No Ordinary Man. Lois Winslow-Spragge

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No Ordinary Man - Lois Winslow-Spragge

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      Friday August 18th.


      Alfred Frederic and I got up this morning before breakfast and had a bathe and also gathered some shells, I stayed in and read all the forenoon. In the Afternoon we went down to the pier and sat a while and then went out to the Craig and back in a small rowing boat. After tea I went out with aunt and bought a sponge took a short walk and then came home.


      Saturday August 19th.


      I got letters from home this morning by Charles and after I had read them We went down to the shore, and Alfred Charles Frederic and I went out to the craig in a boat, and then a good piece to the east of it, Alfred and Charles rowing we picked up a dead solan goose36 and Charles shot a Norry but we did not catch any fish After dinner we went down to try and get the boat again but could not get it, we then came up and Alfred and I were engaged most of the afternoon and evening skinning the solan goose.


      Sunday August 20th.


      I did not go to church today, but went out for a short walk in the evening on the shore.


      Monday August 21st.


      We had breakfast early this morning to let Charles off in time for the train. I went down to the beech after breakfast gathering shells and came up and read a while before dinner. I stayed at home all the afternoon but took a walk after tea down to the pier. Dr and Mrs Wilson were here spending the day today. Uncle went <home> back to Musselbourgh this evening.


      Tuesday August 22nd.


      It was raining most of today and I stayed in the house <nearly> all day reading &c till after tea when I took a walk down to the pier with Alfred, we caught a young sparrow, afterwards I went out and bought a pencil case.


      Wedensday August 23rd.


      I went down to the black rock this forenoon with Alfred and Frederic but we could not get on it because the tide was not low enough. When I came home a letter from Papa and Anna was waiting for me. After reading it I began writing home, and after dinner finished writing and, sent my letter away. I then went down to the pier and went out for a sail with Alfred Frederic, the Halls, and George Lees. We went away out to the west of the craig and then came back to the Pier, and landed some of our party, and then went out again, Alfred shot two Norries, and we caught a few fish. After tea I stayed in most of the evening, but took a short walk before dark.


      Thursday August 24th.


      I got up this morning and had a bathe with Alfred, Frederic, George Lees and Mercer. When I got home I was very tired so I lay down in bed while Alfred was skinning his Norrie; But he went away to the Bass with Marian and Mr Duncan before he had finished it. I then got up and began mine I worked till dinner, and after dinner I took a rest on the sofa for a while and then began again and finished at five, I then went over to Miss Matthiews for tea with Aunt and Frederic. After tea Fred, I and the Halls went town to the shore and were sailing boats till dark; when we came home they had returned from the Bass and Alfred had brought a young solan Goose with him.


      Friday August 25th.


      I stayed in part of this forenoon but afterwards went down to the beech calling at Miss Matthiews by the way with Aunt; I was sailing boats part of the time with the Halls and Frederic. After dinner I stayed in and read for a while and afterwards went down to the rocks and read with Alfred, and George Lees. <I> In the evening we went out for a short sail in the small boat, Alfred and Charles rowing


      Saturday August 26th.


      I stayed in the first part of this forenoon but afterwards went down to the shore with Aunt. In the afternoon I went down to the pier, and the rocks, and in the evening went down to the beech again.


      Sunday August 27th.


      I went to church this morning, and in the latter part of the afternoon went down with Charles, and Fred for a walk about the pier. After tea I took another short walk to the pier.


      Monday August 28th.


      I got a letter from Anna today. Alfred and I went out with the Lees in a rowing boat to the Craig and round it; Alfred had his gun and took several shots but killed nothing. In the afternoon Alfred Frederic and I went out again in a boat to the Craig, and shot a rabbit. I also wrote to papa this afternoon In the evening Frederick and I called at Miss Mathiews, and then went down to the pier with George Lees.


      Tuesday August 29th.


      We intended to go to the Bass this forenoon but it was too windy so we spent most of the morning about the pier. In the afternoon I was down at the pier again, and in the evening we went out in a sailing boat for Mackerell but caught none.


      Wedenday August 30th.


      I spent most of this forenoon down at the pier. In the afternoon we were all down to go the Bass, but it was too windy; I had forgotten that it was the day for writing home and came up just in time to write a short scrawl to Mama. In the evening we went down to the pier and fished, we caught more than usual. Aunt Alfred and I took supper tonight with Miss Mathiew.



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