Experiments in a Search For God. Mark Thurston
Читать онлайн книгу.activities of all forces of matter, or that which is a manifestation of the realm of the infinite into the finite—and the finite becomes conscious of same.
Why research?
We are all searching for a source of meaning in life. We have spent years looking for answers to important questions, often without finding answers that awakened a feeling of truth within us. Why am I in the earth? What does it mean to be saved? What will happen when I die? When we come upon a source of information (be it the Edgar Cayce readings or some other teaching) that answers these questions in a meaningful and promising way, our tendency may be to embrace those answers with a feeling of excitement and relief. Even if we are initially skeptical because the source of this information is psychic or mystical, a careful investigation of the research done by others (e.g., ESP research, case documentation of the readings) will often be convincing enough for us to feel comfortable in exploring it more fully.
Yet the vision of the Edgar Cayce readings is one of a community of seekers, each dedicated to an approach of personal research. Each individual is strongly encouraged to test out in practical application each new concept that he finds. We are not asked to buy the entire package of concepts found in the readings just because we may have found the answer to one question that has puzzled us for years. Instead we must remember that the process of research and application precedes enlightenment. In the early years of the A.R.E. the leaders of the organization were occasionally chastised for failing to focus energy on the research aspect of the work.
Let there be outlined each phase that is to be studied, each phase that is to be a research. It’s often stated that the work is a research and enlightenment program; but how much research have you done? Isn’t it presented rather as enlightenment without much research? Then, don’t get the cart before the horse! It doesn’t work so well! Even with streamlines!
Who will benefit from this book?
This book is for those who want to work with a twofold approach to growth: the study and exploration of concepts, followed by experiments with and applications of those concepts. This book can be used as a resource or guide book, but the real learning will come through your experiences. There are three kinds of people who may find this book helpful.
1. Members of a Search for God Study Group.
For eleven years Edgar Cayce gave readings to a small group of seekers on topics related to the awakening of man’s spiritual awareness. This material was given as a series of lessons, presented as a growth sequence. Members of this group took the readings and prepared a written text for each lesson. These lessons have been published as A Search for God, Books I and II. Hundreds of groups throughout the world now meet weekly to study and apply the concepts in these readings.
Two unique features are available through regular involvement with other seekers: (a) the support the group offers and (b) the difference of perspective that interaction with others provides. These study groups, optimally made up of six to ten participants, create the best possible environment for growth for many people. It is highly recommended that you try working with this book in the context of an ongoing Search for God Study Group.
Although the readings strongly encourage group members to test out and apply the concepts they were studying in the weekly meetings, too often a study group can become a discussion group. Sometimes this is because it is difficult to get a handle on spiritual concepts: to translate a spiritual principle that feels true into terms that can be applied the next day. At other times the group remains at the discussion level because there is confusion as to the meaning of certain passages which, if further explanation were available, might be excellent ones to put into practical application during the week between meetings. Finally, a group may stay at the discussion level because the members feel that statements in the A Search for God books are so global or lofty that it will only prove frustrating to try to apply them (e.g., the indication that we must try to love others the way Jesus did).
It is hoped that this book will provide some help with all three of these situations. Several passages from each lesson have been selected which seem to indicate a special need for translation into practical application. These passages from A Search for God, Book I, are set in italic typeface at the beginning of each experiment. A commentary follows each passage, offering further insights and quotations from the readings or parallel sources of information. Quotations from parallel sources are offered, not to compete with the material in the readings, but to demonstrate the universality of the concepts. The readings themselves encourage this kind of parallel study. Finally a specific experiment or application is suggested. Although the word “discipline” has often been used to describe these exercises, this word connotes to some a sense of drudgery or contrived action, which lacks the feeling of anticipation and exploration that we want these exercises to include. In addition, the word “experiment” implies the application of a specific treatment or course of action, with an open mind as to its possible effects. An important part of research is to keep a record of the effects which are observed. Often the most significant insights come much later when the researcher reviews his records.
Preferably the entire group will agree to work together on a specific experiment for at least one week. It is important for the development of a sense of group consciousness and growth that everyone be willing to cooperate and focus attention and effort in the same direction. At some point nearly every group member will have the experience of being asked to work on an experiment that does not seem especially meaningful to him. However, part of the special learning opportunity of growing with others is being able occasionally to sacrifice self-interest for group-interest; and often such “undesirable” experiments prove to be important ones for the individual.
2. An individual studying alone the A Search for God books.
If for some reason you cannot find a group with which to study the material, it is possible to obtain the books to study and apply on your own. This book can be used as a guide book for individual experiments and applications just as it would for a group.
3. An individual who wants to use this book by itself.
Although the material in this book is intended to supplement the concepts in the A Search for God books, it is possible to take the series of commentaries and quotations as a comprehensive statement of the nature of man and of spiritual law. However, you will want to do more than just read this book. The important feature of this material is the application you invest in the exercises suggested after each commentary.
How to use this book
The lessons in A Search for God are arranged in a growth sequence, so you will want to work through these applications and experiments in order. Very likely, you will not do all of the exercises (e.g., your group may spend only five weeks on a chapter that has eight applications and experiments for you to choose from; or, if you are working alone, some of the exercises may not seem relevant to your needs at that time). The recommended time period for working on a particular experiment is at least one week. Occasionally a group will decide to continue to work on the same application for an additional week when the experiences of group members indicate this is desirable.
It is very important to take into consideration the nature of this type of work as you decide which of these possible exercises you will put energy into applying. Some of them are activities you will want to continue to do after the experiment is over (e.g., speaking kindly to others), whereas others take special effort and time that may seem unrealistic to consider doing permanently (e.g., at the end of the day write down that which you thought, did or experienced which you feel was especially valuable). However, the nature of this experimentation is to focus attention for a short period of time (e.g., one week) on one aspect of ourselves or our interaction with others. Tremendous growth and insight can occasionally take place through such an intense focus of energy and concern. So, if the group chooses to work on an experiment that you feel is not something you really want to incorporate into your life, remember that your commitment is just for a week and not indefinitely.