Shadow Lane Volume 10: The Spanking Adventures of Amanda Sands. Eve Howard

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Shadow Lane Volume 10: The Spanking Adventures of Amanda Sands - Eve Howard

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me tell you something, honey, I’ve been harassed and driven crazy by more youngsters than I can remember. It’s not a pleasant sensation.”

      “Oh, bosh,” I said. “Surely it’s an ego stroke?”

      “Not one that I need or want!” he insisted. I could see what he meant. He was married to a former video model in the scene, a breathtakingly beautiful blonde in her mid-twenties. She runs the coffee counter at Margaret Alexander’s bookshop and she’s magnetically attractive in body and spirit. David Lawrence doesn’t need his students coming on to him to feel sexy.

      “Being in the scene,” I said, “haven’t you felt tempted to spank them?”

      “I have spanked two of them,” he admitted ruefully.

      “You let yourself go that far?”

      “Somehow they found out I was in the scene. And they were too. But I merely spanked them. Well, pretty much so.”

      “I have no idea if the professor I like is in the scene.”

      “He probably isn’t.”

      “He called me naughty when I kissed him the other day. And he gave me a parting swat.”


      “I know. It’s intriguing.”

      “I don’t think you should pursue this, Amanda.”


      “I think it’s putting your professor in an awful spot. He could get fired for playing around with his student.”

      I shrugged and protested, “I can’t take back the kiss now.”

      “But you can resolve not to put the poor guy in this type of position.”

      “I could.”

      “I may help deepen that resolve.”

      I didn’t let him grab me right away. I made him chase me around the little lodge-like sitting room. He’s a smoker and he got irritated with this pretty quickly. Smokers in their 30’s get winded fast. Finally he snagged me and put me over his knee. The cute part is that he spanked me through my tights. He never even tried to pull them down. Though they were sheer enough for the pink of my skin tone to show through the intricate charcoal knit. (I had omitted panties). I checked it out later in a mirror. It was a nice, good, long, hard spanking, with a slow, steady buildup and I blush to confess, an orgasmic climax. This occurred when he grabbed my wrist to prevent me putting my hand back to cover my belabored bottom and pinned it to my waist. Oh, that gesture. It slays me. Then he just kept going on and on, harder and harder and faster and faster. And I mini-came again.

      He tried to make me stand in the corner but I didn’t want to. He was adamant. I stamped my foot at him. He took off his belt.

      Again, I made him chase me. After all that hard spanking, he must have been tired! I led him around and around the cottage and out the back door. He caught me on the back porch and bent me over the wooden railing. It was cold out there but after a few seconds I ceased to notice that. He was still clutching his belt and I soon felt it!

      “I can’t believe you would defy me after I went to all the time and trouble to counsel you today,” he remarked, as though shocked.

      I took about twelve hard licks with the strap before giving in. I’m building up an interesting tolerance but even it has its limits. I allowed myself to be marched indoors again and stood in the corner.

      David Lawrence regarded me over folded arms, leaning back against a bookcase.

      “Well?” he asked, “Are you going to cut your teacher a break and leave him the hell alone?”

      I shrugged and thought to myself, “He did give me a swat. That demonstrates the right instinct.”

      “Save yourself the humiliation of being rejected and control your lust for your teacher!” was my new disciplinarian’s final exhortation to me before taking me out of the corner and giving my hair a pat and my cheek an affectionate caress. I put my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his lightly. His arms went around my waist.

      “Now don’t start tempting me, young lady,” he warned. “I’m married!”

      “Yes, I notice you didn’t even lower my tights. Admirable control, Mr. Lawrence.”

      “That was out of respect of the fact that you’re Hugo’s daughter.”

      “But, he sent me to you for a thrill.”

      “You’re awfully confident for a baby,” said David, kissing me once behind each ear in a way that sent ripples through my tummy, then letting me go. “Thank you for the compliment, but I promised my wife I wouldn’t have sex with any eighteen year olds this year.”

      I pulled away as I felt he wished me to do and kept my 1.5 spanking induced orgasms a secret from him, since he was so determined to behave well.

      I asked him if I might email with him now and then and ask him questions about English literature and he gave me his address.

      What a lovely man!

      December 1st

      Met a most unusual and highly simpatico girl today as a direct result of Hugo’s magazine (with me on the cover) coming out. I’d pretty much forgotten the little squib that Hugo inserted about me (with the stage name April Sebastian) looking to assemble a video cast in Boston for my freshman film project. Not that I’ll even get into a film class until next year, but I can begin stockpiling material now. Hugo says that nothing I can do in this area will be wasted, for when a young girl into spanking creates spanking erotica, the result is always sure to be of interest to the spanking community at large.

      I’m not sure I’ll be able to get away with this, but if I work it right, I’ll also be able to get an economics paper or perhaps even a thesis out of the idea, in due course. My plan is to start a small business from scratch, on the cheap, develop my own marketing strategy and whether it fails or succeeds, use the data gathered in the experiment for academic credit. (Of course, it will succeed. How could it fail with Hugo’s mailing list behind me and an angle no one in the spanking biz has pursued so far - young, hip, and a little hip hop.)

      Thalia Dunbar, a sophomore at B.U., saw the ad and called me. We met for lunch at The Grist Mill and is she cute! Wonderfully curvaceous, slim-waisted torso, baby-faced features, creamy complexion, blue eyes and chin length, straight brown hair. She told me she’d just started getting Hugo’s magazine and couldn’t believe how good it was, that she didn’t really know if she was into spanking, but that the pix and stories were so hot that they turned her on.

      She said she was a secret exhibitionist and had been a bad girl since age 14, so she was up for being in a video, either giving or receiving and that she was very interested in working with men of color, if they were beautiful. I showed her photos of Tommy and Ronnie on my camera and she agreed they were extremely good-looking. Not that Ronnie would ever agree to be in my video, but I’ll bet I can get him to work the camera. I’ve already decided to offer both of them a financial partnership with me in lieu of compensation. Thalia told me she could find me other cast members because she ran into freaks all the time. I told her I’d give her a finder’s fee for every one she found that I could use but she said what she really wanted was to meet Hugo. I told her nothing could be easier, as I have a standing invitation to visit whenever I want.

      We agreed to take the train to Random Point this weekend to scout out locations for our first shoot. Maybe that nice Mr. Flagg will let us use his tavern after hours. I know I made a good impression on him.

      December 2nd

      Still reeling from the unsettling encounter with Castor Reyes in the quad this afternoon.

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