Winchester Repeating Arms Company. Herb Houze
Читать онлайн книгу.published by the author, 1976. Standard reference; massive size with wealth of associated material. Reprinted 2006.
*Kopec, John A. Colt Cavalry And Artillery Revolvers. Whitmore, California: Kopec Publications, 1994. Continuing, detailed study of Colt single actions by noted authority.
Kuhnhausen, J. The Colt Double Action Revolvers; A Shop Manual. Vols. I & II. Idaho: VSP Publishers, 1988. Parts lists and detailed breakdown drawings.
*Longfield, G.M. and Basnett, D.T. Observations on Colt’s Second Contract Nov. 2, 1847. Alexandria Bay, N.Y.: Museum Restoration Service, 1998. Monograph (see 5B-024).
Lord, D. M. Colt Bibliography. Privately published by the author, 1966. Lists hundreds of articles appearing in most well known arms periodicals and books on Colt firearms.
Maxwell, S. L. Colt-Burgess Magazine Rifle. Dallas, Texas: Taylor Publishing Company, 1985. Highly detailed coverage.
McDowell, R. Bruce “A Study of Colt Conversions & Other Percussion Revolvers.” Iola, Wisc: Krause Publications, 1997. Significant treatise and major reference.
Mills, F. P. Colt Double Rifles. Greenfield: Privately published by the author, 1953. Important reference and study of these rare Colt longarms.
Mitchell, J. L. Colt—the Man, the Arms, the Company. Harrisburg: Stackpole Company, 1959. Reference source for much original material; exact facsimiles of original letters and documents relating to Sam Colt and the factory up to 1865.
Moore, C. K. Colt Revolvers and the U.S. Navy 1865-1889. Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania: Dorrance & Co., Inc., 1987.
*Moore, C. Kenneth Colt Single Action Army Revolvers And The London Agency. Lincoln, Rhode Island: Mowbray Publishers, 1990. Detailed study of relationship between Hartford and their British agency.
*Moore, C. Kenneth Colt Single Action Army Revolver Study; New Discoveries. Lincoln, R.I.; Mowbray Publishing, 2003. A follow-up to his earlier and classic work (co-authored with Kopec); updated with much new material from original archives; important serial number data.
*Moore, C. Kenneth. Colt Single Action Army Revolvers; U.S. Alterations. Lincoln, R.I.: Mowbray Publishers. Comprehensive study of the so-called “Artillery Model.”
*Murphy, Bob Colt New Service Revolvers. Aledo, Illinois: Gun Report, 1993. Monograph.
Ogle, John Colt Memorabilia Price Guide. Iola, Wisc.: Krause Publications, 1998.
*O’Meara, R.H. Colt’s Single Action Army Revolver. Iola, Wisc.: Krause Publications, 1999. Introductory source for black powder shooters and about Single Action Legend, romance and rivals.
Parsons, J. E. New Light on Old Colts. New York: Privately published by the author, 1955. Detailed study from the Colt Civil War shipping ledgers; much original source information.
Parsons, J. E. The Peacemaker and Its Rivals. New York: William Morrow and Company, 1950. An all-time classic on the Colt Single Action Army, its evolution, antecedents, rivals, popularity, variations and data on its volume, serial numbers and sales.
*Parsons, J. E. Samuel Colt’s Own Record. Hartford: Connecticut Historical Society, 1949. Important reference on the design and production of the Walker Colt from the original records of transactions with Walker and Eli Whitney in 1847.
Parsons, John E. “Catalog of Loan Exhibition of Percussion Colt Revolvers & Conversions 1836-1873.” N.Y. City: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1942. Milestone in Colt collecting; first major exhibit by an important museum.
Phillips, P. R. & Wilson, R. L. Paterson Colt Pistol Variations. Dallas, Texas: Jackson Arms, 1979. Highly detailed, profusely illustrated definitive reference for Paterson longarms and handguns. A work of major significance.
*Phillips, W. G. & Vervloet, J. P. U.S. Single Action Cartridge Handgun Holsters 1870-1910. Bloomfield, Ontario: Museum Restoration Service, 1987. Detailed, well illustrated monograph.
*Potocki, John The Colt Model 1905 Automatic Pistol. Lincoln, R.I.: A. Mowbray Publishers, 1998.
Rapley, Robin J. Colt Percussion Accoutrements 1834-1873. Privately published by author: Newport Beach, California, 1994. Extensive, detailed, pioneer work. Profusely illustrated. Soft covers.
*Rapley, Robin J. The History and Identification of Colt Accoutrements 1834-1911: Paterson to Automatic. Christchurch, New Zealand: Published by author, 2006. Entirely new, much updated, greatly enlarged work. Classic coverage of this highly significant subject. Hard covers.
Renwick, William G. The Folding Trigger Paterson Colt. Privately published by author, 1934. First significant treatise on the model. Monograph.
Rhea, D. & V. How the Colt Navy .36 Was Fired. Wood River, Illinois, 1985.
Roes, K.T., (Editor) Colt and its Collectors. Wordsworth Publisher, 2003. Catalog of Colt collectors association exhibit; Colt, The Legacy of a Legend. At the Buffalo Bill Historical Center, Cody, Wyoming.
Rohan, J. “Yankee Arms Maker.” N.Y. City: Harper & Bro., 1935. Biography of Samuel Colt with some facts askew.
Rosa, J. G. Col. Colt London. London: Arms and Armour Press, 1976. Detailed reference on Colt’s London factory and the arms produced there and bearing those markings.
*Rosa, Joseph G. Colt Revolvers And The Tower Of London. London, England: Royal Armory, 1988. General study of Colts with some specific data on English models and usage. Soft covers.
Rywell, Martin “Trial of Samuel Colt.” Harriman, Tenn: Pioneer Press, 1955. The landmark case Colt won over Mass. Arms Co. for patent infringement. Actual court transcript. A major source of information on the manufacture of revolving arms of the period.
Serven, J. E. Colt Firearms From 1836. Santa Ana: The Foundation Press; numerous updated editions since the original in 1954. One of the most important, often referred to and widely respected Colt references. Reprinted 1992.
Sheldon, D. A Collector’s Guide to Colt .38 Auto-Model 1900. Willernie, Minnesota, 1987.
Shumaker, P. L. Colt’s Variations of the Old Model Pocket Pistol, 1848-1872. Beverly Hills: Fadco Publishing Company, 1957 (revised edition 1966). Classic reference; highly detailed study of the Baby Dragoon and Model 1849 Pocket revolvers in all their variations.
*Silva, Lee A. The Wyatt Earp—Colt “Buntline Special” Controversy. Newport Beach, Cal.: Graphic Publications, 1995.
Sutherland, R. Q. and Wilson, R. L. The Book of Colt Firearms. Kansas City: Privately published by R. Q. Sutherland, 1971; reprinted 1993 by Blue Book Publishing Co. One of the most important reference works ever published on the subject. Massive in size and scope; exquisitely illustrated.
*Swayze, N. L. ’51 Colt Navies. Yazoo City: Privately published by the author, 1967. Classic reference on the Colt Model 1851 and its many variations. Reprinted by the Gun Room Press, Highland Park, New Jersey, 1991.
Sweeney, Fred A Guide To The Proper Accoutrements For Hartford Produced Percussion Colt Revolvers. Privately published by author, 1993. Spiral bound.
Tivey, T. Colt Rifle 1884-1902. New South Wales: Clouston & Hall, 1984. Covers the Colt Burgess and Lightning models.
Ulrich, Arthur L. “A Century of Achievement.” Hartford, Conn: Colt F.A. Co., 1936. Among first Colt histories. Paper covers.
Virgines, George E. The Saga of the Colt Six Shooter New York City: Frederick Fell, Inc. 1969.
Wahl, P. & Toppel, D. “The Gatling Gun.” N.Y. City: ARCO Publishing, 1965. The most important reference to the subject. Highly regarded.
Whittington, Robert D., III. The Colt Whitneyville-Walker Pistol. Hooks, Texas: Brownlee Books, 1984. A study of the pistol and the men