Jack Taggart Mysteries 8-Book Bundle. Don Easton

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Jack Taggart Mysteries 8-Book Bundle - Don Easton

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waited until they were in the car before turning to Jack. “You did it! Just like you said you would. You got somebody on the inside!”

      “We did it. The two of us.”

      “So, the guy they call The Suit has to be the one who molested Marcie.”

      Jack nodded.

      “And now we know who murdered Crystal! Let’s haul their asses in! Maybe Homicide can match something from the bomb on Crystal’s car to Nails’ and Axle’s houses.”



      “I gave Lance my word. Arresting them would jeopardize his position.”

      “Busting Axle and Nails is more important than worrying about that piece of shit!”

      Jack looked sharply at Danny. “Always keep your word!”

      “What the fuck is wrong with you? They murdered Crystal! You were there! Did you see her eyes? She was —”

      “I was there.”

      Danny drove the car out of the lot before saying, “You’re waiting to get information about Maggie and Ben Junior, aren’t you? That makes sense, except Lance doesn’t know anything about that, so let’s arrest Axle and Nails. Maybe they do! One of them might talk!”

      “I gave Lance my word.”

      “This is bullshit! I don’t believe you!”

      “You better believe me, because it’s true. It’s about respect.”

      “You’re telling me that you respect that asshole sitting in there!”

      “It’s about us having respect, not him. And actually, yes, I do respect him.”

      Danny’s face reddened. His nostrils flared and his lips curled down, exposing his teeth. “He’s a sleaze-bag! Kept referring to Crystal a whore! How can you respect him?”

      “In Lance’s world you use derogatory names. If you dehumanize them, it’s easier on your conscience. What was he supposed to refer to her as? The young woman who was being sexually victimized?”

      “Crystal was a good person.”

      “I know she was. I respect her for what she tried to do.”

      “But Lance is nothing but scum!”

      “How would you respond if someone shoved a shotgun into your nuts? Would you have the guts to stare them in the eye and refuse to talk? Think about it! He expected to die! No whimpering, no pleading. The only reason he did cooperate was to protect his family. Yes, I have some respect for him too.”

      “He tried to kill you!”

      “Hey! I respect that he’s dangerous! He could still flip back to the other side. Which is why I didn’t give him your name or cell number.”

      “Why not?”

      “You have a family to look after. As I said, I respect the fact that he’s dangerous.”

      “That’s bullshit! I’m your partner. Susan knows the risks. She married me —”

      “That doesn’t mean you have to take risks if you don’t need to.”

      Danny shook his head. “I guess it doesn’t really matter. If you’re not going to do anything, then we’re no further ahead. Not when it comes to your sister’s kids.”

      “We’re a lot further ahead. This is the first phase in gaining control.”

      Danny drove another two blocks, then said, “So now what do you propose we do?”

      “Keep quiet about Axle and Nails. Verify what we can about what Lance told us, then concentrate on Wizard and Rolly. They were involved in the original speed connection. Find out if they have contacts up the Valley and find out who the leak is.”

      “How? Lance didn’t know of any —”

      “They’re leaving on a ride this Friday. Search their places. Maybe turn up an address book or phone numbers.”

      “You figure we have enough to get search warrants?”

      “No. Even if we did, we don’t know who the leak is. I’m not jeopardizing Lance. Speaking of which, from now on, we don’t use his name. No slip-ups — anywhere!”

      “What do you plan on calling him?”

      “Just refer to him as our friend.”

      “Your friend, maybe, not mine. And now you’re talking about doing illegal searches.”

      “Damn it, Danny! Do I have to spell everything out? You sound like you’re wearing a wire and working for Internal, for God’s sake.”

      Danny squirmed in his seat and glanced out his side window.

      “I appreciate that you have a family,” continued Jack. “I’ll understand if you don’t want to take risks. If you want to work on something else, talk with Louie and get reassigned. But make a decision. I need someone I can trust and depend on.”

      “With what we’ve been through, don’t you feel you can trust me yet?”

      Jack looked at Danny and sighed. “I’m sorry. I owe you my life. I know I can trust you. But you do have Susan and Tiffany to think about. I’ve done enough searches in my life; I don’t really need you to come along.”

      “Yeah, right. In the space of a month, my hand was slashed with a knife and I stabbed a junkie in the back. You’ve been shot and stabbed. Lenny, Crystal, and Red murdered…”

      “It does sound like we could be on to something.”

      “It’s not funny! I’m waking up at night seeing Crystal’s eyes, asking why I got her killed.”

      “You see what you want. I see her eyes, too. I see her asking for justice.”

      “Whatever! But that’s what I see and I’m not bailing out now! I may not agree with you, but I’m still your partner.”

      “Glad you feel that way. There is something else.” Jack paused as the memories of an abandoned farmhouse interrupted his thoughts.

      “Something else?”

      Jack swallowed, then said, “The last thing Maggie did before she was murdered was print the word Dirty in her sketchbook. Tomorrow night I’m going to take a look at Popeye’s. See if there is any record of who has the Dirty Dog tattoo or when they got it.”

      “You think she saw that word tattooed on someone?”

      “It’s possible.”

      Danny shook his head, then mumbled, “What the hell. After what’s happened so far, what are a few break-ins going to matter. Speaking of which, how do you plan on getting in?”

      Jack took a leather case out of his jacket pocket and flashed Danny an array of lock picks.

      “Where did you get those? Do you know how to use them?”

      Jack smiled, then said, “Some locksmith must have dropped them. Yes, I know how to use them. Believe me, with my new friend helping, nothing will stop us. It’s just a matter of time. I’m also going to revive Eddy Trimble and give the City narcs a present.”

      “Bart and Rex?”

      “Can’t use our narcs. We’re only doing surveillance, remember?”

      “What if one of them is the leak?”

      “My friend didn’t think he would draw any heat if it was taken down. If it was one of the narcs, they wouldn’t have turned me into an informant in the first place. I trust them. Wish I could say the same for the rest of their office — or our own people.”


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