God’s Man in the White House. James A Beverley

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God’s Man in the White House - James A Beverley

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world it will bring you low, repent or you shall be cast into the fire below.”

      The Spirit of God says, “Why do the prophets of doom and gloom keep saying that this is the end? For they are misreading the season of time we are in. For those that keep speaking this with words that bend, are aiding the enemy making the people lay down their arms, give up, lose hope, stop fighting and saying we will just ride this out to the end. For you are never to stop fighting or lay down your arms for any reason.

      Stop listening to those who commit spiritual treason. For life and death are in the power of the tongue, for this treasonous talk is even affecting the young. Stop aiding the enemy and start talking about what I the Lord God and my Army are going to do. Grab the enemy by the throat and make him fluster. Look him in the eyes and say, “Is that all you can muster?” Choose this day whom you will serve, for I have given you the victory and the choice is yours.”

      Your Supreme Commander, God

      June 12, 2016 Mark Taylor

       Babylonian Prison [#10 in list]

      Sord Rescue

      The Spirit of God says, “There’s a beast in the east that’s trying to arise that thinks he’s the best, but I have one in the west that will give him a godly surprise and take him down to the least. For this beast that has risen is no surprise, for my church is in a Babylonian prison, come out of her or it will be your demise!”

      The Spirit of God says, “The chaos and clatter that the earth is in, is directly related to the Babylonian box that the so called church is in. For my earth is moaning and groaning for my sons and daughters to arise with bliss. Where is my Army that will send this beast back to the abyss? For how can you take on a beast when you’re deaf, mute, and blind? For all beasts are ancient and old, and lurk about seeking an enemy whom they can steam roll. For this beast has no teeth and lurks in the brush, trying to lure you into an ambush. Do not attack until you come out of her that Babylonian stem, or you will fall prey and be decimated beyond comprehension.”

      The Spirit of God says, “For when my people realize the curse they are under, and come out, break the curse, then they will plunder. For as they come out of her with a mass exodus, there I will be, to restore her back to my body and I as the head she will have power, authority, and unity again and the enemy shall fall as dead! For you wonder why the world is so perverse, it’s because my church has forsaken her first love and is under a curse. Come out of her now don’t walk but run and do not wait, before you cross the point of no return for then it’s too late. Come back to me, come back to me and make me your first love I have dearly yearned, for some it’s already too late, for they have not learned.”

      June 12, 2016 Mike Thompson

      Mike’s Heavenly Vision Part 2


      God wants the president elect to shake things up. The spirit of Jezebel is coming from Europe to go against the United States. Politics shouldn’t be allowed in the church. Thompson said that God showed him that the new president is Trump.

      June 14, 2016 Jill Steele

       Trump Call


      Let me first qualify this word by explaining a few things to you. The Lord spoke this to me on May 16th. It was extremely clear, and as I wrote and received, I kept wondering exactly who Cyrus was in the Bible. I thought I knew he was a King of Persia, but really could not place any specific information about him. Further, I had not been closely following the presidential race because the candidates have been hard for me to like. Trump was especially offensive to me for various reasons, and I had avoided listening to him. This word is not about a political party, nor is it intended to engage argument in any way. Maybe all of this is exactly why I received this word; because I have no desire to be involved in anything political, but only to serve God as He calls me to do. All I know is it came as a very strong word of the Lord and I wrote it EXACTLY word for word as I received it, as I do every word He gives me.

      “TRUMP CALL! Trump is My Cyrus! Yes, you heard Me correctly! He is the man who will reveal Me in many ways. And as he does, all will see Me in a new way!

      THIS man, (as Cyrus), who does not know Me, means well. And not for his own gain, but “for the people” he truly does purpose.

      His stand is a GRANDSTAND, but his heart is in its place as he does have NO NEED for place, order, favor, or money. He has already been those things to many and so his breaches are sealed. There is no other reason, but to serve his country, (and true now, his God)- as I will use him for My purposes.”

      June 14, 2016 Democratic National Committee

      Two Russian hacker groups are expelled from DNC systems by Crowdstrike, a security firm.

      June 14, 2016 Mark Taylor

      “Trump Chosen by God: Prophecy from 2011 Claims Trump Was Chosen by God to Save America”

      Taylor Berglund at Charisma News

      [Charisma News played the entire Tru News interview in their article.]

      June 16, 2016 Mark Taylor

       “How Donald Trump Could Easily Fulfill This 2011 Prophecy”

      Charisma News

      [Charisma News played a video segment from the Jim Bakker Show in their article.]

      June 16, 2016 Jim Geraghty

       “There Is No Other, More ‘Presidential’ Donald Trump”

      National Review

      “Trump won the backing of 45 percent of Republican primary voters. A delegate insurrection against his nomination in Cleveland would of course be politically painful. But is anyone certain that the pain of ditching Trump and replacing him with another Republican — any other Republican — would be worse than the pain of officially tying the party’s fortunes to him through November?”

      June 17, 2016 Eric Metaxas

       Author Eric Metaxas Asks If American Democracy Will Survive


      Trump “may well be our only hope.”

      June 19, 2016 Mark Taylor

      “Charisma News Exposed for Promoting Prophetic Fraud”

      Church Watch Central

      This article states that the prophecy Mark Taylor read on the Jim Bakker Show on June 9 “was not in the original prophecy.” This is not true.

      [Note: Charismatic and Pentecostal prophets are regularly attacked. This and the next entry from David Pakman are two examples.]

      June 20, 2016 David Pakman Show, Jim Bakker

      David Pakman Show mocks Jim Bakker and prophecy.

      June 20, 2016 David French

       “Don’t Bend Your Knee to Trump, Evangelicals”

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