The Two Sams: Men of the West. F. M. Worden

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The Two Sams: Men of the West - F. M. Worden

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he passed the café that was a few doors south of the gun shop and decided to stop in. The smell was just too inviting. He knocked on the back door. A black man opened an asked, “What do you want? We don’t let bums in here.”

      “I ain’t no bum, I got money. I work at the gun shop down the street. I’m in need of a good meal. Can I come in and get one here?”

      “I done see-d you walking the levy many times. Come on in and set at our kitchen table. I-za fix you some-um right’s now.”

      Sam had almost finished his meal, when a door at the top of some stairs that came down to the kitchen, opened and a pretty lady came out and came slowly down the stairs. Her long blond hair fell over her left shoulder all the way to her waist. Her long silver dress fit tight and exposed an hour glass body. She was a big full breasted lady, it looked like the two were fighting to get out of that tight dress. She appeared to be in her twenties. When she reached the bottom of the stairs she said to the black man, “Who let this bum in our kitchen? George, what’s this bum doing in our kitchen?”

      “He ain’t no bum Miss Sarah. He’s a paying man.”

      She sidled over to the table. Sam stood up. He was a head taller than this pretty lady. “Where you from?” She asked in a sexy voice and a big smile.

      “I work at the Hawkin gun shop down the street.”

      George chimed in, “He’s, he’s the one been walking the levy, you know Miss Sarah the one you’s been a watch-en.”

      “Shut up George, I’m a talking to this man.” She asked Sam to turn around. He did in a complete circle. When he turned back around, she looked up at his face and said, “My, my, you are a good-looking man. How old are you?”

      Sam lied, “I’ll be nineteen soon.”

      “George he’ll have dessert up in my apartment. She motioned to Sam and said, “You come with me mister gun maker.”

      She turned and went up the stairs, Sam followed. Her hips swung from side to side as she climbed the stairs. He enjoyed watching the way she moved and looked. An old feeling swelled up inside of him, the one that Blue Bird gave him back on the Choctaw.

      At the top stairs, he turned to look down at the men in the kitchen. All were looking up at him. They all gave him a high sign with their thumbs.

      He followed her into the room, the most beautiful place he had ever seen. An eating table and chairs was just in side the door, a candle chandelier hung from the ceiling, a setting parlor was at the other end of the room. Thru a door toward the front he could see the largest four poster bed he had ever seen. All the walls were covered with colorful flowered paper, a most pleasing and exciting place to be.

      Soon a knock on the door, she called for George to come in. He set a large plate of apple pie on the table with a pot of coffee and went back out, not saying a word.

      The lady came over and said, “Eat your pie.” She bent over to pour a cup of coffee. Her big beautiful bosoms exposed themselves to him. He had to take a peek. Never had he seen such a sight in his life.

      She smiled and said, “You are one handsome young man, finish your pie and come set with me on the settee.”

      She went and sat down. He went over and stood before her. For the first time she asked his name.

      “Sam Duncan.”

      “My name is Sarah Mackay,” she said with a smile. “Please Sam, unbutton and take my shoes off.”

      He lifted her feet one at a time and did as she asked.

      Then she asked him, “Come set beside me.”

      She told him again as she put a arm around him, “You are a very good looking young man. Tell me true, have you ever had a woman?”

      Sam looked away and said “Yes I have.” He had a sheepish grin on his face.

      “I don’t want to hear about it, I’m lonely and full of love, would you like to make love to me?” she asked in a little girls way.

      Sam hesitated, then said, “Yes, you are one very handsome lady. I’d shore be pleased to make love to you anytime.”

      She got up and took his hand and led him into the bed room and unbuttoned her dress and let it drop to the floor. Next came her bloomers, then her top. She stood before him a beautiful fully naked adult woman. He pulled her to him and kissed her on the lips.

      “You are one good-looking woman,” he whispered. He undressed and they both got into her bed, for a night of sexual satisfaction to both parties.

      Morning came. Sam opened his eyes. It was getting light. Sarah had a leg on him, he pushed it off and jumped up. Told her, “I gotta get to work.” He hurried and dressed.

      Sarah sat up in the bed asked, “Where you going?”

      “To work, I have a job to do.”

      “You don’t have to work any more, stay with me.” She seemed to be begging.

      “Sarah,” he said, “I have to work, I can’t lay around here.” He sat down on the bed, pulled her to him, kissed and thanked her. “See you later. You beautiful hunk of woman.” And left.

      At the shop he unlocked the back door and built fires in all the stoves, then went about his usual chores. Soon Jake and brother Sam came thru the door. “Slept late did you Sam?” Jake asked. “It’s not very warm in here.” Sam smiled and continued about his work.

      Later that day Jake came and opened the big doors in the rear of the shop. It was a warm day. Who came strolling by but Sarah. She stopped out side the door. Looking in she asked in a loud voice. “Is this where the guns are made?” She hiked up her dress and stepped into the shop.

      Jake saw her first, he took off his glasses and hurried to meet her. “Miss Sarah,” he said, “How good of you to bring such beauty into this old shop.”

      “I’ve never been in a gun shop before,” she said. “It smells of fresh-cut wood, oil and gun powder, kinda smells good to me. Smell’s like men should.”

       Jake said, “Come I’ll show you around.” He took her by an arm and to each working station to show her how the guns were made.

      Hal the lock maker leaned over to Sam and said, “Ain’t that the God damn best looking woman you ever seen?”

      Sam said, “Mighty pretty.”

      She could hear them, turned and smiled. Jake walked her to the door, every eye in that shop was on her until she left. Jake turned to his workers and said, “Hope she don’t come back, her presence could destroy this shop.”

      That evening most of Hawkins workers were eating at Miss Sarah’s Café. She was at the shop with a tray of food for Sam. They sat at his bench and talked as he ate the meal. She asked him to come to her apartment. He refused. Said he had work to finish.

      “I’ll come up soon, soon as I get rested.” They both had a good laugh. She took the tray and left. He followed her out the door and watched until she entered the back door of her café, he returned to his work.

      The next day a man came to the shop. He was well dressed, with a well-groomed beard, looked to be in his fifties. He had a younger slightly built man with him.

      Jake asked the workers to come look at the guns this man had brought with him. On the counter lay several revolver pistols. The man introduced him self as Colonel Sam Colt owner of the new Colt firearm’s company. “This pistol is our latest make, an 1847 model .44 caliber Colts Army Revolver. I’m on a trip looking for dealers for these fine pistols. Mr Hawkin would you be interested to be a dealer for me? We sell them for 28 dollars a piece, in a case with accessories delivered to your shop, we have orders for one thousand from the Government. Soon we’ll have another model we call the Dragoon. How about it Mr. Hawkin?”

      Jake rubbed his face with a left hand said, “We

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