Betty.” She covered the receiver and turned to Laura. “Hit the shower.”

      “Okay, I give up.” Kate grinned. “You’ll pester me to death if I don’t.”

      She went upstairs to Laura’s bedroom, wondering what mischief Laura and her mom would get into over the phone.

      Kate wound up taking an extra long shower because her mind kept wandering. As she soaped her body, she kept picturing Bob. His body and his smile were replayed in her mind. At one point in the shower, she could almost feel his hands running over her body, sensually soaping her. She pulled herself back to reality. Kate was surprised at how erotic her thoughts had been while she washed herself. Maybe Laura was right; maybe she had been alone too long. Maybe it was time for her to begin looking forward.

      When Kate got out of the shower, she sat on the edge of Laura’s king-sized bed wrapped in a towel and dried her hair. With one corner of her mind, she noticed that the usually neat Laura had left her bed unmade. By the time her hair was dry, she heard the familiar voices outside; Laura had already returned with the kids and a sundress for Kate to wear.

      Laura came into the bedroom with a dress on a hanger and a small bag in her hands. She pulled Kate into the bathroom and handed her the bag, which contained her cosmetics, and a pair of lacy panties. No bra, Kate noted, and wondered what dress her mom had sent. Laura sat on the edge of the bathtub while Kate put on her make-up and fixed her hair.

      She told Kate, “The little darlings are outside with Jack. We were lucky, your mom had just cleaned them up and they actually look almost angelic.”

      “False advertising.” There was pride in her voice in spite of the words as Kate pulled the dress off the hanger. “Hey, brat. Since when did you get too lazy to make your bed?”

      Laura grinned. “I did make up my bed this morning, but somehow it got unmade again.”

      “Ah, the infamous five-year-long honeymoon. May it never end.” Kate smiled back, then leaned closer to the mirror to finish her face.

      She couldn’t help noticing that Laura had picked out her sexiest sundress. It was a low cut halter-top that left her back bare, it had big, bright yellow and orange flowers. Thanks to Kate’s skill with needle and thread, there was a lace insert for the neckline that served to cover most of her cleavage. Before bringing the dress over, Laura had thoughtfully removed the insert.

      “I see you managed to sabotage my dress.” She looked at Laura with mild accusation. “Where’s the rest of the neckline?”

      “Don’t thank me now, wait until later.” Laura grinned unabashed. “Besides I didn’t know that the lace would come off, you’ll have to thank your mother for telling me that. I’m going to take a shower.”

      “I’d better go rescue Jack from my little angels.” Kate went in search of her kids. When she found them, they were outside helping Jack put away his tools.

      “Hey Jack, do you need to be rescued from these rug rats?” Kate gave all three of her kids a big warm group hug. “You look like you have all the help you can use.”

      His newfound help consisted of twin three-year-old girls, and a boy of five.

      “Don’t tell Laura I told you, but I could use help like this all the time.” He good-naturedly retrieved a screwdriver from little fingers, and smiled down at the tiny hand tugging on the leg of his faded jeans.

      He looked up and grinned at Kate with pride and excitement in his eyes. “And it looks like I’m going to get it fairly soon.”

      “Why hasn’t Laura told me?” She grabbed Jack and kissed him. “That’s wonderful!”

      He grinned. “It sure is. I think Laura meant to tell you about it today but you two seem to have been distracted. I wonder why.” He gently wiped little fingers. “It couldn’t have anything to do with meeting Bob, could it? While you both were N A K E D?” Jack spelled, teasing her gently. “Here, you can have the terrible trio back while I go get cleaned up.”

      It was still early afternoon when they all landed on the doorstep of Bob’s large, two-story house. The six of them, three adults and three small children made a boisterous and colorful group. Laura and Kate were both in sundresses; Laura’s was a hot pink that looked great against her dark blond hair. Kate’s bright yellow print set off her curvy figure. Jack was in light blue shorts and a brightly colored Hawaiian shirt.

      “Hi! Come on in. Who are these little people?” Bob greeted the group, smiling at the three children. He looked cool and wonderful in navy shorts and a white polo shirt.

      Kate was proud as she introduced the kids. She smiled down at the girls. “The twins are Suzy and Sarah, and they’re not nearly as angelic as they look,” she warned. “But I think I’ll keep ‘em anyway.”

      “Mom, you said we were your little angels,” Suzy protested.

      “You are sweetie, but only to me,” Kate told her, hugging the small girl.

      The little girls did indeed look like little angels dressed in frilly pink dresses. They had big green eyes and golden blond curls.

      “And this guy is Sam, who certainly is no angel; he’s all boy.” Kate ruffled his hair, getting a scowl for her efforts.

      Sam had brown eyes, freckles, and his hair was dark red. He had a defiant expression on his little face. He wore red shorts and a Ninja Turtle T-shirt.

      “I can see where Sam got his hair, but the girls got your eyes, didn’t they?” Bob bent down to the kids. “Hi guys. I’m glad you came over with your mom.”

      “This is Mr. Simmons.” Kate introduced Bob.

      The little girls both greeted Bob with nervous giggles, clinging to Kate’s

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