Pacific Seaweeds. Louis Druehl

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Pacific Seaweeds - Louis Druehl

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found in spray zone above high water mark, typically tough, fleshy or waxy leaves, with roots embedded in sand, mud or soil, p. 39


      Plants in intertidal or subtidal zones, with leaves arising from a root system, to 4 m/13 ft long, p. 45

      Green Seaweeds

      Seaweeds light to dark green, a “grass” green, p. 49


      Seaweeds thread-like or filamentous, less than 1 mm/0.04 in wide, p. 50

      Identifying Pacific Seaweeds

       Thumbnail Identification Guide | 35

      Unbranched Filaments

      Filament unbranched throughout, to 1 cm/0.4 in diameter, see Filaments, p. 51

      Branched Filaments

      Filament branches at least once, may be regular or irregular branching, to 1 cm/0.4 in diameter, see Filaments, p. 55


      Seaweeds leaf-like, 2 mm–50 cm/0.08–20 in wide,p. 60


      Seaweeds hollow tubes or cylinders, 2 mm–5 cm/ 0.08–2 in wide, 2 cm–50 cm/0.75–20 in long, p. 66

      Spongy texture

      Seaweeds spongy in texture, crusts and branched forms, to 50 cm/20 in in greatest dimension, p. 68

      Unicellular forms

      Seaweeds green dots, very small unicells in other seaweeds and animals, or in water causing pea soup-like appearance of tide pools, p. 70

      red Seaweeds

      Seaweeds yellowish to red to pink to purple, or, if hardened or calcareous, pink to purple, p. 74

      Hard crusts (calcified)

      Seaweeds crusts lacking upright portions, 2 mm–1 m/0.08 in–3 ft in diameter, p. 76

      Pacific Seaweeds

      36 | Thumbnail Identification Guide

      Branched and hardened (calcified)

      Seaweeds branched consisting of hardened seg-ments, to 30 cm/12 in long, p. 81

      Soft crusts

      Seaweeds soft crusts lacking upright portions, to 50 cm/20 in in diameter, p. 89

      Parasitic seaweeds

      Seaweeds parasitic on other red algae, weakly pigmented, less than 7 mm/0.25 in at greatest dimension, p. 93


      Seaweeds thread-like or filamentous, less than 1 mm/0.04 in wide, p. 96

      Solid or hollow cylinders

      Seaweeds cylindrical, may be sparsely branched, 2 mm–3 cm/0.08–1.2 in wide, to 20 cm/8 in long, p. 106

      Blades with regular bumps

      Seaweeds bladed with pronounced bumps, no or little branching, to 1 m/3 ft long, p. 109

      Blades with ribs and veins

      Seaweeds bladed with conspicuous ribs, often branched, to 40 cm/16 in long, p. 114

      Simple blades

      Seaweeds bladed and simple, not repeatedly branched, to 1 m/3 ft long, p. 121

      Branched in one plane, flattened

      Seaweeds repeatedly branched mostly in one plane, flattened, to 40 cm/16 in long, p. 131

      Bushy branched

      Seaweeds repeatedly branched in all dimensions, bushy, to 50 cm/20 in long, p. 145

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