Biophysical Therapy of Allergies. Peter Schumacher

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Biophysical Therapy of Allergies - Peter Schumacher

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       Diagnostic Errors

       Misdiagnosis of Immunological Test Results

       Testers' Errors

       Mistaken Use of the Terms Allergy and Intolerance

       Geopathic Stress

       Acquired Stress Factors

       Psychological Factors

       Achievements of Biophysical Allergy Therapy

       Part II: Allergies—Clinical Studies

       8 Hay Fever




       Therapy 1

       Biophysical Therapy of Hay Fever

       Therapy Using Inverse Oscillation and Avoidance of the Allergen (Program 999)

       Therapy Results in 1991

       Therapeutic Use of Combined Antigens

       Therapy Methods without Avoidance of the Allergen

       9 Inhalation Allergies



       Allergies to Mold Fungi



       Allergies to Synthetic Substances

       Polyester Allergy (Toy Asthma)


       Other Allergies to Synthetic Substances

       Allergies to Animal Epithelia

       Allergy to Horses

       Allergy to Sheep's Wool

       Allergy to Goose Down


       Allergies to Other Bird Feathers

       The Problem with House Dust Mites

       10 Bronchial Asthma



       11 Ingestion Allergies

       Acute Food Allergies

       Mold fungi As Ingested Allergens

       Allergies to Food Additives



       Approved Food Coloring and Dyes (E100–180)

       Preservatives (E200–290)



       Flavor Enhancers

       Aromatic Essences and Extracts


       Allergies to Medications

       12 Neurodermatitis



       Clinical Symptomatology

       Wheat Neurodermatitis

       Cow's Milk Neurodermatitis

       A Combination of Wheat and Cow's Milk Neurodermatitis

       Infectious Complications of Neurodermatitis

       Neurodermatitis and Mycosis

       The Symptomatology of Candida Neurodermatitis


       Avoidance of the Allergens

       Biophysical Allergy Therapy

       Fungal Therapy

       Topical Therapy of Neurodermatitis

       13 Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease

       14 Celiac Disease

       15 Allergies to Insect Venom




       16 Urticaria

       Symptoms of Urticaria

       Allergic Forms of Urticaria

       Non-allergic Forms of Urticaria



       Appendix: Information for Patients

       1 Cow's Milk Allergy

       Cow's Milk-Free Diet

       Foods That Always Contain Milk Protein

       Foods That May Contain Milk Protein

       Alternatives to Cow's Milk

       2 Wheat Allergy

       Wheat-Free Diet

       Foods That Always Contain Wheat Protein

       Foods That May Contain Wheat

       Wheat Alternatives

       3 Hyperergy

       Guidelines For the Avoidance of the Allergen in the Hyperergic Phase

       4 Intestinal Mycosis

       Guidelines For a Fungi-Reducing Diet



      This book was written based on my experience as a pediatrician. Having studied and worked within the paradigm of allopathic medicine for many years, it was by no means comfortable to leave the tradition of a university career and venture into unknown territory where the safety of scientific evidence soon disappears.

      At one point in my career while I was working for a university hospital, I started to feel unsettled. Having chosen the allopathic medical discipline, I was becoming increasingly specialized in a particular field of medicine. I felt, however, that I was losing what had originally motivated me to study medicine and become a physician. I was an expert in medical philosophy, which in fact seemed to serve only the scientific process (whatever that means). Its original mission—to help the ill—no longer seemed that important.

      I was preoccupied with these kinds of thoughts and feelings for quite some time. Consequently, I abruptly quit my university career. Hoping to be in immediate contact with patients and realizing my ideals of a medical practitioner, I opened my own private pediatric practice.

      Even then, the joy of working independently and maintaining my personal integrity soon diminished. I was growing increasingly unsettled again.

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