Passionate Magic. Dawn Addonizio

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Passionate Magic - Dawn Addonizio

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either married or gay,” she added on a laugh.

      “Really?” Melody asked with a mischievous grin. “Well, perhaps I wasn’t so far off after all. Manny says that Doyle is single, in case you were wondering. And I have a hunch that he isn’t gay.”

      “I’ll keep that in mind.” Violet took a sip from her mug, her eyes dancing with humor over the rim. “So what about you? How long have you and Manny been a couple?”

      “Only a few weeks,” Melody answered, a dreamy fondness taking over her features, “but I like him very much.”

      “He seems like a super-sweet guy,” Violet replied sincerely, “very warm and friendly.”

      Melody nodded. “He is. Not at all like my last boyfriend. He was so jealous. He couldn’t stand for me to spend time with anyone but him. I tried to break things off, but he wouldn’t leave me alone. I had to move to get away from him.”

      Violet’s forehead wrinkled in a frown. “He sounds like some kind of stalker.”

      “He was a bad choice,” Melody agreed softly, regret clouding her blue-green eyes. “But I was feeling lonely, and at first he seemed very charming.” She shook her head, her red curls bouncing gently beneath the light cotton fabric of her beret. “Anyway, Manny is much different.”

      Sensing Melody’s discomfort with the topic, Violet gave her a sympathetic look and changed the subject. “So what do you do for work?”

      “Well, I’m actually trying to figure that out,” Melody answered in a hesitant tone. “I have a little bit of money, but it’s running out, and I’m going to need to find a job soon. I don’t really have any professional skills, so I was thinking I might try waiting tables at one of the local restaurants.”

      Melody nibbled her lip anxiously and Violet silently applauded herself for choosing another stellar topic of conversation.

      “I’ll bet you can make a lot of money waiting tables down here, especially during season,” Violet said with confidence. “And I’m sure you’ll pick it up quickly. Plus, summer is probably the best time to learn, since it’s slower.”

      “You think?” Melody asked, her angular face seeming to brighten.

       “I’m sure you’ll be fine,” Violet encouraged. “By the way, I’ve been meaning to tell you that I like your hat. It reminds me of my mom. She used to wear hats all the time. I’ve been packing up her collection, and it’s the hugest I’ve ever seen.”

      “Really?” Melody asked with interest. “I’ve always had something of an addiction for hats too. I’d love to see her collection, if you wouldn’t mind.”

      Violet’s lips twisted ruefully. “If you’d asked yesterday, I would have said no problem. But now they’re boxed up somewhere in the garage, probably behind a couple hundred pounds worth of encyclopedias and cast iron pots. I promise though, when I’m ready to have everything carted out of here, I’ll let you have a look at them before they go anywhere.”

      “Okay thanks, I’d really appreciate it,” Melody said hopefully. “And maybe I can help with some of the other stuff too. You know, if you need a hand taking it anywhere or whatever.”

      Violet smiled. “Thanks. I didn’t expect to have so many offers of assistance when I came down here. You and Doyle have both been so nice. Although, I think the only reason he felt obligated to look after me was because I almost drowned on his tour.”

      “How did that happen?” Melody exclaimed, her thin form straightening in alarm.

      “It was no big deal, really,” Violet assured her with a laugh. “I was trying to get a closer look at a sea turtle, and I guess I got away from the rest of the group. Something knocked into me and I was unconscious for a few minutes before Doyle pulled me out of the water.”

      “What knocked you unconscious?” Melody asked with a frown.

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