Raw Magic. Kate Magic

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Raw Magic - Kate Magic

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the same time as enriching our own lives. As we come into our power, we discover these different strands to ourselves, and it becomes our passion to share these with the world. This is what we mean when we call ourselves multidimensional beings: people who are experiencing life in all its different facets, who enjoy a rich and rewarding social life, family life, love life, work life, and creative life, and who successfully dance between the different, often paradoxical aspects of themselves, by retaining a deep connection to their divinity.

      The key to a happy life is simplicity and sustainability. If we are all living in tune with the environment and in harmony with our fellow beings, if we are not plundering the earth’s resources and abusing her abundance, then our needs can be met effortlessly. All the most effective tools for living are simple, easy and often free. As we come together with the same vision, we develop communities which operate harmoniously and make life even easier as we share the burdens and responsibilities of day-to-day life. We live in simple and sustainable dwellings, and we grow our food simply and sustainably; we spend our time in pursuits that give back to the earth rather than benefiting man at the earth’s expense; we use natural household and bodycare products, and clothes, bedding and towels made of fabrics like hemp and organic cotton. We don’t need endless possessions because we have inner peace, we don’t consume more than is necessary because we have inner contentment. We don’t pollute the water and the land with chemicals. This is the paradise vision: it is easy to achieve, simple to manifest, once it becomes the consensus reality. Playing in Gaia’s garden, nurturing and being nurtured, healing the planet with our love, one day at a time, one acre at a time. It’s not an impossible dream; there are communities dotted all over the world already living this way, and the more of us who move toward this vision, the more possible it becomes.

      When we are flowing with the universe, the universe looks after us. When we are living in our most spiritual truth, vibrating at our highest level, magic occurs and miracles manifest. Our needs are met, we are provided for, our dreams start to come true. Synchronicities abound, joy overflows, love is everywhere. All it takes is that leap of imagination, to step out of the box, to take risks with the unknown, to not be scared of not understanding and not being in control. It just means taking small steps every day, moment by moment, and before you know it, you have the best life ever.

      This is one of the most common questions I get asked. Where do you get your B12 from? Do you take supplements? Yes, it is one of the few vitamins that is next to impossible to find on a raw vegan diet. There are many rational answers I can give to that question, facts and statistics I can trot out. I have looked into the subject, and it is not something I worry about. If you want to know more, I would refer you to the work of Gabriel Cousens who is very knowledgeable on the subject, and whose opinion I respect greatly. What does concern me, and what I believe is more valuable to share with you, is how to get your cosmic B12. Here are 12 ways to find your Bliss.

       1.Everything happens for a reason.

      There is a divine intelligence at work in the universe that is orchestrating a whole grand masterplan. We cannot expect to comprehend its workings, that’s why it’s a higher intelligence. When we hand over that control and understand we are just actors on a stage, that brings with it a huge sense of relief and inner peace. The more that you hand the power over, the more the universe looks after you, and the more you can enjoy being in the moment.

       2.I am doing exactly what the universe wants me to do right here and now.

      Find the perfection in the moment—it is always present, it’s just that we cannot always see it. But know that you are right where you are meant to be, doing what you are meant to be doing, at every instant.

       3.My job is to be a clear channel for my higher self to work through.

      All we need to do is access the divine intelligence which exists in each and every one of us, encoded in our cells, our DNA. We also hold programming, patterns both inherited and learned, which blocks the messages of our DNA. So it is a perpetual dance between working on clearing the channels, and manifesting the intentions of our higher selves.

       4.All that matters is the moment.

      The whole of reality exists right in the here and now. It always was and it always will be. All that matters is being in the moment and accessing the divine within it. If you think what you’re doing in the 3-D is important, or that you understand, or that you’re in control, you’re on the wrong track. Truth is a magical mystery beyond our present state of understanding.

       5.Love it all.

      Everything that happens to me is a manifestation of my own holographic matrix; outer reality is simply a reflection of my own inner state of being. So all I see is a part of me, and the best way to deal with anything that troubles us is to love it into submission. Love dissolves all patterns.

       6.It’s all an illusion.

      The material world is an illusion, a thinly disguised veil for multidimensional reality. It’s a game, and it’s our mission to see through the veil, penetrate the illusion, and reveal the hidden truths within the matrix.

       7.Money and time are tools utilized by the dark forces to keep us submissive.

      Money is not real; it’s the biggest illusion of them all and everyone buys into it. The universe is abundant, and if we are serving her, then she will take care of us. Time is only a linear representation of a point in an infinite universe and as such is pretty meaningless way of plotting change and growth. Being always present in the moment you enter the bliss of the eternal now.

       8.All darkness comes from a sense of separation.

      There is no separation, only oneness; separation is illusion; we are never alone. Find the unity and the oneness and dissolve the darkness, the fear, anger, resentment and lack.

       9.There are beings from other dimensions looking out for us.

      We are far from being the only intelligent life force in the universe. Angels, archangels, ascended masters, members of the Galactic Federation are all around us, guiding us, nurturing us, loving us.

       10.Humanity is going through a shift in consciousness.

      We are at the dawn of a new golden age, ascension, enlightenment, even the second coming or the end of the world! There are many different ways to interpret it, all of them inadequate for the full multidimensional glory that we are just beginning to get glimpses of.

       11.We find fulfillment in service.

      The more we walk our truth and help guide humanity into the light, the more fulfilling a life we lead. The more we give, the more bliss we receive. Balance that with your own inner work to find perfection in your life.

       12.The universe loves me and it wants me to be happy.

      Whenever you feel troubled and challenged, just repeat this mantra. It’s not going to be hard this time, it’s going to be easy. The universe loves me and it wants me to be happy.

      It is scientifically established that the two hemispheres of the brain have different functions. The left hemisphere is responsible for tasks we think of as more male-oriented: linear, rational, logical thought. The left brain is the I, the independent thinker, the ego, which understands itself as separate from the rest of the world, an isolated part. This is where our competitive instinct comes from, as we feel we must fight for self-preservation; it is also where we feel fear and anger. The right brain is the more feminine aspect of the mind; the creative, nurturing, giving aspect. The right brain has no

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