Leading Intercessions. Raymond Chapman

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Leading Intercessions - Raymond Chapman

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do not know the way . . . Grant, to all who suffer, the vision of Christ risen and glorified, at the right hand of the Father.

      May the Lord who has gone before to prepare a place for us, receive the souls of the faithful and grant them the perfect knowledge of his love.

      We pray in the name of the Son, in whom the Father is revealed and glorified.


      Let us pray in the Spirit who gives us the means and the grace to pray.

      As we profess our love, inspire us to give proof of love by keeping your commandments . . . Grant that the Church may be always guided by the Spirit of truth.

      As you have created all things, and made our whole human race of one blood, bring harmony and peace to the peoples of the world . . . Dispel the darkness of ignorance, that all may fully know you and worthily worship you.

      Unite in love the members of our local community . . . Let the Holy Spirit dwell in our homes and give us peace.

      Set free all who are held in ignorance and superstition . . . Bring into true faith those whose desire for forbidden knowledge has led them into evil ways.

      As Christ came after his Passion to release the departed souls, so may his presence always bring comfort to the dying and eternal life to those who have died.

      Rejoicing that we live in the ever-living Christ, we pray in his name.


      With hearts and minds lifted to Christ who has ascended on high, let us pray.

      As we join with all Christian people in giving praise for the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, we pray for the Church that he left to continue his work on earth . . . Faithful to her calling, may she witness to his glory by declaring and practising his saving love.

      We pray that through the glorified humanity of Jesus all people may be brought to a better understanding of our human nature . . . By your power, renew this world that is upheld in your love . . . Teach all to respect the dignity and rights of others as children of one Father.

      Grant that in our daily lives our vision may not be limited by present concerns . . . May all that we do, in our families and in our work, be seen in the light of Christ and offered to him as the Master of all our service.

      Have mercy on all who suffer in body or mind . . . Give them strength and hope in the Ascended Christ . . . May his passage from suffering to glory lift them out of their troubles into new life.

      We pray for all who have gone where Christ has led, whose human nature has been transformed in his presence . . . Teach us to be ready to follow them, confident in his love and guided by his example.

      We offer these prayers through the divine power of Christ, shed abroad in all the world.


      Let us pray to the Father, glorified in the Son to whom all things in heaven and earth are given.

      May all Christian people be one in the glory of Christ . . . Bless evangelists and preachers, that your Church may make the faith known to all nations.

      Draw the races and nations of the world together in better understanding . . . Break down the barriers of hostility and ignorance that hold your children apart.

      Make us bearers of your word to those among whom we live . . . May we be sensitive to discern and heal the misunderstandings that cause division.

      Comfort and relieve those who suffer for their faith . . . Protect your chosen ones who are rejected by the world.

      Grant to the departed the eternal life in which is true knowledge of God in Christ . . . May they for ever share in his glory.

      We pray through Jesus Christ, who has called us to the true knowledge of God.


      In the power of the Holy Spirit that we have received by grace, let us pray.

      Grant to the Church strength, wisdom and judgement through the Holy Spirit . . . Release in your people the power of a living witness to the whole world, fulfilling your command to those who seek to follow you in truth.

      Have mercy on a world where there is often speech without communication, relationships without love, and where people are separated by barriers of race and nationality . . . Send your Holy Spirit to show men and women their true needs and teach them to live together without fear.

      Grant us right judgement in our families, friendships and work . . . May we know your presence in every situation . . . Give us grace to reflect your love in our care for those with whom we share our lives.

      Break through the darkness of unhappy lives with the light of your healing and guidance . . . Have mercy on those who have never known you . . . Redeem and restore those who have lost the faith they once had.

      We pray for those who now rejoice in the perfect knowledge and unclouded vision of your nearer presence . . . May we who know and worship you imperfectly here come at last into that same eternal light.

      May our prayers be worthy to stand in the pure light of the Holy Spirit.



      Let us pray with faith to the blessed and glorious Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

      Preserve your Church in the true faith, to acknowledge with awe and reverence the mystery of the Holy Trinity . . . Fill our worship with adoration . . . Give us due humility and assurance as members of the Church which you have created, loved and sanctified.

      Open human eyes to the wonder of things unseen . . . Make all lives richer in the hope of blessings more than we can comprehend . . . Give clearer vision to those in positions of power and influence.

      Grant to us in our own lives a share in the mutual love of the Holy Trinity . . . May that unbroken harmony be shown in our families, in our work and in all our relationships.

      Have mercy on those whose lives are crippled by strain and anxiety in themselves, and hostility to others . . . Release their tension, give them inward peace, restore them to the wholeness which is your will for all.

      We pray for the departed who in this world held fast to the faith of the Holy Trinity and now adore you for ever . . . May their example strengthen and prepare us for the coming of joy made complete and love made perfect in your heavenly Kingdom.

      May our prayers be received in the unity of the Holy Trinity, three Persons and one God.

       PROPER 4

      Let us pray to our heavenly Father, who calls us into his Kingdom.

      Strengthen your Church to stand firmly on her divine foundation in Christ . . . May the faith which we profess be shown in works of justice, care and compassion.

      Lead all people into the way of truth . . . When choice is demanded, grant true judgement so that the world may grow closer to the way of salvation.

      Keep us constant in Christian love for all who come into our lives . . . Show us ways in which we can make our faith a clear sign to others . . . Protect our community from the foolishness that brings destruction.

      Have mercy on all who have gone astray and chosen evil ways . . . Give greater assurance to those who are afraid or ashamed to confess their faith.

      Receive into your Kingdom the souls of those who have died . . . Redeemed by grace, may they be forgiven for their sins and rest in peace.

      Trusting in Jesus Christ, the only sure foundation, we make our prayers in his name.

       PROPER 5

      Let us pray to God, who hears the prayers of sinners who trust in his mercy.


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